Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Game Over


Got bitten in the arse today when he told me that he sometimes exaggerated on his emoness to test how soft I was and to get my attention. I knew it, that liar. mad

That just goes to show that I can still trust my intuition, whatever happens.
Well okay, now I don't have to pause whenever, wherever, just to reply him in case he gets all emofied.

Most people know I have a soft spot for friends with emotional problems, and I don't really mind giving up some time to make them feel not so alone. It's when they abuse it when I get annoyed.

As KC asked me about his 'sad story,' he asked me 'how do you know it's true? neutral'
I replied that no, I don't know if it's true and I DO have a strong feeling that he's lying/exaggerating. Yet, I told KC that I can't leave a possibly depressed person alone - don't play around with dangerous emotions, right?

Sometimes people think that I take my friends for granted, and even brush them off sometimes when I'm busy. But when they aren't feeling so good (and if I know about it) I will never push them away. It's like guilt punching me in the gut if I do.

And now that I know that he dramatises his tragedy and negativity on life just to kao lui...
Wah. I lazy layan edi lor.

Nick reminded me that he was in a very similar situation.
There was a girl he knew that had such a horrible outlook on life - everyone uses her, blames dad for not making enough money, got backstabbed by her friends, had nasty rumours spread about her when she confessed to the guy she liked...

He used to spend hours on the phone trying to placate her and comfort her.
She was the one who told him to cut himself when he felt sad.

Immediately I dismissed her as some attention-seeker.

There was a night where Nick was acting really childishly while playing DotA. His tone of voice was extremely irritable and whenever you asked him a simple question he'll tell you that he's busy and to get the fuck out of his lane and let him farm.

I remember screaming at him to not be so fucking childish and to grow up and play or to leave.

He was silent.

More than a month later, he revealed to me that the emo girl was on the other end of the line, threatening to take her life.
Wah fuck, now that I know about it, I feel quite bad.


There he was, busy talking a girl out of suicide and I was yelling at him for being rude and selfish.

Well, at the end of that fateful night, he was very quiet.
When the story was finally told to me, he said that he'd given up on trying to talk the stubborn child our of it and told her to screw it - kill herself, see if he cared.

He was an emotional wreck, because she may have well killed herself because of his harsh words.
Now I finally know why he was wound so tight that night.
Playing with one's life is no joke, even if it WAS an immature girl with issues.

But it had a happy ending.
At midnight, the girl called him - in tears - and said that no one had ever dared to tell her off like that, and that no, she didn't want to die without anyone caring.

Nick hooked her up with one of his close friends so that he could take care of her, and she's now more emotionally stable, according to him.

Happy endings. Highly underrated.

This wasn't the first story of its kind I've heard.
So perhaps you can understand further about why I was so reluctant to - in KC's words - tell him to 'fuck the hell off and leave me alone.'

Lol. I was so surprised at his hostility.
I think that one night, both him and Nick wanted to slaughter Jern with their bare hands for constantly interrupting my sleep/DotA.

Call me a sucker, but I've seen a number of people in various stages of depression and I cannot, will not leave them to fend for themselves with a clear conscience.

But when someone has betrayed my trust...they'll never get it back.
I don't harbour any resentment towards them. Just that I tend to not take them seriously any more after that.

God knows what else he'll try next - fits of self-hate? Moments of inane ramblings? Promises of a night out to dinner?


I hope I have made it clear and unmistakable enough that I harbour absolutely no intentions of having anything else other than a platonic relationship. Nick jokingly told me that I was an incurable flirt (barf) amongst his clan members - I could get them to do almost anything I wanted if I tried hard enough.

But I have never misled anyone into thinking there's anything more to it than playfulness.
Even Jon who initially followed me wherever online, insisted on teaming with me and refused to kill me in free-for-all games - got the message loud and clear when I well, made passes at his age (15 -_-?)...and height.

LOL. 5 foot 2. So cute!

Now I just hope that Jern is just trying to play more games and has not trespassed into obsession territory.

That, would truly be undesirable. eek

Fuck. He asked me to be wrapped up and mailed to him for hugs.
I don't know whether to laugh or to scream.


I think I'll choose to laugh. So,


*wipes tears*

Good one! Hahaha!

*laughter peters out*

Has anything struck you as strange about this whole enchilada yet?
*runs off to hide behind Nick*

Nick is his senior.

I'll ask Nick to body slam him into submission if he crosses the line.
biggrin After all, what are friends for?


But then again, Jern is taller, more well-built and knows kickboxing. Things really don't look good for boobieman Nick. Oh well. People make sacrifices for their friends right? Time to let Nicky's protective streak shiiiiiiiine! *sparkles*

Monday, September 29, 2008

It's one of those days...

