Sunday, April 06, 2008


I was just thinking, what if I could stop time everyday - just one hour a day?

I would like to just sit down and...

[04:04:29]Chocolate_XD says:
[04:04:30] tibinub Says:
hi chocofail
[04:04:32]Chocolate_XD says:
go away
[04:04:33]Chocolate_XD says:
[04:04:38] tibinub Says:
/catches ur hand
[04:04:43]Chocolate_XD says:
[04:04:43]Chocolate_XD says:
[04:05:00] tibinub Says:
/grabs ur leg
[04:05:05]Chocolate_XD says:
[04:05:06]Chocolate_XD says:
[04:05:07]Chocolate_XD says:
[04:05:08]Chocolate_XD says:
no more hands
[04:05:10]Chocolate_XD says:
go die lor
[04:05:20] tibinub Says:
/holds ur bite with my mouth
[04:05:22] tibinub Says:
[04:05:24]Chocolate_XD says:
[04:05:25]Chocolate_XD says:
[04:05:29]Chocolate_XD says:
go away man
[04:05:32] tibinub Says:
lucky human got same amount of parts
[04:05:33] tibinub Says:
[04:05:37]Chocolate_XD says:
[04:05:44] tibinub Says:
[04:05:47] tibinub Says:
am i irritating ?
[04:05:47]Chocolate_XD says:

...RAWR. My philosophical musing was interrupted!

I knew I shouldn't have /bit him.


I was saying that if I could freeze time, I'd like to sit down and draw people's portraits.
Is that boring?

I know people would like to give people wedgies, go conteng faces a la Jigglypuff, hug walls, dance naked in the streets...etc.

But I would really like to try draw people.
A real live person (albeit frozen.)

It would be so nice to just study a person's features - to see, to touch - and recreate it in your own way.

Or just photograph the person - or just sit and stare so that you can imprint the person in your mind forever.

Because I just cannot remember faces.

I'm so afraid I'll forgot the faces of the people I love.
What if all photographs were destroyed?
What if I never see them again?

I'd go crazy wondering what the person looks like.

In fact, it already happens to me sometimes.
I'd try to recall a person's face and I'll see someone else instead.
Eyes get interchanged, lips get replaced, noses vanish...that kind of thing.
And in the end I can't remember what the person looks like at all.

Sucks, man.

So, what would YOU do with your one hour of extra time everday?

Don't say 'SLEEP MORE LO,' or I'll smack you! ._.''

Song of the Day:

"D'you Know What I Mean - Oasis"

I can't believe I ever put this on the list of things I want in a guy.
Rofl. This song isn't that hard to sing, okay... =x


Denise said...

coincidence? i have an extra hour today! daylight savings just ended =P

YL said...

ohmygod lameness


draw face?


if i can stop time i'll steal.

steal from bookshops and shopping malls.
