Just cause I felt like it :)
omnomnomism right here!
Friends please update your links as it's likely that I won't be blogging here again often. Some things are meant to be left as it is.
I will always love this blog though. So many years, so many memories...
Happy 2011.
You have the size of a pea brain which is beyond your intelligence to interprete the Arabic word of نبي . And with your insensitiveness towards the feeling of Muslims, you compare the word Nabeh, your Hokkien profanity, to the arabic word that which is used to refer to Prophets like Jesus, Abraham and Muhammad. In order to enlighten your stupidity and ignorance, the closest pronunciation and is Nabee or Nabi. It's not Nabey or Nabehh there's no h.
To justify your claim saying it means noble just so that you can curse, it's pathetic and lame.
1. The entire post was sarcastic; if it insulted your views I apologize. However, if you have no sense of humour, you probably shouldn't be here.
2. You begin your argument by stating that I have a pea brain when you know nothing about me, which is tantamount to me googling the word 'nabeh' and accepting the first result I see. You are just as ignorant as I am, so we'll call it even then?
3. I did not 'compare' or even liken the profanity to the word that you apparently hold so sacred. I merely mentioned my findings, which was that they were spelled the same way.
I hope this satisfies you. If you ask any of my Muslim friends about me, you will find that I am not racist as you so quickly assumed, but rather I respect your religion as I do all others. Additionally, although I recognize that a person's tone of voice is difficult to assess in textual form, you should really get a sense of humour and learn to interpret things better when you're on the internet.
That is all, have a nice day. :)
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