Intuitive DotA days. Don't have them often, so I'll appreciate them as I come along.
How often can your Mirana's arrow stun the same invisible hero just by following your gut feeling?
3 times in a row.
And he died all 3 times.

It's a good arrow day, so I'm happy.
Even the blind/estimation arrows hit nearly every time.
Other days I can miss non-moving targets. LOL.

One ginormous Atropos was standing there not moving - free food, but my hand automatically aimed towards the direction where I thought the dying Rikimaru would be running.


Okayokay, that was lame. It was Jon's fault for saying 'wa Steph got scope ah?' first.
Gosh, we're such a bunch of lameass nerds. *shakes head*

The next game, one of my opponents from the previous game beh song my tiger and picked my Mirana.

Hoping my luck in aiming would prevail, I picked Lina.
My Lina also was okay today. It's notoriously known for doing stupid things on regular days though. (But today I'm INVINCIBLE! WHEEEE!)

Today I think I only missed my stun once in the whole game. Miraculous. =_=

Once, I got stunned by Mirana and was subsequently hooked by Pudge into their tower.
Death sentence?
I killed Pudge and escaped with 50+ freaking hp.

*bows down to the power of the bottle and great teamwork from my friends*

Poor Pudge damn zhar dou.
He hooked me so many freaking times (shit, maybe I'm not that lucky after all D:) and every single time I stunned him before he managed to chomp me. LOL. Slow reaction wahahaha!

Halfway through the game I started stoning. *blank face*
Then suddenly the idiot from the previous game who stole my Mirana this time triple killed and ended my streak.

ccb he noob one. later we eat him!

Waa. Luckily the opponents had no teamwork at all, if not we would have had absolutely 0 chance of winning.


Razor, Mirana, Pudge, Axe, Luna (Noob. Dagger then helm...? Ulti also never killed anyone.)

versus our

Lina, Vengeful, Crystal Maiden, NA, Meepo (First time using; micro as bad as mine LOL)
...no tankers.

The funny thing was, initially Axe chionged in every single engagement and made quick work of us. Helix sliced us to ribbons, no sweat.

There was once:
NA, Meepo versus Razor, Axe

Despite my screaming, they went for Axe. Wtf. -_-
JUST because Axe was the one the poor Meepok managed to net (for once in his miserable life. He can miss static targets. Like me!) I mean, after his Call finished you can still change the target what.

They signed their own death certificate.

Helix x 5 = double kill!

Axe and Razor both escaped with more than 2/3 hp left. mad

After that whatever shit happened also I aimed Axe. He pissed me off.
Hex ftw la. mrgreen


HAHAHA! Super funny la.
A bunch of kamikaze spammers with nothing but a pair of Lothars (CM and VS) and one Guinsoo...chasing down full-lifed late game heroes packing a shitload of damage. Summore the spammers already finished spamming everything on Axe. o.O

Damn cute wei.
And Luna was damn awesome. She blinked in ulti whack whack whack...and no one bothered to acknowledge her at all.
.______.'' So pathetic.

What a blow to her self-esteem, man.

What happened to the imba Lunas I used to see?

That day my idiot Pugna with only one Sceptre also took down a full-lifed, higher-leveled Luna with Butterfly, lifesteal and Lothar.


Bu ming bai.

I'm still quite noob, so this can only mean...people are getting noober.

Yay. I can pawn noobs now, time to celebrate.

That was sarcasm if you didn't get it. God bless you.

Damn fun lor, noobs versus noobs.
._. However, that means I'm never going to improve.

And now you know why I still suck after years of playing.
Ahaha. rolleyes

Anyway, it's been a long time since I dedicated a whole freaking post to my DotA activities and I wanted to see if Ling actually bothered to read up to this point or not. LOL.

Hi Ling.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Trust basis

I'm no longer talking to walls.
Finally got pictures of almost all of my DotA friends.

Jon is such a liar. mad

I want your picture.
I don't take pictures.
Ya right. Fine, webcam me.
Don't have webcam...

Today it just occurred to me that most people are looking for equal exchange.
I webbied him and he immediately sent his pic over.

Ahaha. Clever or not?

And yes, all my DotA kakis look like little nerds/perverts. LOL.
I think only KC and Doll don't fall into the nerd category in terms of looks.
Oh well.

And I persuaded Jie and ZiYi to get me a picture of shy shy Chia. rolleyes
They took a camera to school, hid it and took the picture.

I think it's partly because Jie is tired of me singing the C-O-C-O-N-U-T song everyday, thanks to his cute coconut-like hair in the picture he sent me. He said it was cause he didn't do his hair that day and the angle of the camera or something like that.

