Monday, June 21, 2010

O hai. Say hello to red-haired chick.

My mom is going to streak my hair with red today. I'd say highlight, but most people seem to perceive highlighting as streaking 80% of your hair orangeybrowneyblonde whereas I'm going for the opposite effect.

I wanted bold, thick purple blocks of hair...or maybe just a simple, bold stripe down one side. I never really fancied those highlight jobs where they comb a whole mound of gunk into your hair and call it a day. (Glorified dye job ~__~)

However, the only purple I could find (from the one and only shop I visited, yea yea lazy bum) was those auntie-purples which are actually pinkish-maroon and look like the back of your throat.

I wanted Hitgirl purple!

*___* I haven't watched Kickass yet but I fell in love with her hair - it's what I've always wanted! T__T In streaks though, I sincerely doubt I could carry off a whole head of violet. I bought extensions before but there were numerous problems with this:

1. They are ramrod straight and my hair is wavy. I don't style my hair so it looks retarded. Like spaghetti trying to blend in with the maggi crowd.

2. The only extensions I could find that are violet are all synthetic hair, so they feel plasticky AND they tangle like fucking thread! I didn't know this - I found out when I ran a comb violently through my hair and ripped out one of my extensions. -.- What's worse is that it was the glue-on kind, not a clip-on, so it left a chunk of glue on my hair that felt like hardened snot. ARGH.

3. Maybe I just suck, but I couldn't wash my scalp properly! The extensions were perhaps 2cm away from the roots so I could just get my fingers under them but I couldn't move around to scrub my scalp else I'd loosen them/rip them out.

4. The salon did a shitty job with hiding the part where they attached it. You could see GLUE on my head like someone hurled a spitball and magically transformed my black hair into scraggly violet streaks.

5. Some of them spontaneously fell off after being loosened by multiple attempted scalp scrubbings in the shower. OMG hello embarassment!

I am so traumatized by the whole hair extension experience that I never did get round to using the other 10 violet strands that I had left. If you want them, let me know o.o

Later on, I had 2 failed DIY dye jobs.

Now, I am a complete style (hair/makeup/clothes) n00b, so please don't cramp yourself laughing when I tell you that I tried dying my black hair red without prior bleaching.


(Har har Yi Ling tried this too suckah :X)

That was the first time, courtesy of a box of Schwarzkopf temporary hair colour, a plastic bag draped around my shoulders and Amanda's help.

The SECOND time was in Penang with my cousin and mom. Cousin and mom both dyed their hair brown, whereas she bought purple for me.

I wasn't so sure if she bought violet, cause it was those professional' dye boxes that have a stamped on number instead of a pic/colour swatch.

Ffs, if you're so professional, you could at least afford to have customized boxes for every colour instead mass producing them and then stamping on codes that have to be deciphered with a swatch book.

What if you stamp on the wrong number and a whole batch of auntie brown gets mixed up with anime grey? Then you'd get a whole bunch of angry aunties who think the dye is not working (cause their hair is already grey HAHA) and a whole bunch of lalas who also think the dye is not working (cause their hair is already brown DOUBLE HAHA!)

But whatever. I digress (as usual) and back to the story - It didn't work.

Yay! A summary!

Basically my cousin mixed 12% bleach (apparently 4 times the regular amount - I have no idea) WITH the hair dye and let me sit with foil sticking out of my head for 2 hours (double the recommended time - I also don't know) and when I eagerly peeled it off, hands trembling with anticipation - voila! It was BLACK!


So this is my THIRD try, and hopefully we do EVERYTHING right. I bought from my cousin's regular shop with has NO violet (so I decided on red) so THANK GOD it didn't work the last time or I'd have AUNTIE-PURPLE hair. HELL NOOOOOO!

Mom's gone out to buy the foil and I'm sitting here with clean, dry hair, raring to go. Go go go!

On another note, I've started playing CS again and MAN I SUCK BALLS.

My AK is like a fucking popcorn machine! Everytime I shoot a bullet I startle myself a little with the recoil. My god -.-

Same with m4, however mild the recoil is in comparison.

However, I did a 1v3 in awp_india last night and came out with 180 - 80.

Haha, maybe they're just noobs/lagging/whatever but feels pretty nice anyhow.

Alrights, gonna play CS while waiting for mom to come home and murder my hair. Goodbyeeeeeee : )