Saturday, March 31, 2007

Sport's Day 2007!

Which is also my last.
Which I will not blog about, haha.

Read Yi Ling's post or Anis' blog for info.
So darn lazy.

Yi Ling's response --------> -_-''

But WADEVA! As she'd say.

You probably were there, or not interested in it otherwise, so why bother?
Eheheheh, maybe when I'm in a better mood later la.

About 60 pics, lazy to put them all up.
Come to my house and I'll show you la!

The most important point of the day is that:


I know I should be happier for my house, and trust me, I AM.

But thought I'd feel happier.

But as I didn't do anything good for my house (other than trying - and failing - at Sukan Tara,) I don't really feel a sense of satisfaction.

Oh wait, Abi's here (yes, at 11 pm lol)
...continued tomorrow.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Just had the best DotA game eVARR

***Note: VERY DotA-ish. Yi Ling back off!***

This post is to show my love and dedication to DotA.
Lol, over and hour to write the DR guide, what with the pics and all. Sigh.


Well, maybe except the one with the comical teleporting Pudge.
(Den would know!)

I got a rare
first blood today!
And second blood too!


People always ks my



Slithice the Naga Siren

Magina the Anti-Mage

Crixalis the Sand King

Azwraith the Phantom Lancer

Ulfsaar the Ursa Warrior


Yurnero the Juggernaut

Harbinger the Obsidian Destroyer

Darkterror the Faceless Void

Akasha the Queen of Pain

Traxex the Drow Ranger

We were winning at first, me and QoP were racking up some kills and harassing them no end. Then our darling Harbinger started feeding.

Useless sia. Then our HOST disconnected.


Then we realised that the game was still going on. -.-
Thank God for Zinc.
We don't even need the host anymore, haha.

But after that, one by one, more of us disconnected.
Slithice went first.
Then Yurnero.
Followerd shortly by Ursa Warrior. (Cheers of relief from the Scourge team!)
And FINALLY feeder-Harbinger dropped out. (Cheers again!)

So 3 versus 3.

Anti-Mage + Sand King + Phantom Lancer


Queen Of Pain + Drow Ranger + Faceless Void

Seemed ok.
QoP screams and kills PL's images.
I silence and finish off SK.

(There's always a but.)

AM owns all of us.

They managed to push all the way into our base, with PL backdooring a little.

But he was forgiven, as he couldn't very well control 9 images, can he?

Nine images with diffusal!
Nightmare for me and QoP.

We were about to give up, when my teammates told me to go backdoor.
I was like O_O;;

But agreed in the end, since the Sentinel already backdoored.
Fair's fair, hor?

But my less-than-honest attempts were thwarted by the PL.
9 monkeys dancing around and whacking me with poles.


But slowly, as they were pushing into our base, we killed them again and again.
Until we were higher levelled.

And they ran out of money to buy out.

(Beam of light shines down from the sky)

QoP and I whacked dead SK and PL and pushed mid all the way in, while our poor FV tried to fend off the already-gay Anti-Mage.
Since QoP is an Int hero and I NEED my mana for killing.

It was a race toward the end!


Our last two towers were down.
Anti-mage was gleefully destroying our throne.
Faceless Void dead.


Me, whacking one tree.
QoP the other.
Murdered all the leavers.


2 whacking the Tree.
1 whacking the Throne.

And by a tiny red sliver...

Wahahaha! So cun-ted!

No cursing from either side at all.
No sore losers.
No whiners.

No idiots.

So fun!

DotA games should be like that.

DR guide in post below.

Song of the Day:

"Right Now - Dark Angels"

Siew sent me this song.
Not bad!

Drow Ranger Guide! =D

---------------- Traxex ----------------


Here's my Drow Ranger build, for my future reference (I just started learning her, =D) - and yours!


