Sunday, June 10, 2007


Holidays end tomorrow! T.T

I have my moral folio to do!
Pictures yet to be developed!

I can probably finish writing the report tomorrow, but the pictures are another story.

I am going to take pictures of myself - sweeping the floor, mopping it, grooming my dog and wiping the table.

None of which I actually do, except groom my dog occasionally.

Do those count as helping around the house?


Anyway it seems that my iPod is very well loved. ^^

Today I collected my free gift - an Apple radio remote worth RM209!


So now Khaielaash has to shuddup.
Cannot say that iPod is so lame that it cannot receive radio!
=P Ha!

But my Pod is rather laggy, and it's becoming quite a nuisance.
At first I thought it was a temporary thing, maybe it's because of first time use or something.
Then it hanged! (Hung! Whatever.)

...My old iPod used to do that, but I simply cannot accept such behaviour from a brand spanking new gadget! No!

Gotta have it checked out.

And my friends were checking out the pictures I uploaded (ALL the photos stored on my comp, including Yap's camwhore pics, lol! XDDD)

Someone thinks JL is hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwt~

Haha, should fix you two up la.
But I think JL will have none of that nonsense, what with her new friend and all.
Nyeh =P

And IS it so unbelievable that I don't have a boyfriend?
How many times must I say, I don't want one!
Not now!
I'm so busy with my life! (DotA, pokemon, watching anime, wowwee what a life...o_O)

They used to harass me.

"So who's your boyfriend huh?"
"No one."
"Don't lie la~"
"Don't have la!"
"Tell la!"

After numerous rounds of such occasions, that exchange slowly turned into:

"So who's your boyfriend now?"
"Changes everyday."
"Ya, one for each day of the week."
*self-satisfied smirk*

And the harassing ended there.

So today, they asked for pictures.


"Don't have la."
"Why not?"
"I don't have a boyfriend."
[=.=;] "Don't lie la..."
"Don't have dah lah!"
"But you said got!"
"Because because..." [gives up]



*slaps everyone*

Anyway, I bought a skirt today.
Yes, another one.
I haven't even worn the first one yet.

And for the record, this one reaches my kneecaps.
(Though sadly it is too short to cover those knobbly things, heheh)

Mom keeps telling people:

"Oh Stephanie bought a miniskirt today!"
"Whaaaaaat? Where got mini?"
"2 inches above the knee you know!"
"NO LA!"
"Why? Mini skirt good what! I like you wearing mini skirts!"

*grabs new skirt and holds it up against self*

"See? It reaches my knee cap hor?"

*Mom reaches out and pokes flesh, er, bone, below jeans*

"Haih, nevermind. Lost my 'I wanna wear a skirt' mood already." [T.T]

Anyway, I'm finding skirts such an attractive option right now.
I mean, it's so easy to go to the toilet!

Serious! Makes you wonder why ever want to wear jeans and fiddle with the stiff zipper and all that.

I can even see why Scotsmen wear kilts now.
Good thinking ye Scotties!


Anyway, Mom was telling me how clever she was in choosing my birthday present.

"So you like your present right?"
"Yes! Like! Very likeylike!"
"Ya, I was thinking between getting you the iPod and a dog..."
"A dog? DOG!"
"Oh, you wanted the dog ah?"


"Oh nonono! I mean, you said liao I cannot have another dog, and I'm going overseas in a couple of years and I cannot bring it along..."
"OH NOT DOG LA! Dork! I wanted to buy you a dork. You know? D-O-R-K?"
"HUH? Why do you want to buy me a dork? How can you buy me a dork?"
"Why cannot? I thought you wanted, you know, the iPod dork?"

*holds hands two feet apart and waves them up and down vigourously*

"Aiyo mommy! That's a dock la! D-O-C-K! You know what a dork is or not?"
"A geek, a nerd, that kind of people!"
"OH! LOL!"

Yes, my mom really said lol.
She picked that up from me.

LOL! My mommy so very the funny hor? =)

Song of the Day:

"Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down"

Manymanymanymanymany more songs to download! Whee!
(I've only used 8/80 GB so far ^^)


Denise said...

HAHAHAHa! I have more than 10GB worth of photos and videos. Give you to fill up space la. =P

YL said...

and you learned "lol" from me.
