So I met Chester today.
We (JL, Anis and I) hit Tower Records around 2.30pm and found a regular-sized crowd.
I went and harassed a few people (namely Jon and Eric):
"Can I have a poster? I want a posterrrr!!!"
I'm so annoying haha, but I was excited! =D
They were like:
"Go and buy the album la, big fan!"
"Okok! I'm going!"
So I ponied up 45 bucks - one months allowance - to preorder the album (yes, I still have that much faith in them, despite my protests against the new song.)
And I got a free giant-sized poster!
And thanks to Uncle Cheah (xiexie!) I got this awesome little thing:
That's equivalent to Charlie Bucket's golden ticket, that is.
At first I had no idea what it was.
Then they were like, when he comes in, go to the back entrance.
I was like ok...
But yeah, those who go through the back entrance him AND get their poster signed.
At first Chazz was only going to do 60 autographs, but he was being nice so he signed posters/albums/etc until 6.00.
See the number 13A? That's my turn to go shake hands with him. =P
Later, Eric swapped my ticket to number 4.
I was the FOURTH person to get my poster signed!
Anyway, we waited for TWO whole hours.
Poor Wing almost fainted.
And What I've Done was on repeat.
So yeah, 2 hours listening to the same song is no picnic.
Especially for someone who didn't like it in the first place.
Anyway, in line, I met one of many hardcore LP fans.
I think her name was Nina, I didn't think to ask. (Bangs self on head)
In that long hour, I learnt:
-She was from Convent Kajang
-Skipped from Form 3 to Form 4 this year because she was overseas
-Drew a (good) picture of Chester which she gave to him
-Is going to join the LPU today after saving up enough money
-Skipped school today just for this
-Didn't sleep last night because she was SO excited
-Camped out at Tower Records since 11 am just for this
She was number 8 in line.
The media were running around with cameras, doing interviews.
They interviewed persons 1, 2 and 3.
The camerapeople came close to me, but I looked away, so they didn't ask.
Sorry la, I wasn't in the mood, haha.
Later I learned from Nina that the 60 golden tickets were given to the first 60 people who preordered the album, in the same order.
I thought she was going to kill me, when she found out I arrived at Tower Records only at 2.30.
And I got a ticket.
A ticket that goes before hers.
I feel guilty, heheh.
But not guilty enough to give it up!
Chester arrived at around 4.40 pm (1 hour and 40 minutes late! So diva!) and the (now GINORMOUS) crowd goes wiiiiiild!!!
Gave a short speech about how he loves Malaysian fans and that this is the only stop in Asia besides Japan et cetera.
And the signing began!

My mind was just...blank.
I couldn't even hear what he said to me.
Zzz...stupid fans making so much noise.
And that dopey grin on my face...HAHAHAHA!
I shook his hand and went:
And gleefully skipped off.
Pearly whites (under metal) gleaming.
So not me, I tell you.
I met Nina outside and she was like:
"What did he say to you? OMG I CAN'T REMEMBER! Something about liking my picture blablabla..."
Then I was like:
"OMG me too!"
"But got shake his hand lor..."
"Yeah. This is the hand that shook Chester's!!"
I stared at my hand in awe.
She looked at her right hand.
Then her left.
"Oh my god I forgot which hand he shook! Oh god oh god oh god...!!!"
"Probably the right hand..."
I offered helpfully.
Then simultaneously, we lifted our right hands to our noses.
And sniffed.
And we burst out laughing.
Lol, we are such geeks!
Anyway, I hung around and tried to get pictures, but I was too far.
So I shot him on the TV screen. (Left-handed, yo. Or maybe he was saving the right for shaking hands...)
Zz...some dumb ass guys were laughing:
"Tengok dia ambil gambar TV! Hahaha!"
But which fan got the pic (however blur) and which fan went home with sweet memories?
Anyhow I got a vid of him making the speech, haha.
I figured that this was like the Muse concert - If you can't shoot it, film it!
I'm gonna get screwed by my Add Maths teacher, Maths teacher, BM teacher, bio teacher, Physics teacher AND Moral teacher tomorrow for THIS:
So people, don't buy Minutes to Midnight for my BDay, ok?
Got it on preorder already! =P
Saw Looi, Adilah, Hidayah, Fedora, Shima (if that's how you spell it) as well as an assortment of other CBNers there.
Sorry Sab and Looi, cause I couldn't get your stuff signed!
(One item per person...)
Also met MC, Ai Ling, Chris, Ivan + other ex-colleagues (wow, haha) there.
When I commented on their new sound,
Jon said that:
"LP matured already ma. They've grown out of that phase."
Their kick-ass music-making days were just a 'phase?'
And guess who found me there?
OMGWTFBBQ haven't seen him in a decade!
And he recognised me. o_O
Gave a big OHMYGAWWD!!! when he tapped me on my shoulder.
EEE! Missed you Ma Xiang, lol!
