Saturday, May 01, 2010

(non/in/what?) Equality

I just came across the PMS asterisk team's blog. Half-expecting to find like-minded female gamers like myself, I stumbled upon a generally bitchy post about female pub gamers.

I don't know whether it was the tone of the post or just the contents that seemed bratty. It seems like being a sponsored female gamer is such a big deal for her -_- So what if guys worship and bow down to the occasional female gamer that they come across?

She is right that there is a shortage of female gamers as compared to male gamers. So yea, these generally lifeless nerdy gamer geekboys tend to be awed by the presence of a dickless player in their midst.

But is it the girl's fault that they do that? As for openly declaring their gender in a gaming community being a move to attract boys, that is just a retarded assumption. I'm a girl, I play games, why should I hide it?

This girl is probably the same girl who goes around fighting for equal treatment and respect for female gamers, yet see it as a 'showy' and unacceptable move to admit that you're a female gamer? If that isn't discrimination, I don't know what is. Are guys disallowed from saying 'hey, I'm a guy who games'?

Maybe I'm misinterpreting the point here, but I'm known as a female gamer online and yes, I DO receive unwelcome advances from desperate boys. However, this isn't the reason I reveal my gender in the gaming community. I have a boyfriend - I'm certainly not looking for chat-ups or flirtatious encounters.

I'm a girl, I play games, what is there to hide?

I'm not afraid of discrimination. I don't like it, but I accept it. Life is never fair.

If I suck at DotA, then I just plain suck at's not because I'm a girl. It's because I have the reflexes of an arthritic cow. Girls who suck at DotA tend to get flamed like so:

"wtf girl sure can't play la!"

However, when guys are on a godlike feeding streak, you don't see other gamers going:

"wtf guy sure can't play la!"

It's not our sex that's the problem. If a girl gamer is pro then GOOD FOR HER! Same goes for guys. You've got the talent, great! Congratulations. You are now a DotA pro!

The author of the post is in an all-girls team. Why must it be an all-girls team? Can't you play alongside guys in a team? Why do you declare yourself as an all-girls team? What makes that so special?

To get preferential treatment? To compete with more lenient standards? Or are you just proud that you're a girl and that you game?

Don't assume that all girls publicly declare that gender for attention or for 'female privileges.' Some of us enjoy gaming, and I have male gaming friends who treat me the same as they would a male gamer.

(Of course, there are those who mollycoddle me, and though I can't say I don't enjoy it sometimes, I don't take it for granted just because I'm a girl.)

I realise that there ARE girls who get guys to use their accounts to play to earn 'pro' recognition for their screen name, but that's only a fraction of the female gaming community out there. They take advantage of sexism in gaming to feed their ego.

The rest of us are actually proud of our skills (or lack thereof) because we just enjoy gaming. We don't play for fame or to get boyfriends - we play because we enjoy it.

Anyway, my point is that it's just a game, don't take it too seriously. Chill the fuck out, babes! ^__^

There will always be discrimination online and if guys want to overhype female pubbers, don't get too worked up about it. Don't assume that all female pubbers think that they are the shit and all that just because guys worship them. Don't be have your own legion of fanboys too after all, no? : )

Alrighty. It's 7am and I haven't slept yet. I may be repetitive and make no sense in some points, but what do you expect from me? Give me a break. I'm a girl after all horrr?

Cheers and good night, fellow gamergeeks.

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