The Mystery of the Vanishing Battle Fury.

Zeo accussed me of getting rid of his battle fury (some item in DotA)
We were all truly confused as to HOW an item could disappear - it's not like it drops/vanishes upon death like a Rapier or Aegis. At first he assumed that someone stole it/sold it, but the new versions disallow people to use or pawn items that belong to others.
However, items can still be destroyed.
Well yea, it suddenly vanished and I became the scapegoat. -_-
Earlier, I accidentally picked up someone's item by walking on it, but I realised it less than a minute later and returned it.
He said that I was RIGHT on top of the item before it vanished - I must have destroyed it.
There are numerous ways an item could disappear.
1. It can be sold
2. It can be destroyed
3. It can be picked up by an ally or enemy
Well, to pick up an item you right click it.
To destroy it, you hold down the A button and left click it.
How could I have mistakenly destroyed his item then?
And why the hell would I do it on purpose?
For one thing, I just instructed my hero to go back to base before I turned to watch the action on other parts of the map.
Then suddenly he started cursing and asking where his battle fury went.
After many rounds of arguing, he said nevermind, forget it. But I could still feel that he was angry at me.

Feeling extremely dissatisfied at being accussed so bluntly, yet somewhat unsure of myself - accidents DO happen, especially if your body is on autopilot - I sat down and watched the replay.
53 freaking minutes I sat through at 8x speed until I reached the part where the item mysteriously vanished. I slowed it down to real speed.
Zeo was at base combining items to make recipes.
Terrorblade was running around in circles, regenerating.
I was walking home from the top lane.
Zeo put the item down on the ground slightly above him - so that the body of his hero blocked it from sight.
At the same time, I reached base and walked directly on top of the item.
Terrorblade, wandering around previously, walked upward and stood on the same spot as well.
AND - what are the odds? - at the very same moment, a dead hero respawned at the same place.
The colourful animation obscured the spot I was trying so very hard to see.
However, it was certain that the item was destroyed, as opposed to picked up and sold.
I heard the 'crack' sound of an item being broken as I walked into base.
I was 90% sure that the sound happened JUST before I reached the fountain.
But since visual evidence is impossible to obtain (I tried viewing the footage from every angle) - how it vanished and who destroyed it will always remain a mystery.
And I guess I'll always be labeled as the accidental item destroyer/stealer from now on.

I didn't do it! I'm innocent!
He doesn't believe me...
Sigh. Anyway, something really stupid happened while I was playing CS in Ftz today.
I was playing with Ying against Zircoco and another opponent who was so-so (around as good - or bad - as I was; maybe slightly better.)
Ying and I were being pawned repeatedly. I mean, 2 noobs on the same team versus a so-so player and a more experienced one, what do you expect?
Anyhow, I was in a relatively good mood today. Yesterday some other fella - bu$hy - and his teammate both bought snipers - Awps; horrible one-hit KO stuff - and bullied Ying and I to kingdom come.
2 experienced snipers versus 2 noob handgun users (we were practising our Desert Eagles)
Even if you don't know shit about CS, you could tell me with 100% certainty which team was be victorious.
Run out and BAM! You're dead without even getting a good look of the sniper's position.
And they NEVER got tired of it! They just kept killing the both of us relentlessly. I mean, it may be fun to pawn noobs after a while - I don't really mind dying once in a while - but don't you get BORED? WTF!
Spawn, snipe, end of round.
Spawn, snipe, end of round.
Spawn, snipe, end of round.
And it went on and on.
Use rifle la at least, pls. We're both using handguns.
I left the game. -_-
Screw them!
Well, anyway, I digress.
Back to today's less-than-stellar-yet-better-than-yesterday's performance.
Ying and the other guy were dead.
Only Zircoco and I remained.
I was carrying the Deagle and rounding the corner of the catwalk when I heard rifle fire.
I flinched when I saw him and started firing.
I was just about to melt in the agony of embarassment when I wondered why I wasn't dead yet.
Normally I'd be dead within the first 3 shots - if I wasn't killed by a headshot immediately.
Then I paused - oh who cared if I died AGAIN? - and took a good look.
snowbunnie: HAHAHAHA
He was running around - as Jon would say: a headless chicken - with his AK pointed in the air, raining pellets down upon the both of us.
He started laughing.
I couldn't bring myself to continue shooting as I knew I WOULD miss the subsequent shots and further embarass myself by taking forever - oh, 10 minutes or so? -to pawn someone who wasn't even FIRING at me.
Viv was urging me to faster take out my handgun and shoot him!
I didn't bother to tell her that I WASN'T out of ammunition like she assumed (why else would I be running around staring at my opponent without shooting?) and that I WAS already using my handgun - I didn't buy a rifle.
snowbunnie: LOL come come
I drew my knife.
I KNEW I would die, but save some dignity ma...better than letting him allow me to pawn him for free (and take 30 shots to do so.)
And that is how I got knifed today.

