Friday, January 26, 2007


I think I'm going nuts! Whee!

Dunno why la, seems my mood swings can go from:

Sleepy Cheerful Annoyed Giggly Telling Lame Jokes Bitching about anything and everything Hungry I NEED TO DO HOMEWORK! super Bad Mood Super sien zzzz....

...and back Sleepy.

Yup, that's my average mood cycle for one day.
Life is good.

I'm going for my co-co meetings.
I'm not pontenging school tomorrow (it's Hari Membina Azam) as is my custom.
I'm doing my homework (most, anyway.)

I'm such an angel!

But every white cloud has a murky lining.
...I'm not paying attention to a single thing my teachers say.

Not that it matters much.

My Bio teacher:
"So the lymphocytes can do is able to..."

Like, yerwot? No one is laughing? THIS IS SO WRONG! SOMEONE LAUGH!
Are we so used to broken english until we are completely oblivious to it anymore?

My English teacher:
"This script has SUCH a dramatic twist, so unpredictable!"

Now I'm not criticising the script in question, but the teacher's IQ level.
Like, hello? I could predict the ending when I was on the second page of the script.
So would anyone if they've seen One Tree Hill (or had an ounce of sense in them anyhow)

BM teacher not here.

Add Maths teacher bores me to death. (Not like I can't do my homework if I don't listen to her. I don't even know what I go to school for, the teacher's are all hopeless.)

Chem teacher has a forest growing in her armpits. (I am NOT kidding. Go check it out yourself. You would think people who like to grow armpit hair would refrain from wearing sleeveless stuff, but NOOOOO)

Sejarah teacher not here.

EST teacher is horrible annoying. He totally badmouthed our class (5K girls are inattentive cretins) so I'm not going to listen to a thing he says from now on.

Physics teacher lectures us 45 minutes per class about how much WE like to waste time. (Har Har.)

Moral teacher is despicable.

Maths teacher has a voice like a man but is otherwise pretty ok.

But I digress.

My point is (...finally!) that I'm behaving comparatively well in school this year. =D
Me ish lyke a supa-dupa angel! 0:-)

Except for the fact it is 12.30 am and I should be fast asleep instead of typing this crap.

Song of the Day:

"Call Me - Blondie"

Lalala...Watch American Idol auditions if you think your life sucks.
They suck worse. =P
I'm so wu liao...

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