Frost Arrows:

Induces a freezing effect to the hero's attacks. Each attack slows the enemy's movement and attack rates.
Level 1 - Slows attack rate by 5% and movement rate by 10%.
Level 2 - Slows attack rate by 10% and movement rate by 20%.
Level 3 - Slows attack rate by 15% and movement rate by 30%.
Level 4 - Slows attack rate by 20% and movement rate by 40%.
Mana Cost: 12
Cooldown: None



Stops all enemies in an area of around 300 AoE from casting skill spells. Doesn't silence item spells.
Level 1 - Lasts 3 seconds.
Level 2 - Lasts 4 seconds.
Level 3 - Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 4 - Lasts 6 seconds.
Mana Cost: 90
Cooldown: 15


Trueshot Aura (Passive):

An aura that gives friendly nearby units bonus damage to their ranged attacks. Only amplifies base damage and damage gained from bonus stat items.
Level 1 - Increases base ranged damage by 7%.
Level 2 - Increases base ranged damage by 14%.
Level 3 - Increases base ranged damage by 21%.
Level 4 - Increases base ranged damage by 28%.
Mana Cost: -
Cooldown: -


Marksmanship (Passive):

The Ranger's accuracy has increased to the point where she can slay lesser enemies in one shot. If she has life steal item and slay an enemy in that shot, she will gain a % of the remaining HP of that creep. Doesn't work on Ancients.
Level 1 - Slays creeps 10% of the time.
Level 2 - Slays creeps 15% of the time.
Level 3 - Slays creeps 20% of the time.
Mana Cost: -
Cooldown: -


Skill Build

1 - Stats
2 - Frost Arrows
3 - Stats
4 - Frost Arrows
5 - Stats
6 - Marksmanship
7 - Frost Arrows
8 - Silence (After my teammates were slaughtered by Sand King's ulti; I was scolded sorely)
9 - Stats
10 - Frost Arrows
11 - Marksmanship
12 - Stats
13 - Stats
14 - Stats
15 - Trueshot Aura
16 - Marksmanship
17 - Stats
18 - Stats
19 - Stats
20 - Trueshot Aura
21 - Trueshot Aura
22 - Trueshot Aura
23 to 25 - Silence

Hm. Something to that effect.

Stats first cause your life sucks.
No use running around with lots of damage only to be killed almost instantly. (Especially with Slayer, Demon Witch, Luna and other nukers)

Silence only if you need it. (Nukers/escapers on opponent's team)

In my case, I can screw Sand King's ulti because he was an ass and didn't want to BKB up.
(Kiam siap!)

Trueshot aura last because, well, I like stats first and it increases your base damage and stat-boosting items by percentage. So you'll add on more damage only later in the game.


Item Build/Strategy

Start off with a Ring of Regeneration (375), and two Tangos (80).

(You'll have enough money to buy these JUST before the horn sounds and the first creep wave is spawned.)

Solo your lane if you're confident.
Harass your enemies with Frost Arrows.
(Press R and shoot them. DON'T autocast unless you're going in for the kill.)

Deprive them of farming.
Try to kill, don't get killed.
Ask for help to kill if necessary.

(With your relatively high damage early game, you have a higher chance of getting the kill ;o) Kill = $$$)

When you have about 1.6k, ask for someone to take over your lane and go home and get:

Boots of Speed (500) + Gloves of Haste (610) + Power Treads recipe scroll (420) = Power Treads (1530)


I say go home and get them NOW, because chances are, people are ready to gangbang you to hell either because:

1. You're harassing/killing really well and are a great nuisance,


2. You suck at the aforementioned things and therefore are a free kill.

So go home and buy them, don't wait until you die and lose your gold.
Get another RoR to stay in your lane, if you want.
Sometimes I take Mask of Death for lifesteal, but it doesn't stack with your Frost Arrows, so -shrug-

(There was a game where Lucifer Doom-ed me 3 times and failed, thanks to the double RoR, haha! Survived with like, 10 hp. xD)

If you're killing/harassing really well, stay in your lane and try to take down a tower.
If not, go and farm neutral creeps. It should be easy what with your ulti (one-hit KO) and your frost arrows to slow down the Hellcallers and Furbolgs.

Keep farming until you have your:

Blade of Alacrity (1000) + Claymore (1400) + Lothar's Edge recipe scroll (1400) = Lothar's Edge (3800)

Now, you can go out and help your teammates get kills with your ANNOYING Frost Arrows =) Just run in, frost the (lone) target as much as you can and hopefully kill him/her.

If you're dying just click your Lothar's and WW the hell outta there. =)

Or if your enemy is dying as well, hang around for the exp. ;o)
Then scram before backup comes.

In team clashes, stay at the back and frost the primary target.

If it's an escaper, like Anti-Mage/QoP who can Blink, or PotM who can Leap, SILENCE.
If it's a chaneller, silence.
If it's the Skeleton King, silence RIGHT before he dies.

No revive for HIM.
(Be sure to let your teammates know that you're gonna silence though. Or he may get nuked to death before you can.)

