I don't remember why I stopped. o_o
Well, anyway, I didn't play CS at all today!
I'm back to DotA.
However, I still don't enjoy it as much as I used to.
I can't wait to go CS-ing tomorrow. ^^
ESL teacher's off somewhere and so I have a 3-hour break if I skip LAN.
Even if I don't, a 2-hour shooting spree sounds pretty fun. =)
I'm still learning to rein in my temper, and I'm improving somewhat.
Today there was this asshole who kept KS-ing me and Vivi - I was swearing a whole lot in person, but I managed to keep myself from typing all sorts of profanity in the chat.
Instead, I kept myself amused by attempting to KS every person that I saw.
Don't get angry, get even.
I played 3 full DotA games just now with Max, Chia, Jon, Sherman and some annoying clan member...I really dislike some of them.
I still suck. =)
Maybe even more so than usual, today being only the second time that I'm playing in a month of DotA-abstinence.
Besides, I was disoriented by hunger and a newfound anonymity with the controls.
I kept pressing 'y' - the CS chat command - to chat instead of the 'enter' button.
Bwahhh. x_x
The first game sucked - er, I was warming up only!
*cover cover*
Plus there was Jon's annoying friend...Ok, let's forget about the dude. He's an ass, that's all you need to know.
Second game was better - I picked Rikimaru, one of my favourite heroes, so the chances of me feeding were slightly less.
Third one...I was already bordering on reckless from the hunger and I kept chiong-ing and being overly aggressive even with 1/3 hp. While facing a full-lifed Strength hero. ^^''
Needless to say, I fed lots that match.
But whee! I don't really care any more.
It almost seems like I've finally detached myself from the feverish pitch of the match and the feelings that go along with it.
It's like watching someone else play.
Nowadays, I'm more prone to bursting into fits of laughter when I die. Back then I used to be swearing up a storm and throwing the blame everywhere else but on myself. =/ And now I'm trying my best to ask NICELY when I want someone to fuck off, instead of screaming incessantly for the person to GO AWWAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!
And it actually works.
HAHA. Miracle.
I've learned that a 'please' here and a 'thank you' there won't hurt at all.
Even Ah Bengs seem to respond better to well-worded requests. (Most, anyway.)
But if the opponent insists on unleashing his stupidity upon me for no apparent reason...=/ As KC puts is so well:
Wahaha. Except that I don't scream for no reason. The slightest reason, maybe; never for no reason at all.
I think I play better without Nick around too. He's too easily bullied into submission, and then I start getting things I want just with the smallest whine. I take this for granted and throw a fit when others don't do the same for me.
That day as I was playing CS in Ftz, I was complaining that I couldn't kill because all I had was a handgun - 8 shots with 98 damage RAWR SO CLOSE T_T
And so, someone - on the opposing team summore - said he'd buy me a gun. ;D
no fairrr i have no gun that's why cannot kill =(
ok lor, I'll buy you a gun
ya, what gun do you want?
ok, meet you at the tunnel there
you'll kill me =_=
i won't la -.-
if you say so...
I made my way to the tunnel where he was waiting...where my teammate blew him to bits upon sight. HAHAHA.
I walked forward to pick up my new gun, when I died as well. =_= I joined him in the dead chat where he was giving lots of -.- faces.
But the point is, some people just submit to your demand so easily that you get used to it.
Then you get spoilt. You want every single person to cater to your every whim and fancy.
And yes, I admit, I was a fucking spoilt brat lately.
*changes topic abruptedly*
I love the AK - it's my first gun ever, and in close combat it's awesome in damage output. ^_^v

But I'm much better suited to the carbine most of the time cause my aim is awful and the AK has insane recoil.
How about my melee combat?
I can get about ONE slash in with my knife while the enemy stabs me to ribbons while circling around me - I get disoriented really easily in melee range. Zz.

