Thursday, May 25, 2006

Things that annoy me.

Pointless questions

Such as:

"How are you today?"

What I'll probably say is:

"Today's fucking horrible thank you, so scram. I don't need idiots like you making it worse."

What you expect:

"I'm fine, thanks."

Don't ask if you expect that answer already. Stupid, pointless people.

People who studied really hard for their exams, but keep saying 'OMG I'm doomed! Save me!'

Get a life, moron. There are some people who really haven't studied, and people who are REALLY doomed. So stop being such an asshole, and stop poking fucking salt in our wounds.

People who go for tuition only to find a boy/girlfriend

You are a disgrace. Get a life, or just hang yourself, like the way it's meant to be.

Girls who keep accepting rides with strange guys, then getting raped, and end up whining to the police about how they were victimised

It's people like you who promote sexism. You project the image that girls are not only weak, but are cretins that are waiting to be sexually violated. Assholism, that's what it is. READ THE GODDAMN NEWSPAPERS! How many bloody times have your parents told you not to talk to strangers, let alone GET INTO A CAR WITH THEM??

You really deserve to get raped.


No, I don't need help finding what CD I want, thanks. I know you have to earn your pay, but hovering over my shoulder will just make me walk out, and then poor underpaid you will get fired.

Weigh the options now. And stay behind the counter like a normal person.


No, I love pacific clams.
Lalas as in Ah Lians. I don't know why they annoy me so much.

Maybe it's because they giggle too much.
Or maybe it's because they are such wannabes.
Or maybe it's because they are so stupid that all that really matters to them is what they look like to their peers.

Dear lalas,
You look like B-list whores. Keep up the slutty appearance and you'll get you publicity soon enough. As a 'victim' in a prostitution ring. Or maybe under the rape/murder section like the idiots mentioned above. Good job!
Your sincerely,

Or maybe it's just their ridiculous hairstyles that make me feel like a supermodel. -blink-
But that actually makes me feel good, so forget I said that.

My EST teacher

I will dedicate one whole post solely on how much she sucks these holidays. Please be patient.


Nobody wants see your face at a thousand different angles, so give it up, already.
But nevermind. I shall print out your photos, desecrate them, and post them up on my blog for all to see. (The few people that actually visit my blog, that is)
I won't even bother to conceal your identity, since it's obviously attention that you want.

The word "Camwhore/Cam'ho"

It's annoying. Period.

The whole petsis/petbro concept

You say that you'll do anything, even DIE for your petsis/bro? Fine, go ahead. Not that that person even cares about a pathetic, clingy suck-up like yourself.

So go cut your wrists to some emo music. And remember, as Maddox says, it's down the highway, not across the street.

OH, and don't be a wimp and accidentally-on-purpose fail to kill yourself, to get people's attention. You're just being a pain in the ass.

Not that you were any better before your suicidal display of lameness.

People who ask "How come you're so tall?"

As if I would know, smartass.

People who ask "How come you're so skinny?"

"Yeah, and how come you're so bloody fat?"

Answer that, and I won't have to reply already.

People who attack innocent iPod users, when they haven't even tried using an iPod

Where there are Apple evangelists, there is an equal number of Creative snobs. Don't be a jackass and launch a smear campaign against a rival company without getting your facts straight.

Not every Apple user is one off those "OMG Apple rawks and Creative sux!" people.
Not every Apple user walks around with their nose in the air, pointing out how much YOUR mp3 sucks.
Unless they are provoked.

So if you know what is better for your ego, leave me alone.

People who don't fight for what is right, but fight for what they think is easier to fight for

Ok, I'm still pissed off at the idiots who put that answer on the EST paper.

"I KNOW it's a less accurate answer, but it's easier to argue with Sar-kit for marks!"

What, you know it's wrong, but you choose it anyway because it's easier to squeeze marks out of it? Congratulations, you have just managed to sink below the ranks of corrupted lawyers with their contaminated minds.

I didn't even think that was possible. Doing the above is akin to a situation where you get sucker-punched in the face by that huge kid in school, but tell your parents you slipped and fell off the stairs instead.

Because it's just SO much easier to say that, than to report, or even have your parents report the incident straight to the headmaster/mistress and stir up some trouble.

No wonder there are so many assholes in this world.

I would write a much, much longer list. But I have to shower, eat and practise my guitar playing before my teacher arrives.

Have a nice life.

Song of the Day:

"Sick Sad Little World - Incubus"

Yes. Leave me alone in my sick sad little world.
In fact, extend that courtesy to any female that's having PMS.


YL said...

you calling me an asshole?


snowbunnie said...

Annoying thing #14:

People who are perasan.

Annoying thing # 15:

People who merajuk when faced with the truth.

Annoying thing # 16:

Wimp-asses who can't take being called an asshole.

You haven't lived if Stephanie has yet to call you an asshole.
Or maybe you haven't met Stephanie yet.

...And that's my trademark emoticon you stole! Bitch! >:(

*I am only partially kidding, if you couldn't tell.

snowbunnie said...

Oh. I forgot to answer your question.



Denise said...

Annoying thing #17:

Kiasu-ism. Argh! Especially when it's exam time.

Anonymous said...

oh, i'm sorry then. seems like u gonna hate me from now.

snowbunnie said...

I know it's you la JL. -_-''
Need not hide behind that depressing name.

Exceptions are, of course, made.

snowbunnie said...

Oops, my bad. =P

My apologies. I always jump to conclusions...but then who else could it be? Heehee. xD

snowbunnie said...


-glares very suspiciously at Sui Yi-


I don't hate you lar.

And I don't want to explain further.