Monday, May 08, 2006

Respect is hard

I try, I really do. But how on earth can you learn to respect a teacher who can't spell strength (strenght!)?

And can't tell the difference between advice and advise? A person has their limits you know...and my teacher crossed that line with obstracles.

Obstracles! Bloody hell. It's obstruction, so must be obstracles la! Save me. -_-

So many errors, so little time. I can't help but snort every single time she proudly announces that she did the literature all by herself. Nothing short of a miracle is going to save English from being slaughtered.

Today, she caught me with my back to the board, laughing away with Abigail while she was jotting down literature notes for us today.

...keep your head while everyone in panic...

How could we not laugh? I pouted for a while and turned back around. A couple minutes later...

"Stephanie! Why aren't you copying this down?!"

*blinks* I pointed to my book. I was copying every single thing she wrote down, even editing out her mistakes as I went along.


Gee! Pick on the one with the bad haircut, won't you? (Ok, my haircut was marginally better this time la =P) And the sickening thing was, I was practically the fastest person copying down the notes. I was already at Stanza 4 whereas my classmates were dawdling at Stanza 1.


I'd like to thank my Chinese primary school training, for making us copy stuff at super-speeds. Heck, I even finished the notes she gave on Saturday, when I was absent.

Accuse me of slacking, indeed. I hate it when people assume that we can't multitask. I'm not that thick-headed you know? Even if I am talking, (it wasn't even THAT loud) it doesn't maen I can't write at the same time.

Maybe the teacher can't, so she just makes an assumption that nobody else can. Seriously, I cannot understand people who can't talk and write at the same time. They always go "shush!" when they're writing, and HAVE to put down their pen when their talking.

What a waste of time. =(

So don't blame me for my lack of respect.

I had Pn. R in Form One.

She constantly made a point to mention ickle Stephanie-poo's so-called 'flair' for writing, of which I was teased about for ages. I don't have a 'flair', ok? I just write. It's not that hard. You need not embarass me every single English period, ok? What with handing out my test paper for everyone to's a wonder I didn't go insane.

How could I respect a teacher like that?

I had Pn.N in Form Two.

She spoke so softly, no one could hear her at all. So everyone just proceeds to do whatever they were doing in the first place, without giving a damn to what the teacher had just said. The sad thing is, she can't do anything about it.

Because that would involve raising her voice.

Pathetic, eh?

How could I respect a teacher like that?

I had Pn. G in Form Three.

Worst one EVER! Mainly because some people nominated me for AJK BI when I was not in class, and I couldn't change a thing when I came back, since the decision was final. (And no other volunteers besides Dx)

She mase me enter writing competitions against my will. She lost the class's Essay books, makd me search high and low for them, and then announced that her maid found them in her house a week later.


How on EARTH can I respect a teacher like THAT?

Things in Form 4 are looking bleak. Yes, bleak. B-L-E-A-K.

She spells words like that out for us, like we are idiots or something. It is SO degrading.

"Creek, class! You know? C-R-E-E-K. Creek."

*cries hysterically*

I won't survive until Form 5. I won't.

Song of the Day:

"Message in a Bottle - No Doubt and Incubus"

Who knew Brandon and Gwen would make such a great duo? I love this song!


YL said...

yah...i remember the "strength" word..

anyway....i still think our EST teacher is worse...

Anonymous said...

...and she's the one with the sea creature eyes and bad dye job right? Okay...

Denise said...

Urgh! What disgusting spelling. English teachers, they call themselves. The worst is when they think they are right and refuse to be corrected by students.