I get knifed everytime I play CS in Ftz, but today's experience was just plain amusing.
It was on a fair playing level too - I wasn't backstabbed. (I was at 54 hp from the pellets raining down from the sky though, but oh well =x)
Hehe, and I felt exceedingly smug when I pawned the stupid bully bu$hy 3 times today with my handgun. Big fat bully was using his beloved sniper again and I was being Rambo with a titchy gun again. D:
I pawned him once by luck with a headshot.
I pawned him another time while he missed the first shot by rampaging toward him as he reloaded.
I pawned him another time by jumping all over the place so he couldn't lock in on me and firing vaguely in his direction.

And I'm so gleeful about the second time too, because I was actually caught between two snipers.
Both missed and I took down the first one pretty easily - his back was turned towards me and by the time he whirled around I'd already put a good 4 bullets in him.
Then, I waited for the next BAM then ran to the nearest crate and popped out inches from the second sniper's face. Heehee. Thank God for the reload time on the stupid Awp.
But overall, I fed like WOOT today.
I kept dying for no good reason.
It's like I have deteriorated and now I'm playing like I just learned CS again.
Oh well.
Today I almost drove Viv ballistic as she taught me how to play pool.
Admittedly, I suck at most sports but my pool...whoa.
I can hit the cue ball in the completely wrong direction altogether.
Lol, she was so tense I didn't know whether to laugh or pity her for having such a horrible student that had zero spatial judgment.
Almost skewered a few people with the cue stick too.
Well, at least she didn't start screaming at me.
I know I kept repeating some mistakes, but hey, it was my first time. Eventually I did learn not to flick the cue stick up after hitting the ball and to grip it properly between my thumb and index finger so it wouldn't wobble all over the place as I took my shot.
Both my wrists ached after playing, but it was fun.
We went karaoke-ing for roughly 10 minutes after that. K-box just opened on the first floor of Asia Cafe - it's together with the pool arena and singing is free until this Sunday, I believe.
That's the only word needed to describe our vocal prowess then.

It rained early this morning and I was stuck in a massive traffic jam on the way to Subang.
I reached school 35 minutes late for my English paper. I finished it in 15 minutes and managed to hand it in.
This means that I don't have to go for the last session during English class tomorrow!
Well, mom gave me the all-clear to ponteng for the first time this year to stay home and work on my portfolio with Yap.
So, no school tomorrow (I've also managed to talk Jon out of going to school tomorrow LOL I'm such a good influence - in my defense, he already didn't intend to go
Ok. Gonna sleep now.
Long artsy fartsy day tomorrow.
Sui, I'll do your tag tomorrow with Ling, ok?
Good night.

