Wednesday, June 25, 2008

That didn't take long

The mini-delinquent has reverted to her ways.

I arrived at college this morning at 8.20 and sat down in the library to do my math homework like a good girl. I set my alarm to go off at 8.50 and made my way to the IT lab with 2 minutes to spare.

Amelia, Shu Qing and some other person I don't remember were standing outside the class chatting.

They waved. I waved back.

"You're late."
"Class started at 8 am."

I was just about to go 'Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny. Good joke. Not.' when a thought popped into my mind:

Didn't teacher mention something about a replacement class...?

I eased the door open and walked in as silently as I could. Fail.

"Stephanie, why didn't you come for my first class?"
"...I forgot all about it."

She looked at me and shook her head.

Good lord. No one told me there were back-to-back classes TODAY.
T_T Kawan-kawanku yang setia telah mengecewakan saya...they all didn't know there was class too.

HA. Fallen in with the wrong crowd. Hmph.

I skipped LAN again.

While Vivi went for her replacement IT class during break (one more absence and she'd be barred from the final exam,) Jul, Ying and I went to Ftz to play.

We lost track of time.
As usual.

10 minutes past the hour:

"Eh Accounts la, let's go."
"Omg, no mood la...late already. Sure kena scold."
"But what if teacher teaches something we don't know and it comes out for this weekend's test?"
"...okok, let's go."

Then Viv messaged us:

"Oh ya. Free period. Teacher not teaching."

Us: YAYYYYY! *sits down and continues to play*

Mr Madhavan came to class 20 minutes late, so I guess if we had actually left Ftz, we would've made it there before he did and be marked present. -_-

And hour later...repeat performance.

"Eh, 3.10 d la."
"Shit. Econs ah?"
"Yea, come let's go."

SAVED by Vivi again.
She messaged.

They were in the library, no class.

Us: YAYYYYY! *sits down and continues to play*

And just like that, I managed to miss 4 classes today.
Oh good lord.

I mean, IT was accidental - and no way was I giving up my break to go for replacements. I can very well read the powerpoint slides by myself.

LAN is nothing.

The two other classes were free periods! So I guess I didn't miss anything.
And my collective absences per class hovers somewhere around 5 - so I have no fear of being barred from the final exam or thrown out of SAM. Yet.

That mark is at 15 absences.
Me? Ponteng 15 times? NAHHHHHHH. =3

RM7.50 gone. Just like that.
Thank God Dan paid for our drinks. Nice person! ;D
I think I'm gonna go broke before the month ends again. -_-

Wah, and I'm so annoyed weh. I played DotA again today after nearly 2 weeks without a proper game. I still don't ahve the mood to DotA, but Ying and I layan Jul only la.

The guy sitting next to me was the host - on the opposite team.
Oh for goodness sakes, this was happening more often than I'd like.

He looked at me.


I waved my lollipop at him and he laughed.
Then he promptly turned the screen away from me and smiled sheepishly.

"Don't worry la, I'm very noob one."

I slammed on my headphones in a huff and did the same.
Like I'd actually WANT to peek at his screen. *indignant*

Much to my shame, I lost my temper at Julian 3 times during the match, until I forced myself to change lanes so I didn't have to stay with him. -_-

But most of my bad temper was attributed to a pair of assholes who were cursing Ying for feeding.

"Diu, must be a girl la, play until like that."
"Can you stfu pls. She first time play, can chill bo?"


And the worst part is, they were fucking noob ok.
Here I am, nearly blind from dry and scratchy contacts and I still tried my best not to feed.
They, however, fed something like 2-8 and 3-6 and they were cursing at Ying.
Then they started scolding me.

Walao, I tell you I let loose on them man until they shut up and afked/left.

It's just a game, need to be so fucking sexist and harsh on people who are just learning how to play meh? Assholes. Fucking hypocritical feeders.

After that I was so geram I marched straight to CS and started feeding.

My reflexes were so freaking slow until Ying could actually pawn me so many times in a row.

pinkbunny: LOL snowbunny is dyingbunny!

Next round:

*snowbunnie has changed his name to dyingbunnie

And then, I got my first frag of the day! (Besides the one I got using Ying's computer)
LOL. Then another, then another, then a double kill.

"See, you use this name then cannot die edi." Ying said in a small voice.

I stuck my tongue out at her and got killed in that instant.
I buried my head in my jacket and started laughing.
What else could I do?

Lol. And I was teaching Ying how to plant the bomb - it was her and two CTs left.
I pawned one, and the bet window appeared.

"Oh good lord =_= Need like this meh?"

And to my surprise, there were people who actually bet on pinkbunnie!

Pressure, pressure.

I ran all around with 19hp - last hit, looking for the dropped bomb and suddenly this full life CT popped out of nowhere spraying bullets - thank God he feikei-ed the initial shots. -_-

5 shots later and I won the bet for them.

I don't think I could've pawned otherwise.

MakCikKau: WOW

I headbutted Ying.

"Whyyyyyyyy my first kills of the day are under your name oneeeeeee? T_T"

No credit. Waaa. T_T

Anyway I still cannot fight cc people la.
Pro feikeibunnie. =(

Headshots nftw!
I die before I can do anything. Sniff.

And the people there actually know how to creep, so I don't have my tiny advantage of hearing them round a corner. =( I actually got knifed to death once and LOLed at. T_T

Must practise, yes yes.
Main GG for training. Ha.
And learn how to jump on crates LOL.

Song of the Day:

"Let There Be Love - Oasis"

Lalala. No CS tonight. Maths. =(

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