Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Feigned Indifference

The main point being 'feigned.'

Needless to say, I am NOT looking forward to getting left on ground level tomorrow while my friends rise above (aka getting on stage) to acknowledge their straight As.


Sui is confident she'll do well - ignore her whinings of 'no la where got?' BULLSHIT! ._.
Abigail, I'm even more convinced she'll get 11As.
Lyana got a forecast of only 1B, BEFORE pumping grades.
Siew got the same forecast results as I had BEFORE pumping.

At least I always have Sabrina to keep me company.
Not that she gives shit about her results anyway.

And then there's Kenny and Robin.
Both got straight As for PMR, while I just sat staring at the B marring my results slip.

Robin is also a PTS student, so there's no excuse if I fail to get equal or better than either of them.

I don't get it.
People always make me out like I'm smarter or more intelligent than they are - but where's the proof?

It's a whole load of bullshit, I say.

I'm underperforming now, even.
Den says SAM is so easy - and look, I've collected 2 Cs already.

I have no motivation to study at all.

Yet, I don't want to see my mom sad because I failed to perform according to her standards.
Heck, I didn't even try my best.
I mean, I did in the short amount of time that I actually studied I did (3 weeks before SPM) but yeah, I could've started earlier, right?

I know both my parents were disappointed at my PMR results.
I mean look, Den got straight As.

And yes, I know, some people are telling me to stfu, be happy with that many As already.
But what they can't understand that each individual has their own expectations of themselves.

It is up to us whether we are satisfied with our results or not, to hell with your opinion that 7/10 As is sufficient.


And so, I manage to kick myself in the face and piss people off simultaneously with my words.

Oh well. Too late for regrets.
(Yet, they're still there. Heh.)

At least I can make myself go to school to face my results.
Unlike *cough, cough, cough* Ling *chokes*


Come teman me la.
I'm gonna freaking stand alone in the hall ok?
While people run around screaming with happiness/sobbing like its the end of the world.

Despite what I claim most of the time, my results DO matter to me.
Just not in such a big way - like some obsessive people.
(Asking me whether I could sleep tonight. Duh. -.-)

Results are measure of how well I CAN do: And what does a bunch of Bs, or God forbid, Cs, say?


Please. Please.
8 As and above. T_____T

I feel useless already.
Not that I'm stupid, but I'm a lazy deviant who refuses to make use of whatever brains she's been given.

Okay. End of self-pity.
I will do my work, and get A for Accounts.
And at least a B for IT.

It's my fault.
It's all my fault.

Song of the Day:

"Desecration Smile - RHCP"

If you want to know, call me.
Don't worry, I won't hang up on you. ^^''

1 comment:

Denise said...

Woi stop mis-quoting me can or not! SAM IS easy, when I compare it with uni. =D
Take it easy. You're still in transition. Having never done 3/5 of your subjects before.
Jia you!