As I pull my gun to the left, the recoil send the shots spraying high over the CT's head.
By the time I control the recoil and pull the gun down, I manage to make a nice arc right over the dude's head, missing him completely and this is what happens:

Song of the Day:
"El Nin-yo! - Tata Young"
And yes, I've learned to fire in bursts, not spam-spray like we all used to when we first started. =)
Well, anyway, I didn't play CS at all today!
I'm back to DotA.
However, I still don't enjoy it as much as I used to.
I can't wait to go CS-ing tomorrow. ^^
ESL teacher's off somewhere and so I have a 3-hour break if I skip LAN.
Even if I don't, a 2-hour shooting spree sounds pretty fun. =)
I'm still learning to rein in my temper, and I'm improving somewhat.
Today there was this asshole who kept KS-ing me and Vivi - I was swearing a whole lot in person, but I managed to keep myself from typing all sorts of profanity in the chat.
Instead, I kept myself amused by attempting to KS every person that I saw.
Don't get angry, get even.
I played 3 full DotA games just now with Max, Chia, Jon, Sherman and some annoying clan member...I really dislike some of them.
I still suck. =)
Maybe even more so than usual, today being only the second time that I'm playing in a month of DotA-abstinence.
Besides, I was disoriented by hunger and a newfound anonymity with the controls.
I kept pressing 'y' - the CS chat command - to chat instead of the 'enter' button.
Bwahhh. x_x
The first game sucked - er, I was warming up only!
*cover cover*
Plus there was Jon's annoying friend...Ok, let's forget about the dude. He's an ass, that's all you need to know.
Second game was better - I picked Rikimaru, one of my favourite heroes, so the chances of me feeding were slightly less.
Third one...I was already bordering on reckless from the hunger and I kept chiong-ing and being overly aggressive even with 1/3 hp. While facing a full-lifed Strength hero. ^^''
Needless to say, I fed lots that match.
But whee! I don't really care any more.
It almost seems like I've finally detached myself from the feverish pitch of the match and the feelings that go along with it.
It's like watching someone else play.
Nowadays, I'm more prone to bursting into fits of laughter when I die. Back then I used to be swearing up a storm and throwing the blame everywhere else but on myself. =/ And now I'm trying my best to ask NICELY when I want someone to fuck off, instead of screaming incessantly for the person to GO AWWAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!
And it actually works.
HAHA. Miracle.
I've learned that a 'please' here and a 'thank you' there won't hurt at all.
Even Ah Bengs seem to respond better to well-worded requests. (Most, anyway.)
But if the opponent insists on unleashing his stupidity upon me for no apparent reason...=/ As KC puts is so well:
Screw youuuuu ;D
And the funny part is that I actually recognize a bit of myself in these screaming nutcases.Wahaha. Except that I don't scream for no reason. The slightest reason, maybe; never for no reason at all.
I think I play better without Nick around too. He's too easily bullied into submission, and then I start getting things I want just with the smallest whine. I take this for granted and throw a fit when others don't do the same for me.
That day as I was playing CS in Ftz, I was complaining that I couldn't kill because all I had was a handgun - 8 shots with 98 damage RAWR SO CLOSE T_T
And so, someone - on the opposing team summore - said he'd buy me a gun. ;D
no fairrr i have no gun that's why cannot kill =(
ok lor, I'll buy you a gun
ya, what gun do you want?
ok, meet you at the tunnel there
you'll kill me =_=
i won't la -.-
if you say so...
I made my way to the tunnel where he was waiting...where my teammate blew him to bits upon sight. HAHAHA.
I walked forward to pick up my new gun, when I died as well. =_= I joined him in the dead chat where he was giving lots of -.- faces.
But the point is, some people just submit to your demand so easily that you get used to it.
Then you get spoilt. You want every single person to cater to your every whim and fancy.
And yes, I admit, I was a fucking spoilt brat lately.
*changes topic abruptedly*
I love the AK - it's my first gun ever, and in close combat it's awesome in damage output. ^_^v

But I'm much better suited to the carbine most of the time cause my aim is awful and the AK has insane recoil.

I can get about ONE slash in with my knife while the enemy stabs me to ribbons while circling around me - I get disoriented really easily in melee range. Zz.
Let me show you how awesome my AK is!
This is the enemy Counter-Terrorist:
This is the first shot with my AK-47:
I miss and hit him in the arm (if I'm lucky.)
These are my subsequent shots:
By the time I control the recoil and pull the gun down, I manage to make a nice arc right over the dude's head, missing him completely and this is what happens:
Ok, who wants to come and pawn me now? ^^
Song of the Day:
"El Nin-yo! - Tata Young"
And yes, I've learned to fire in bursts, not spam-spray like we all used to when we first started. =)
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