Sunday, March 04, 2007

Conversations from yesterday...

I feel so bad la.

Yesterday at supper, Chris and I were staring at each other for a while.
Staring at her shiny earrings, wondering whether she had them before...

Then her mom cut in:

"Steph! You pierced your ears ah!"
"Chris just had hers done this morning."

Then Chris was like:
"I was just wondering whether you just pierced or what!"

So there you go, two girls who had just had their ears done, wondering whether other did as well.

We SO don't know each other.

But it's not my fault I only get to see her 3 months a year!


Big Smith asked me:

"Do you watch One Tree Hill?"
"Huh? No."
"Oh, you know Peyton?"
"Yeah! You look like her!"



"Hey, see I told you she looks like Peyton or not?"

[Little Smith cuts in]

"Yeah! I told you right?"
"Yalo, see the way she dresses! Exactly like her, man!"
"Yeah, all she has to do is perm her hair..."

[Sputters more]


"Hey. It's a compliment ok. Peyton is hot what."

I don't know why I assumed right away that they were insulting me.
Ok, now I feel so ashamed for calling them the Mario brothers. ><

I promise I'll stop calling them Mario and Luigi!
But it's not like they know anyway, because I never say it out loud. ;o)


Khai asked:

"Steph, are you sadistic?"

[Smack!] "Yep."

"Well, you asked."

Now everytime he says the word 'sadistic' I'm gonna give him a really tight slap.
I like smacking people!

Thanks for being my personal punchbag!
I miss hitting people.
Ever since I met Sui Yi, I've kinda toned down on the random slapping.
Because she screams really loudly and her eyes fill up with birght, shiny tears [Ok, I'm exaggerating a little =P] whenever I do.

So YAY! I can hit someone again!

Song of the Day:

"InFlames - Cloud Connected"

Love this song. (So random today. ><)


Denise said...

Hahaha yeah the only difference is, she's a cheerleader. :P

Who asked whether you are sadistic?

snowbunnie said...

Khaielaash, haha.
He asked for it too. =P

Pollux said...

Totally cool!!!
your blog is great. I've never seen a blog like this. I don't understand too much your post becouse i'm chilean and i speak Spanish!
Anyway. i hope you don't look like Payton from One three hill!!!
good luck!!

snowbunnie said...

Lol, thanks!

I checked out your blog, but I don't understand a word of Spanish (if that's what it is) unfortunately.

Sorry! Heheh...