Yep, yep. So farm unless you're needed in a team clash. Next item:

Eaglehorn (3400) + Quarterstaff (1150) + Butterfly recipe scroll (1800) = Butterfly (6350)


Eaglehorn is a big chunk of money at 3400, but you shouldn't die with your Lothar's.
Unless you have opponent's like Treant Protector or Nerubian Weaver.
Then you shouldn't have chosen Drow Ranger in the first place. (Should I have said that earlier?)

They can, and WILL hunt you down, and murder you.

If anyone buys a Gem, gangbang them, take gem, deposit at fountain.
Rinse and repeat.

Got wards, too bad la. (Actually, just windwalk into a bunch of creeps, and if they attack you, plant a ward and destroy theirs. But a waste of money, if you ask me.)

But by the time they wisen up and get wards, your damage should be pretty gay already.
Shoot them down with your Frost Arrows.
If they're a tank, RUNRUNRUN!
Or stay close to a teammate.

Game should be ending soon.

For me, it's better to keep farm and come out only team clashes because:

1. You're a good farmer, so let your teammates farm in the lanes,


2. You're normally an easy target for rapes,


3. You're mainly a late-game hero, so get REALLY gay, then come out and own to kingdom come.

So yeah, after butterfly, you can come out and play. =)

Next, work on your Buriza-Do-Kyanon or Monkey King Bar.

Blades of Attack (650) + Broadsword (1200) + Crystalys recips scroll (500) = Crystalys (2350)


Crystalys (2350) + Demon Edge (2600) + BDK recipe scroll (1250) = BDK (6200)



Quarterstaff (1150) + Demon Edge (2600) + MKB recipe scroll (1650) = MKB (5400)


(Personally I prefer BDK because of your high damage - 2.2x crits, and high attack speed - 20% chance for critical)

Game should have ended by now. =)
If not, sell your Power Treads and get:

Boots of Speed (500) + Boots of Travel recipe scroll (2200) = Boots of Travel (2700)

Mm, good for pushing so you can teleport back to defend.

For today's game, I got a Vanguard to stop Anti-Mage's permabash from his well-invested double bashers, and a Cranium basher to counter-bash (in addition to the slow from my Frost =D)

Was going to double basher up, but the game ended, haha!

I should learn AM too.

MAJOR PAIN IN THE ASS for Drow Ranger.
Even if you slow him, he is constantly burning your mana, which you are ALSO using up by attacking him.

If he uses his ulti, you're toast.
So if you see him, ww and scram.
Better to run than die.
(Better to injure your dignity than lose your pride.)

Traxex FTW!

Love, Steph.

Advice from Den or Icklepoo are most welcome! =D

Song of the Day:

"Falling Away With You - Muse"

OMFG Chester's coming to KL!
Someone come with meeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Tagged by Yi Ling!

Each player of this game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog.

Weird thing #1: I like taking off my shoes in class

This habit only started this year. I used to think that people who did it were siao.
I mean, why the heck would you want to walk around in your socks?

But I tried it for myself and I LOVE IT!

It makes me feel home.

I can sit cross-legged on the chair without jabbing myself in the thighs with my school shoes.
Plus, the cement floor is really cold, and it's just so shiok to walk around on it. =)

Weird thing #2: I like my food cold (except soup)

Some people NEED to have their food hot, but I prefer mine cold.
Like instead of warm fried chicken, I like cold meat.

I can even eat a 3-hour-old dinner without being utterly disgusted.

And that's even if the food is supposed to be hot.

Weird thing #3: I like to take nailclippers and clip off my own skin


People find it disgusting (again, lol)
But to me it's just...a bad habit.

Mostly the skin on my left hand, where it thickens, be it because of bad guitar-playing techniques, or doing written work for 2 hours non-stop.

It is just SO satisfying to hear it go 'schup!' when you cut it off.
(It grows back anyway, and I can do it again!)

Urgh. Queen of bad habits.
I gross myself out.

Weird thing #4: The most irritating qualities I find in a person - I have them too!

But, I don't hate myself. Haha.
So weird. o_O

Like not going to school for no reason.
People who do that annoy me.

Like dragging their feet and slouching.
People who do that annoy me.

Like people who are so hum while playing DotA.
People who do that annoy me.

Very bad of me, I know.
But I'm working on it. ;o)

Sorry if I'm annoying you people.