So anyway, I think he agreed to sneak the photograph so that he could divert my teasing away to someone less fortunate.

At first they didn't trust me with their pictures.
But over time, you gain their trust. They start to believe that you would still treat them well and appreciate them for who they are, despite how funny they may look in pictures.

I've repaid their faith in me by LOLing at them.


Well, I never said that they aren't allowed to laugh back at how I look.

Especially when I webcam with Nick and his line sucks so the frame ALWAYS tends to freeze when I'm pulling a particularly horrible face. *gasp*

It'll be like: LOOK LOOK NICK I can make THIS face!


*the screen stays that way for 10 seconds*

Nick collapses in laughter.
I crawl away and emo in one corner.

Zi Yi
Sean Ming

Many many down, 2 to go. :D
I have serious doubts about getting Max's pic - super elusive one, that is.
But I'll get Jern's sooner or later, you'll see.

He has some image issues but I don't give a damn.
Curiousity pwns all! He has no idea what I look like either, so equal exchange, no?

Following the trend, he's going to turn out either:

1. Short (Nick, ZiYi, Arief)
2. Nerdy (Nick, Chia, PJ)
3. Childlike (Josh, Zerick, Sean Ming)

But according to Nick - his senior, he's tall (taller than me o.O,) dark (permatan like Viv,) skinny (surprise? no,) not very cute-looking (what's new?) little bit of pimples (yea he was telling me about it) and looks very matured (ahaha, yay.)

Ahaha. Anyway PJon also has a case of mushroom hair.
X) He looks a little like a mouse and kinda cheena for his voice, which surprised me.

Anyway it's good that these people are no longer faceless mrgreen
I used to imagine Chia as a plump schoolboy with a cabbage for a head. *shrug*
But he turned out to be small and skinny with a startled looking face and glasses. And yes, his head is big in proportion to his body indeed.

But ok, I don't wanna poke fun at my kawans anymore. rolleyes
Especially since I don't look so good myself, with a slight sprinkling of red that marks a stress-induced breakout and a weeks worth of baggage beneath my eyes.

Trials are finally over! mrgreen

Sounds like it went on forever, but there was only 5 subjects within 3 days. Heh.
In that time, I barely slept and the only subjects I didn't study for were English and IT.
Which is already almost half the subjects if you think about it. =/

I hibernated on Friday and most of today...and mom says I look so much better now! ^_^
I was a complete wreck the past week. I refused to webbie Doll because I looked and felt like one of the living dead.


I slept so soundly that even multiple messages on my phone failed to wake me.

Okay. I go nap for one hour, ttyl.
K, I go sleep also. (:

*4 hours later*

Surely ur not still sleeping...Din u sleep this morning?

LOL. I just KO-ed straight.

I crawled into bed at 2 pm, set my alarm to wake me at 3.
I finally rolled out of bed at 6.30. eek Refreshed!

I love sleeping! ^_^v

OH! I received the ugliest bunnie I've ever seen today.

LOL. Does it look like a bunnie to you?
I don't think it does, but since Jern took the trouble to actually type one out for me...I'm so touched. cool

(To be fair, text animals usually turn out ugly and I think he kinda got the face right anyway.)


Anyway, here are some bunnies Zerick sent me:

(Ying contributed this one! biggrin)


So cute right? mrgreen
...I never even really liked bunnies.

I thought they were cold, emotionless, smelly creatures.
Then why 'snowbunnie?' you ask me.

Lol. That was derived from the clan guest icon:

Of course, many people tell me it's a cat - but I won't believe you.
*frowns* It's definitely a bunny!

As for the 'bunnie' spelling...
o.O Snowbunny singular, snowbunnies plural.
But names ending in -ie always look nicer than when they end in -y.


You get my point.

Now I DO find bunnies cute.
._. I still wouldn't want to keep one as a pet, but they just look so so so cuddly!


Oh yea, this month's phone bill is screwed. -_-
I think I've racked up an easy 2 bucks in half a week already, which is more than a whole month's bill, normally.

And that is pretty fucking amazing, especially since a Digi to Digi text is only 5 sen each.
You do the math.

AND that is not including the texts I sent to OTHER people and the phone calls I'VE made and the phone calls I've let MY FRIENDS make. (They no credit/battery la jie, no need to lecture me on how to be thrifty neutral)

&*@%#*^ Cannot let people simply use my phone to make calls already! Must save every penny I can. I MUST BE MISERLY!

Everytime I think I've spent the most I can texting a single person in a month, I beat my record with someone new. *collapses*

Nick has been defeated!
By more than double the amount!
*throws black confetti* cry

I dread to receive this month's phone bill.

