Monday, February 25, 2008


In the previous post, I mentioned that Swarna and I pranked Sam today.

He was just pissing me off.

The first time he told me I make such an attractive boy I thought it was hilarious.
The second time, I was amused.
The third time, I was indifferent.

The fourth time, I felt like grabbing him and smashing his head into the wall and breaking his nose while he cried for mercy.


Now, he has taken to calling me 'hey, brother!'

"Hey, brother!"
"Heyyyyyyyyyyyy, little sis! How ya doing?"

The first time was okay.
Then he did it again in the cafeteria while I was hurrying my Econs homework.

"Hey brother!"
"...One day, I'm am going to lose my temper, and trust me, you. will. NOT. like. it."

I snarled.
Swarna said:

"He's really testing you isn't he?"
"The first time was funny. It's getting really, really, old now."

Sam walked off.
There was an Econs text book lying on the table.

"Hey, isn't this Sam's?"
"I don't care."
"We'd better give it back to him."

I was still irked about the whole thing.

"Hey, let's ask him to lend us his text book later!"
"Ah? Haha, okay!"

And thus, evil plan hatched from the seedlings of darkness planted in my mind.

On the way to class, I ran into him and his group of friends again.

"Hey, brother!"
"Heyy, sis. You want some milk?"

I wave my carton of chocolate milk cheerfully, thinking of what I was going to do to him later.

"I really think you need some...want some? I can definitely spare mine! For you."

I looked him up and down critically.
Emphasis being on the 'down.'

"... ...Yer! Don't do this la!"
"Huh. Shorty."

I turned and walked to class.

Swarna scribbled on a piece of orange post-it:

"Sam can I see your econs book?"

I snorted.
I tapped Terrence who was sitting in front of me and he passed the note to Sam.
Sam started rummaging around.

In his backpack.

On the table.

In the drawer.

He looked each place about 3 times and stood up with a panicked look on his face.

"Teacher, I left something downstairs."

He hurried to the door.

"Steph! Steph! Did you hear what he said? Call him! CALL HIM!"

Swarna said all this in a frantic whisper.

"He's gonna go downstairs to get his book! Tell him we have it!"
"That's for being such a pain in the ass."
"Steph you're so bad!"

I snicker.

Sam pulled the door shut behind him and we had to stifle our laughter.

"Okay OKAY I'll CALL him!"

...nombor yang anda dail...

I hung up.

"Okay, phone's off, it's his fault now. ^^"

Our classroom was on the 4th floor, the cafeteria was on ground floor.

I smiled happily just thinking about it.

"Swarna, can I have a post-it?"

I scribbled.

Thanks for the book, Sam! =)

I stuck the neon orange post-it prominently on the black-and-white cover of his photocopied Econs book.

I tap Terrence again.
He handed ithe book to Tung Herr, who was sitting beside Sam.

Right then, the classroom door opened to reveal a breathless and worried looking Sam.

Wordlessly, the book was handed over to him.


He glared at us.
Swarna giggled.
I sip my chocolate milk innocently with a 'who, me?' look plastered on my face.

Sweet, sweet revenge.

The look on his face?
Priceless. =x

Song of the Day:

"Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis"

I hate it when people annoy me.
They make me do bad, bad things. x.x


Denise said...


YL said...


I suppose they dont know about this blog eh?

(btw...bleeding love is an annoying song....reminds me of period. -_- )