Weird thing #5: I don't want a boyfriend (as of yet)

And I have no idea why!

So bizarre.

Normally people want one, and those who don't, normally know WHY they don't want one.
But I don't fall into either category.

I just don't see myself with one...all the ew-inducing 'baby,' and 'honey,' and 'darling...'


Even if I DO get one, I'd like it to be someone I can talk to.
To share things with, without being dismissed like it doesn't matter.
Almost like a best friend.
...Only a guy.

(I'm not gay if you were wondering. Rofl!)

Anyway, Little Smith has put down my behaviour as being 'fussy' and 'picky.'

I give girls a bad name, haha.

Weird thing #6: One of my favourite pastimes is Ah Lian-watching

I don't know why it amuses me so much to laugh at their dressing and flat-ironed hair.

I KNOW I shouldn't be laughing at them, especially since I'm not exactly a fashionista myself.
(I haven't worn anything other than the Jeans + Tee combo for YEARS)

Butbutbut...they just crack me up!

Today Yi Ling sms-ed me:

Btw! I saw the...Grossest and bizarrest thing today!!! There's this girl at the lrt station, she was wearing this short skirt.. And her butt crack was showing like so damn gross!! Everyone was looking.. And she's like trying to cover wit her shirt.. Then her skirt looks kinda weird, like 2 layers.. Then I found out her skirt was falling off and panties is showing!! Her panties was in stripes so ppl tot it's a skirt but I saw the skin! HOLY FUCKIN SHIT!

(Wow, she made it in one sms!)

Anyway, my point is, how could you not laugh at THAT? xDDD

It's just
I guess we girls have been guilty of butt-crack-flashing at least once in our entire lives (and guys with their boxer-flashing)...

...but normally it's an accident. Sitting wrongly and whatnot.

Not because of a bad clothing choice. xD

Still, LOL!

Best Ah Lian-watching spots:

- Petaling Street
- Times Square, 3rd floor and 5th floor
- Sungei Wang, pretty much the whole place

Knock yourselves out. ;o)


- Anis
- Sui Yi
- Amely
- Denise
- Khaielaash
- And whoever who wants to do it. Who am I to stop you? =P

Song of the Day:

"Pushing Me Away - Linkin Park"

I wanna hear What I've Done!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tagged by Anis!

So yeah, my desktop...

What else were you expecting? Hahaha!


Lesale Deathbringer the Venomancer
Nessaj the Chaos Knight (I'm just assuming, I'm not sure, haha)
Zeus the Lord of Olympia
Rylai Crestfall the Crystal Maiden
And what I think is Roshan in heavy armour (? Lol)

But I can't be sure...Warcraft heroes are different from those in DotA (I think, I don't play WC3)
But yeah, most of them should be right. ;o)

Forgot where I got it from, but it's wickedly beautiful.
(Am I the only person to say that about DotA? I'm insane haha!)

The rippled in the pond are cool, too.

The Scourge on the left, and Sentinel on the right.
The rays of light coming down look freaking fake, but oh-so pretty! =)

(Why is Roshan with the sentinel?)

Middle is the Fountain of Life.


The icons:

Left (Top to bottom)

Adobe Photoshop CS - Which I don't use anymore.
Paint - Which I still love using! (So low-tech, haha)
Solitaire - When I'm bored.
Minesweeper - Same. People say I'm so fast, but when I compare myself to Chris from The Curious Incident etcetc. I'm freaking SLOW! (But then, he's a genius, so?)
Frozen Throne - For my DotA!
Daemon Tools - Cd emulation so I can DotA without the CD =)
Maphack - Which my cousin installed, but only used once. (It's so pointless ==;)
Streamyx - Connect to Internet here because my comp will hang if I set it auto-connect.
mIRC - Public server for DotA.

Right (Top to bottom)

Google Earth - I have no idea how to use. But I can find my house on it though!
iTunes - My reliable music player.
Firefox - Web browser.
IE - Ditto.
Windows Media Player - For watching downloaded clips.
LimeWire - For the latest mp3s =D
Norton Anti-Virus - Expired.
Hamachi - Private server for DotA.
Recycle Bin - DOH!

Yupyup. Loadsa bullshit for you guys. =)

Next tag.

Song of the Day:

"Superman - Stereophonics"

Long time no hear.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Hao ke lian!

So sad!

