I've been simpsonized!
...More like sister to brother hor?
Haha, it's such a fantastic time waster!
You just upload a pic, they simpsonize you, then you fine tune the final image.
I got the eyebrows, the nose, the eyes (a bit wrong,) the hair is almost there (but not really,) the necklace, the black t-shirt, the double piercing.
In fact, everything's there except the mouth!
There isn't a mouth like mine!
But otherwise it's pretty funny, haha.
I have awesome holy-shit-worthy hair wei!
I walked into the staff room yesterday, and a grand total of FIVE teachers were taken aback (Read: from shock to annoyance to total horror) by my hair.
I know, I know, I'm so pointless and childish to chop off my hair just to piss my teachers off for the final time.
Oh well. =P
The comments I got were mostly:
Mengapa tak seimbang?
Pendek sangat! Tak boleh la!
Melanggar peraturan ni...
Nampak macam lelaki la, mana boleh?!
Ish, macam ayam la.
Pendek sangat! Tak boleh la!
Melanggar peraturan ni...
Nampak macam lelaki la, mana boleh?!
Ish, macam ayam la.
Macam ayam!
Like a chicken!
Fantastic analogy, teacher.
It is so ironic that my hair used to be compared to a sarang burung by Puan Siva.
Now when I FINALLY get it cut...sarang burung menjadi ayam pula.
My teacher asked me, all annoyed and stern:
"Apa ni rambut kamu? Mengapa pendek sangat, tak boleh la! Puan Norrizan sudah tengok rambut kamu belum?"
"Tak tau la. Cikgu semua macam ini, terlalu panjang tak suka, dahlah potong pendek juga tak suka!"
"Tak tau la. Cikgu semua macam ini, terlalu panjang tak suka, dahlah potong pendek juga tak suka!"
Who won? =/
Song of the Day:
"Showbiz - Muse"
Fantastic song, one of my favourites.
HAHAHA! your hair so popular ^^
mengapa tak seimbang? sounds like anusha. hahahaha. alaa.. guess i have to wait till spm la to see ur new hair.
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