Zeo accussed me of getting rid of his battle fury (some item in DotA)
We were all truly confused as to HOW an item could disappear - it's not like it drops/vanishes upon death like a Rapier or Aegis. At first he assumed that someone stole it/sold it, but the new versions disallow people to use or pawn items that belong to others.
However, items can still be destroyed.
Well yea, it suddenly vanished and I became the scapegoat. -_-
Earlier, I accidentally picked up someone's item by walking on it, but I realised it less than a minute later and returned it.
He said that I was RIGHT on top of the item before it vanished - I must have destroyed it.
There are numerous ways an item could disappear.
1. It can be sold
2. It can be destroyed
3. It can be picked up by an ally or enemy
Well, to pick up an item you right click it.
To destroy it, you hold down the A button and left click it.
How could I have mistakenly destroyed his item then?
And why the hell would I do it on purpose?
For one thing, I just instructed my hero to go back to base before I turned to watch the action on other parts of the map.
Then suddenly he started cursing and asking where his battle fury went.
After many rounds of arguing, he said nevermind, forget it. But I could still feel that he was angry at me.
Feeling extremely dissatisfied at being accussed so bluntly, yet somewhat unsure of myself - accidents DO happen, especially if your body is on autopilot - I sat down and watched the replay.
53 freaking minutes I sat through at 8x speed until I reached the part where the item mysteriously vanished. I slowed it down to real speed.
Zeo was at base combining items to make recipes.
Terrorblade was running around in circles, regenerating.
I was walking home from the top lane.
Zeo put the item down on the ground slightly above him - so that the body of his hero blocked it from sight.
At the same time, I reached base and walked directly on top of the item.
Terrorblade, wandering around previously, walked upward and stood on the same spot as well.
AND - what are the odds? - at the very same moment, a dead hero respawned at the same place.
The colourful animation obscured the spot I was trying so very hard to see.
However, it was certain that the item was destroyed, as opposed to picked up and sold.
I heard the 'crack' sound of an item being broken as I walked into base.
I was 90% sure that the sound happened JUST before I reached the fountain.
But since visual evidence is impossible to obtain (I tried viewing the footage from every angle) - how it vanished and who destroyed it will always remain a mystery.
And I guess I'll always be labeled as the accidental item destroyer/stealer from now on.
I didn't do it! I'm innocent!
Sigh. Anyway, something really stupid happened while I was playing CS in Ftz today.
I was playing with Ying against Zircoco and another opponent who was so-so (around as good - or bad - as I was; maybe slightly better.)
Ying and I were being pawned repeatedly. I mean, 2 noobs on the same team versus a so-so player and a more experienced one, what do you expect?
Anyhow, I was in a relatively good mood today. Yesterday some other fella - bu$hy - and his teammate both bought snipers - Awps; horrible one-hit KO stuff - and bullied Ying and I to kingdom come.
2 experienced snipers versus 2 noob handgun users (we were practising our Desert Eagles)
Even if you don't know shit about CS, you could tell me with 100% certainty which team was be victorious.
Run out and BAM! You're dead without even getting a good look of the sniper's position.
And they NEVER got tired of it! They just kept killing the both of us relentlessly. I mean, it may be fun to pawn noobs after a while - I don't really mind dying once in a while - but don't you get BORED? WTF!
Spawn, snipe, end of round.
Spawn, snipe, end of round.
Spawn, snipe, end of round.
And it went on and on.
Use rifle la at least, pls. We're both using handguns.
I left the game. -_-
Screw them!
Well, anyway, I digress.
Back to today's less-than-stellar-yet-better-than-yesterday's performance.
Ying and the other guy were dead.
Only Zircoco and I remained.
I was carrying the Deagle and rounding the corner of the catwalk when I heard rifle fire.
I flinched when I saw him and started firing.
I was just about to melt in the agony of embarassment when I wondered why I wasn't dead yet.
Normally I'd be dead within the first 3 shots - if I wasn't killed by a headshot immediately.
Then I paused - oh who cared if I died AGAIN? - and took a good look.
snowbunnie: HAHAHAHA
He was running around - as Jon would say: a headless chicken - with his AK pointed in the air, raining pellets down upon the both of us.
He started laughing.
I couldn't bring myself to continue shooting as I knew I WOULD miss the subsequent shots and further embarass myself by taking forever - oh, 10 minutes or so? -to pawn someone who wasn't even FIRING at me.
Viv was urging me to faster take out my handgun and shoot him!
I didn't bother to tell her that I WASN'T out of ammunition like she assumed (why else would I be running around staring at my opponent without shooting?) and that I WAS already using my handgun - I didn't buy a rifle.
snowbunnie: LOL come come
I drew my knife.
I KNEW I would die, but save some dignity ma...better than letting him allow me to pawn him for free (and take 30 shots to do so.)
And that is how I got knifed today.
I get knifed everytime I play CS in Ftz, but today's experience was just plain amusing.
It was on a fair playing level too - I wasn't backstabbed. (I was at 54 hp from the pellets raining down from the sky though, but oh well =x)
Hehe, and I felt exceedingly smug when I pawned the stupid bully bu$hy 3 times today with my handgun. Big fat bully was using his beloved sniper again and I was being Rambo with a titchy gun again. D:
I pawned him once by luck with a headshot.
I pawned him another time while he missed the first shot by rampaging toward him as he reloaded.
I pawned him another time by jumping all over the place so he couldn't lock in on me and firing vaguely in his direction.
And I'm so gleeful about the second time too, because I was actually caught between two snipers.
Both missed and I took down the first one pretty easily - his back was turned towards me and by the time he whirled around I'd already put a good 4 bullets in him.
Then, I waited for the next BAM then ran to the nearest crate and popped out inches from the second sniper's face. Heehee. Thank God for the reload time on the stupid Awp.
But overall, I fed like WOOT today.
I kept dying for no good reason.
Oh well.
Today I almost drove Viv ballistic as she taught me how to play pool.
Admittedly, I suck at most sports but my pool...whoa.
I can hit the cue ball in the completely wrong direction altogether.
Lol, she was so tense I didn't know whether to laugh or pity her for having such a horrible student that had zero spatial judgment.
Well, at least she didn't start screaming at me.
Both my wrists ached after playing, but it was fun.
That's the only word needed to describe our vocal prowess then.
It rained early this morning and I was stuck in a massive traffic jam on the way to Subang.
I reached school 35 minutes late for my English paper. I finished it in 15 minutes and managed to hand it in.
This means that I don't have to go for the last session during English class tomorrow!
Well, mom gave me the all-clear to ponteng for the first time this year to stay home and work on my portfolio with Yap.
Ok. Gonna sleep now.
Long artsy fartsy day tomorrow.
Sui, I'll do your tag tomorrow with Ling, ok?
Good night.
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