She was talking and teacher saw her piercing.
She was like AHHHH and tried to run off and escape (school ended already)
...but only succeeded in shoving me into some desks. -.-

So teacher made her take out the piercing so that she could confiscate it.
So she did, and put it in teacher's hand.

Like. Her saliva.
Like. Disgusting!


I think the piercing was quite new, and therefore it could close!

70 bucks!
Because the school has a thing about extra holes in your body.

She begged teacher to give it back etcetc but teacher was being mean and refused.

Geniusfish and I lent her 10 bucks each so she could get a new um, tongue-ring(stick? pole? javelin? lol)?

We were both so scared the hole would close, haha.
Even more so than her, I think.
Because Sui Yi is...Sui Yi, and I'd just had a nasty experience with holes closing on me.

And that was only my ear, mere flesh! Not muscle!

You'd think that she'd get her new tongue-thingy and it'd all be over and done with.

But, Geniusfish so gan chiong, sms-ed her telling her to remember to bring 10 bucks tomorrow.

And somehow, Miss Tongue-Piercing's mom read that sms and CALLED Sui Yi.

And Sui Yi was SO funny!

I think you got the wrong number...


No, I'm SURE this is the right number!

I can imagine her mom's stern no-nonsense face.


Anyway, the mom asked Sui why she lent 10 bucks (like so suspicious like that o_O)

Sui tried to cover for her (the parents don't know about the hole in the tongue):

Oh, she said she didn't have enough money so I lent her lo.

And then the mom said that her daughter bought a tongue-thingy with it.

She already knows. (But maybe the mom just wanted Sui to know what the daughter was doing with her cash, and not get Sui to rat on her friend...I wish)

Wahhh I hope she doesn't get into trouble. =(
I want her to keep the stud!

Looks awesome. =(

Not your fault la Sui, who asked her mom to read her sms-s?

Song of the Day:

"Special Needs - Placebo"

ARGH! MC's heard 'What I've Done' already.
But she won't let me hear it. =(=(=(
She says must wait for radio premiere.
(Way to preserve to company's integrity =P Can't blame me for trying!^^)
...WAHHHH!!! *sobsob* (At least she says it's super-cun!)

Friday, March 23, 2007

What I've Done.

Linkin Park's upcoming single to be released on April 2nd.


I've just heard a preview clip.

Not really impressed, but what can you tell from a 15 second or so clip?

Been waiting 4 years, this album better kick some ASS.

Song of the Day:

"Thoughts of A Dying Atheist - Muse"

Hilarious! xD

Minutes to Midnight - 15th May 2007.
Someone buy for my birthday please?
But then have to wait 3 weeks...
Kay, nevermind!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

I'm alive!

I slept around 3 am this morning.
Woke up at 6.30.

So all in all = about 3.5hours sleep. -.-

I should be dropping dead right now, but it seems my reserve battery has yet to run dry.



Gave him the suckiest present ever.
A star-shaped lollipop.
Which I didn't even buy.
But whatever, it's the thought that counts right?

But choy, I hate shopping for hard to choose.
And what if they end up hating it anyway?

Sorry people.
Next time you want something for your birthday, ask me kay?
(If it's within my spending capacities, of course ^^)

And yes, I can already hear Yap going 'jual ikan! jual ikan!'
But hey, with an allowance of 50 bucks a month (which by the way, has to cover my recess food) you don't go very far.

And about the ice cream issue.
I hate it when mom serves my ice cream to guests.
I mean, there's ANOTHER tub of the SAME flavour for the guests already, so why complain? *glares at Yap* -_-;

You wouldn't like it either if you get Baskin Robbins only once every two months, only to have your carefully rationed supply to be wiped out by a bunch of rich tai-tais in two minutes flat, would you?

Oh sure, mom always says:

Wait another two months la, then can buy again! Why are you so selfish?

Ok, wait two months CAN.
Only to have to go through the SAME thing again, two months later?


Do you understand?
That means I NEVER get ice cream!

January - Buy ice cream.
January - Finished by guests.
January - Mom tells me to wait for March.

March - Buy ice cream.
March - Finished by guests.
March - Mom tells me to wait for May.

May - Buy ice cream.
May - Finished by guests.
May - Mom tells me to wait for July.

And so on and so on and so on.

NOW do you understand why I'm being selfish?

I just want to enjoy my ONE measly tub of Chocolate Mousse in peace, ok?


