Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The remedy

Works everytime I tell you. Everyone should just shut up and listen to what I say. Ok, that came out sounding...rude. But yeah, my method almost always works.

The stupid wireless jaring thingy that provides our internet refused to function today. I did everything people told me to do:

  • Unplug the cable
  • Replug the cable
  • Repair connection
  • Disable Network
  • Re-enable Network

But it still didn't work. I refreshed my home page until I got sick of the 'Page Not Found' thing. I got so pissed, I gave the hopeless contraption the basic Stephanie treatment.

I raised my hand and gave it a hard smack on the side.

It skidded to the side a little, and to my shock, my home page started loading!

*glances down at hands in awe*

Fear the hands, for the wield mighty power! Now no one can give me that stupid -_-'' look anymore, when I tell them to kick their CPU whenever their comp goes berserk.

I should make a living fixing computers...I give a pretty decent side kick too.

*pleased* =D


Denise said...

Our amplifier! Remember?

Anonymous said...

ok....poor kid....