Monday, April 07, 2008


When I said that I'm mostly cranky when my sleep is interrupted, I wasn't lying.

After staying up til 3 am catching up on my maths homework (if compared to a toilet, it's so backed up the sewage pipes would've exploded 2 days ago,) I was miraculously awake throughout Economics, Maths and break.

I even managed to finish to Econs essays during breaktime without falling asleep.

But miracles never last, do they?

By the time 3rd period came, I could feel drowsiness set in.
But I pretty much kept a clear head until 10 minutes into class.

A grumpy Mr Madhavan.
A freezing-cold class.


Accrual accounting, realisation concept, accounting periods - all of which I've already revised the week before.
A repititive Mr Madhavan.


Skipped break - growling tummy.
3.5 hours of sleep the night before.
A monotonous Mr Madhavan.


So, it was no surprise that my eyelids started to droop 15 minutes into class.
When I finally nodded off and jerked awake the first time, I gave in to my body's demands and lay down on the table to sleep.

Damn accounts, I don't care if he caught me sleeping - pretty inevitable since there was nothing seperating me and the whiteboard - I'm sure as hell gonna snooze anyway.

After maybe 2 minutes into dreamland...

"Will someone get her coffee? To keep her awake? Huh?"

I looked up, prepared to put on my bimbo face and apologize. ^_^''

He jerked his chin aggressively at me.

"What your problem, huh?"

I snarled internally.
Some animal instinct forced me to retaliate in kind.

I narrowed my eyes.

"I. Don't. Drink. Coffee."

I said in the most neutral tone I could muster.
Which was of course a lie, I DO drink coffee - only if its mixed with caramel, sugar or something sweet though.
But it was the best I could come up with, my mind still being 75% up in the clouds or floating somewhere full of rainbows and unicorns and stuffed mushrooms.

Needless to say, I don't respond well to negative tones.

"What's your problem? Didn't sleep enough?"
"I was up. Till 3. Doing work."

I continued glaring at him until he turned back to the whiteboard, speechless.
Later, he told the whole class.

"In your upcoming common test, there will be a THIRTY mark question. On this."

He gestured hard to whatever he wrote on the whiteboard, then looked at me, eyebrows raised.

Yea, yea, whatever. Like I'd give him the satisfaction or grimacing or recoiling in horror.
I just gave him my best blank face and he looked away.

Sometimes I wonder if I just like to antagonize people, or whether it just...happens.

I mean, it was my fault for not being able to keep awake during class...but that tone...
Cannot tahan. -___-


Anyway, I don't know if I'm being particularly scary today or something.
I was walking out the door to go to the toilet before Econs class started and nearly ran into Sam, who just turned to come in.

He flailed his arms and jumped backward, eyes wide.


I blinked, snorted and continued my way to the bathroom, amused.

After Econs, the scaring continued.

I was writing the first paragraph of my Econs essay when Scott asked me:

"Hey Steph, can"

I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye, but I didn't stop writing.


I put down my pen.
I turned and stared at him with an exasperated look.

"Oh, what was"

I exhaled loudly and picked up my pen.

"Oh yeah! Do you have the econs text book?"
"-____- Nope."

I turned back to my work.
Argh. Why can't people prepare their questions BEFORE they ask?
Is that too much to ask for?

Don't la do this to me:

-taps me on shoulder-

Hey Steph!
Eh, what did I want to ask?
Er, wait ah, lemme think...
What was it ah...oh crap, I forgot la!
I'll ask you later ok?


Anyway, Swarna dedicated a song to me, so I'm pretty cheered up.
Or not.

Should I be flattered or insulted or what?

Watch it, then tell me.

She was like:

"My friend showed it to me on youtube and I'm like OMG I MUST show it to my friend. You know? Steph? She is SUCH a maths freak! I'm telling you, she..."
"What? It's true! I'll be like doing maths and going URGHHH and you'll be like HOW CAN I HELP YOU? HOW CAN I HELP YOU? Ding! Big white smile! ;D"


Four, three, two, one

Listen up, ya'll, 'cause this is it
The numbers we're making are so vicious

Mathmaticious expeditious can be kind of scary
I hope my answers aren't radical or imaginary
I convert percents to fractions, it brings me some satisfaction
Like scientific notation and order of operations

Mathmaticious (repetitious)
Gets me expeditious
My answers may get vicious
My eraser's left in stitches
I make wishes (woo-ah)
I get the answer right, right
And I'll be staying up all night just to check what I write

Mathmaticious (The Pythagorean Theory)
Mathmaticious (Finds the hypotenuse for me)
Mathmaticious (Or I'll use trigonometry)
I'm Mathmaticious (d-d-d-d-d-decimal, decimal)

Locus of the points
Locus of the points
Locus of the points (points is echoing)

I'm up about figuring out greatest common factors
And when I make a pie chart I'm in need of a protractor
The angle of elevation, thanks to my calculations
Turns out to be 43, a prime number

I'm Mathmaticious (Mathmaticious)
It makes me so ambitious
My answers are judicious
Calculator never glitches
It's my mission
I get the answer right, right
And I'll be staying up all night just to check what I write

Mathmaticious (What's the probability?)
Mathmaticious (Of me not labeling my axis)
Mathmaticious (When graphing inequalities)
Mathmaticious (hold, hold, hold, hold, hold up, check your work)

Computing areas
Quadratic formula
Graphing parabolas
I think they're all so cool
It's my soul commitment
That I ace the Regents
Sin, cosine and tangent
Are my favorite tools

I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
Is it whole? Rational? Factor, factor, factor, hit the pi key

3.14159, 26535, 89793238, 462
6433832, 7950288419, 716, 939937,
510582, 097494, 459230, 78164,
062, 86208998628, 0348

Mathmaticious (repetitious)
Gets me expeditious
My answers may get vicious
My eraser's left in stitches
I make wishes (woo-ah)
I get the answer right, right
And I'll be staying up all night just to check what I write (write, write, write)

Four, three, two, one
It makes me so ambitious
My answers are judicious
Calculator never glitches
It's my mission
I get the answer right, right
And I'll be staying up all night just to check what I write

Mathmaticious (pi, pi, pi, pi)
Mathmaticious (pi, pi, pi, pi)
Mathmaticious (pi, pi, pi, pi)
I'm Mathmaticious (d-d-d-d-d-decimal, decimal)
It's Mathmaticious (pi, pi, pi, pi)
Mathmaticious (pi, pi, pi, pi)
Mathmaticious (pi, pi, pi, pi)
I'm Mathmaticious, d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d (pi, pi, pi, pi)

I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
I divide, multiply, add, sub (four, three, two, one)

Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
Is it whole? Rational? Factor, factor, factor (four, three, two, one)

I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
I divide, multiply, add, sub (four, three, two, one)

Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
Is it whole? Rational? Factor, factor, factor, factor, factor...

Song of the Day:

"Livin' On A Prayer - Bon Jovi"


1 comment:

YL said...



and his voice so NERDY CAN DIE


the nerdiness.....
reminds me of sui yi.

now your turn.