And call me calculative, but mom still owes me one box of Ferrero Rocher, WHICH by the way, was my birthday present. (She served it to naughty little brats who came over, and duh, finished every last one without a word of thanks. -.-)

So I hoard my food!
Cannot is it?

My food is my food!
Go find your own!

I just remembered the Italy issue.
When I was young, I loved my sweets so much, I used to stockpile them for months at one time so that I could enjoy them on special occasions.

And that special occasion happened to be my trip to Italy.
I had painstakingly collected a fair-sized bag FULL of sweets and chocolates, so that I could enjoy them on holiday.

Sure la, my sis wants, take.
Mommy wants, take.
Daddy wants, take.


I remember vividly the moment mom grabbed my bag (with MUCH protest from my part) and offered it to the whole BUS full of people.

There went my 8-months-plus worth of sweet collecting!


I can't believe I still remember it.
See how TRAUMATIC IT IS???!!!


Gosh, I'm still miffed about it.
Damn calculative, if you ask me.

But it can't be helped that I'm like that.

Life has made me who I am.
*cue cheesy music*

Song of the Day:

"Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin"

Owie. Played it again today.
(I didn't fall asleep during class! Yippee!)

And I can hear Yi Ling droning on about sleep debt already.
I think I owe myself at least 15 hours this week.
Hello, zombie!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


...I just hate my bodies oh-so-quick repair mechanism. (Sometimes!)

After piercing my ear more than a month ago, I figured it would be alright to take off my earrings for a couple of hours while I took a nap.

I figured WRONG!

Well, actually I overslept and missed dinner (again!) So that made it 5 hours for my body's teensy cells to repair.

And I HAD to take them off because they hurt.
My earrings are little 6-legged-spiders (2 fell off each when they fought) so when I lie on my side, the six metal legs jab into my ear.


So anyway, after dinner I tried to put them on...

...and my hole wasn't there anymore.


There was a thin later of skin on both ends of the piercing.
Healed already.

Only five hours to heal A HOLE IN MY FLESH!

But whatever.
It hurt like Billy-oh when I stabbed my earrings back in.

...I willingly poked holes in my own flesh with a pair of metal arachnids (species doubtful.)

Bwaahhh! I can't stand the thought.

The age of masochism is herrreee!


Got better pics la, but don't wanna put her face here.
She said don't tell. =)
But I think quite a lot of people know already anyway.
(That's B's hand behind, haha! Anything to be in a pic =P)

I find it so hawt!
If she weren't a girl, I'd be dying to make out with her already!

My mom asked me if I'd ever pierce my tongue and I said NOOO!

You think i'm nuts is it?

Navel piercings look so much better! =)

Should get it done while my tummy is still flat oh!
I can't say that for it in 40 years time though.


(There I go, thinking about growing old and how awful it is again. x.x)

Seriously, I don't want to grow old.
But what am I supposed to do about it?

Scared la wei.

Song of the Day:

"Tainted Love - Soft Cell"

Miss this song.
*They say when you pierce your navel, you have to put a cup beneath the wound to collect the blood, which is quite a lot - is that true? o_O
Nothing. Just curious. That's all. =)

Monday, March 19, 2007

=) Potato party!

Today I was listening to my Muse CD in the car, when my cousin's wife said:

Wah, like heavy metal man!

o_O Wait 'til she hears Skinny Puppy, or Marilyn Manson.
Heavy metal, indeed.


But my niece likes 'heavy metal.'
At least, that's what her mom says.

I just KNOW she's gonna be such a cool babe when she grows up. =)

Rock on, potato! =D

Ah, she's one of the only toddlers I can actually tolerate.

I hope I can be that awesome aunt that takes her niece to Chili Peppers concerts when she grows up!

Song of the Day:

"Bliss - Muse"

Going for high jump tomorrow! Wish me luck!
(And I'm freaking scared that my teeth are gonna get knocked out by someone... x.x SEVEN years of braces!
Anything happens to them, and I will be ready for murder. No kidding, honey.)

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Smokes *phwoo*

Yours truly saw an (around?) eleven-year-old boy distributing leaflets in Cheras.

Little bugger was smoking.

Yours truly stared at the little bugger for a moment.

Little bugger smirked knowingly at yours truly.

Yours truly could only think:



o_O He probably thought he looked super-cool or something.
A kid?

I can't get used to the idea. *shakes head insistently*

I don't even like ADULTS smoking.