*hides under blanket sniffing*

At this rate, mom's gonna make me start paying my own bills soon. sad

I hear some of you saying:


No I don't!

Sucks to be you.

Good night!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Wedding plans (2)

Tagged by Linginging.
I've actually written a post on the same topic before, but oh well. A tag is a tag.
(Make Ling happy ma razz)

1. How old are you?
~ June 5th 1991 - you do the math.

2. Are you single?
~ Yes.

3. At what age do you think you’ll get married?
~ Around the 30 mark.

4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now?
~ You think? Even if I was with someone, I'm 17. What's the likelihood of getting together with a childhood sweetheart? neutral

5. If not, who do you want to marry?
~ Some sexy rock god. Lol. An artist or something, maybe.

6. Do you want a garden/beach or a traditional wedding?
~ Undecided. Traditional always sounds cool. Maybe one of each, if my boy is rich.

7. Your ideal motive?
~ For money love. Of course. rolleyes

8. Where do you plan to go on a honeymoon?
~ Island. Beach, sun, cocktails, pecs. Yummm.

9. How many guests do you think you’ll invite?
~ Everyone I like. biggrin

10. Do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?
~ Somewhere in between. Above small-town scale but I don't need all the bells and whistles.

11. Do you want the traditional vows or something you’d make up on your own?
~ Make it up. surprised Hohoho.

12. How many layers of cake do you want?
~ LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS! Of every single darned flavour.

13. Do you prefer having your reception at a hotel or a simple place?
~ Hotel. Lalala.

14. When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
~ Whole day party-style wedding. mrgreen Music, entertainment, food. Booze only at night to prevent premature drunkenness.

15. You’d rather have your reception outdoors or indoors?
~ In Malaysian weather...indoors. If overseas, in nice weather then probably outdoors. But dinner always indoors.

16. Do you like a grand entrance for your groom?
~ Nuuu. It's my day! Bleargh. razz

...someone didn't like question 17...

18. Name the song/tune you’d like to play at your wedding.
~ Hanging By a Moment and all sorts of lovey-dovey tunes I'm a sucker for. (But can't think of any now...what does that tell you? o.O)

19. Are you a morning person or a night person?
~ Night. I was awake until 7am yesterday. question Er...does that make me a morning or night person?

20. Do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?
~ Light.

21. What age do you want to get married?
~ 27 (3^3) LOL. Diu nerdiness. redface

22. Describe your ideal husband/wife.
~ Sexy biatch who loves loves loves me. But whatever, everyone knows I can be blind at times. Let's hope my wedding isn't one of those times. Oh the horror!

23. Do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?
~ Fine dining. LOL. I wanna see everyone all dressed up and confused over cutlery. rolleyes

24. Champagne or red wine?
~ Bailey's! Ahaha. The whole works la. But then I'm scared the guests will get drunk and start karaokeing or some shit. OMG.

25. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
~ Right after. Let's leave the cleaning up to someone else. rolleyes

26. Money or household items?
~ Money can buy household items. So whatcha think? D'oh! wink

27. Who will pay for the bills?
~ Wedding bill? Ang pows of course. Chinese tradition rocks. Household bills ah, I'm fine if it's split as long as we're both earning similar amounts.

28. Are you ready for married life?
~ No. Duh. 17, may I remind you~

29. Do you think you will still be a virgin until you get married?
~ Honestly, no. Judge me if you wish, but let's see how many of you can honestly tell me you were 'pure' up to your wedding night.

30. Will you always be true to your wife/husband?
~ I will treat him as he treats me.

31. How many kids would you like to have?
~ Oldest boy, boy-girl twins, youngest girl. Lol. Ambitious, seeing as I've only begun to tolerate kids. Used to find them infuriating. neutral

32. A new house for newlyweds or an old one?
~ A new one that we can decorate and make our own.

33. Will you celebrate silver wedding, gold wedding or diamond wedding?
~ Hopefully, it'll last long. But who really knows? (...cynical. Lol.)

Read this for nubs. cool *cough* Ling *cough*

34. What kind of cuisine would you like for your wedding?
~ Western food. Haha. But I'll need a really good chef to make sure every dish is well done. Maybe if I'm feeling kind, Chinese cuisine for the older generations. mrgreen

35. Will you record your honeymoon in a CD or DVD?
~ Yes. (And I don't think the point of the question is to weigh the advantages of DVDs over CDs, Sui. Lol.) But considering what newlyweds do on their honeymoon, all you're really asking about is a sex tape. eek

36. Whose wedding plans would you like to know next?
Denise. razz
And anyone else who has nothing better to do.

That's all.
Good night. ^_^