See the number 13A? That's my turn to go shake hands with him. =P
Later, Eric swapped my ticket to number 4.
I was the FOURTH person to get my poster signed!
Anyway, we waited for TWO whole hours.
Poor Wing almost fainted.
And What I've Done was on repeat.
So yeah, 2 hours listening to the same song is no picnic.
Especially for someone who didn't like it in the first place.
Ke lian!
I feel guilty for bringing her there now.Anyway, in line, I met one of many hardcore LP fans.
I think her name was Nina, I didn't think to ask. (Bangs self on head)
In that long hour, I learnt:
-She was from Convent Kajang
-Skipped from Form 3 to Form 4 this year because she was overseas
-Drew a (good) picture of Chester which she gave to him
-Is going to join the LPU today after saving up enough money
-Skipped school today just for this
-Didn't sleep last night because she was SO excited
-Camped out at Tower Records since 11 am just for this
She was number 8 in line.
The media were running around with cameras, doing interviews.
They interviewed persons 1, 2 and 3.
The camerapeople came close to me, but I looked away, so they didn't ask.
Sorry la, I wasn't in the mood, haha.
Later I learned from Nina that the 60 golden tickets were given to the first 60 people who preordered the album, in the same order.
I thought she was going to kill me, when she found out I arrived at Tower Records only at 2.30.
And I got a ticket.
A ticket that goes before hers.
I feel guilty, heheh.
But not guilty enough to give it up!
Chester arrived at around 4.40 pm (1 hour and 40 minutes late! So diva!) and the (now GINORMOUS) crowd goes wiiiiiild!!!
Gave a short speech about how he loves Malaysian fans and that this is the only stop in Asia besides Japan et cetera.
And the signing began!
My mind was just...blank.
I couldn't even hear what he said to me.
Zzz...stupid fans making so much noise.
And that dopey grin on my face...HAHAHAHA!
I shook his hand and went:
"Thank you SO MUCH!!!"
And gleefully skipped off.
Pearly whites (under metal) gleaming.
So not me, I tell you.
I met Nina outside and she was like:
"What did he say to you? OMG I CAN'T REMEMBER! Something about liking my picture blablabla..."
Then I was like:
"OMG me too!"
"But got shake his hand lor..."
"Yeah. This is the hand that shook Chester's!!"
I stared at my hand in awe.
She looked at her right hand.
Then her left.
"Oh my god I forgot which hand he shook! Oh god oh god oh god...!!!"
"Probably the right hand..."
I offered helpfully.
Then simultaneously, we lifted our right hands to our noses.
And sniffed.
"Mm, smells like clay!"
And we burst out laughing.
Lol, we are such geeks!
Anyway, I hung around and tried to get pictures, but I was too far.
Zz...some dumb ass guys were laughing:
"Tengok dia ambil gambar TV! Hahaha!"
But which fan got the pic (however blur) and which fan went home with sweet memories?
Anyhow I got a vid of him making the speech, haha.
I figured that this was like the Muse concert - If you can't shoot it, film it!
I'm gonna get screwed by my Add Maths teacher, Maths teacher, BM teacher, bio teacher, Physics teacher AND Moral teacher tomorrow for THIS:
So people, don't buy Minutes to Midnight for my BDay, ok?
Got it on preorder already! =P
Saw Looi, Adilah, Hidayah, Fedora, Shima (if that's how you spell it) as well as an assortment of other CBNers there.
Sorry Sab and Looi, cause I couldn't get your stuff signed!
(One item per person...)
Also met MC, Ai Ling, Chris, Ivan + other ex-colleagues (wow, haha) there.
When I commented on their new sound,
Jon said that:
"LP matured already ma. They've grown out of that phase."
Their kick-ass music-making days were just a 'phase?'
And guess who found me there?
And he recognised me. o_O
Gave a big OHMYGAWWD!!! when he tapped me on my shoulder.
EEE! Missed you Ma Xiang, lol!
Song of the Day:
"What I've Done - LP"
I don't really love it. But it IS growing on me, believe it or not.
...Today teacher said my BM sucked worse than a 9-year-old's.
...I got 20/100 for my essay.
...An essay I really TRIED writing well.
...I'm gonna fail SPM.
...So depressed.
wahhh so exciting la! how nice when you know people :P can cut queue wan. i'm sure you made a lot of people jealous. go so late still can get number 4!!!
Bluek =P
Poor girl camped from 11 am also behind me, haha.
Btw, the girl who was first in line was the first person IN THE WHOLE WORLD to purchase the album.
She got:
- A plaque
- A bouquet of flowers
- Press pics with Chazz
- HUGS from Chester!
i have never met anyone famous or any musician whom I really like the music of EVER.
unlike you, who sees evry1 you want.
*JEALOUS* (like Den said,lol)
MICHAEL JACKSON may be doing a WORLD TOUR soon. *fingers crossed* Eyes on da prize...
Hope I get 2 c him in concert...
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