*shakes head*
*shakes head*
*shakes head*
*shakes head*
*shakes head*

Song of the Day:

"Cancer - MCR"

Mini-smokers? Totally dizzy-making.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Sui's not the only one...

...having work done on her teeth.

My dentist is not happy with my teeth because they are tapered.
Meaning they are wider at the bottom than it is near the root.

Which means, my teeth aren't like normal people's which are rectangular, (like Chiclets!) - mine are slightly triangular.

Which means, there is a gap near the root.

It looks ok now, but the dentist said that when I grow older, my gums will recede bit by bit (Oh the horror!) and the gap will grow wider (!!!)

Which means, I'll have a 'black space' in my smile.

-.- Choy!

So to fix it, she...FILED DOWN MY TEETH!

With something like a buffer that we use to shine our nails.

Zzz. I can't believe she just filed my teeth down.
...I should have asked her to file my canine teeth to points while she was at it too.

Vampire fangs?

*evil grin*

Song of the Day:

"White Flag - Dido"

My gum hurts a bit, cause she hit it with the file while wearing down my teeth.
And I have a litte gap between my front teeth for now. Like a baby!
And my tongue hurts from licking the gap too much. (So obsessive =.=;)

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Yesterday I founded crusted blood and pus behind my right earlobe.
For a horrifying second, I thought that the metal earring stabbed into my flesh when I was sleeping.

But upon inspection, my flesh was hole-free.

Oh no, it was coming from my piercing!

So I called mom to tell her to get those plastic earstick thingies to keep my hole open, since I didn't want anymore metal stuff in my ear kicking off chemical reactions and possibly turning my ear into a green shrivelled cauliflower-like thing.

And you know what she said?

Oh, those ah! I can make for you. Use garlic only.

Wtf. Garlic? In my ear?

AHHH! (And ew. Ew. Ew.)

It's your fault ma. Cannot use those cheap earrings. Not nickel-free.

So from tonight onwards I'll have vegetables in my ears. -.-

And what the hell does 'nickel-free' mean anyway?

Yes, I know it's 'free of nickel.' (Or maybe the nickel comes free-of-charge?)

...But what exactly IS nickel?

Song of the Day:

"Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin"

Learned this song today.
My guitar teacher videoed my whole twisty finger thing on his motorola already, with much protest (from me.)
So, maybe I can give up my flexibility already, since it has been documented. (But I still don't want to!)


I can't believe I'm so bored that I'm reading blog posts of little kiddies.

Ok, 14-year-olds. But I'm turning 16 this year and that's a TWO year difference, ok?
Like, when I was two years old they were just born, ok?


But whatever.


I hate it when people harass me to do my homework.
As long as I get it done, it doesn't matter WHEN I do it, ok?

Want me to finish it?

Want me to finish it ALL in one day (namely tomorrow?)
Heck, no.

It's not that I don't want to.


Ok. It is physically possible.

But mentally?


Fry my brain, skewer it and turn it inside out!

Do all you want, but...


I have the attention span of a 5-year-old boy!
(Except when DotAing, that isn't counted.)

I'll be doing my Physics for a moment, then I'll see the piano and go:

"Oooh! I haven't played Chopin's Waltz in E Minor in forever!"

And 1 hour and 12 songs later, I'll see my poor Physics book lying neglected on the table and go AHHHH!

15 minutes later, after doing some exercises on light or whatever, my mind will start thinking about lasers.


And BAM! Off to the computer I go.

2 hours and 2 games later...I'll hear my mom coming home and I'll run downstairs frantically to pretend I've been doing my homework all along.

And I'll probably finish it anyway, while watching American Idol and whatnot.

The point is (wah, finally!) , even though I may stray off course, I GET THINGS DONE OK?

So please, don't tell me WHEN or WHERE to do it.

It will be done.

I know parents like to believe that their children will try to get out of doing their work in whatever way possible, so they can go and hang out with their friends.

But I'll end up having to do the work ANYWAY (and get and earful from teacher for handing it in late,) so why on earth wouldn't I do it?

Given, I still hand in some of my work late, but at least it's DONE, right?

And gee, Shan is going away to India this Saturday for ONLY NINE MONTHS.
I cannot go out with her for one day meh?

Can't this take priority over some stupid essay for once?

Please la. -.-

Song of the Day:

"The Call - BSB"

Choy. Got guitar class tomorrow. Better get my pink nail polish off.