Sunday, July 20, 2008

Why don't you try loving someone?

That was a question posed to by me by emoboy Nicky.
Well, frankly, I have no real answer to that.

For one, how can you make yourself love someone?

And for another, why get so serious at this age?
I'm 17. I plan to get married in a DECADE. -_-
That's the amount of time from when I was Standard 1 until now.


And from what I've seen, chasing love takes a heavy emotional toll.
Besides that, I have yet to meet someone who meets my qualifications. HAHA.
Who am I to set standards? you ask.

Well, basically as long as I'm not 45 years old, loveless, staying at home alone with 3 tortoises and desperate for a partner, I can set the bar as high as I wish.

I've seen obsessive cases of love - people who'd do anything short of murder to please the object of their affections. I have never come close to such intense feelings.

cry Is that unusual?

Some of us are built to seek out the good in everyone else, and some are prone to hone in on their flaws.

Sadly, I'm one of the latter.
And like most people, we tend to single out the flaws of others and ignore our own.

Some days I can look at him and say, 'how can anyone possibly love him?'
On other days, I look at myself...'how can anyone possibly love me?'

For who I am, that is.

Some of my faults are glaringly obvious - my temper, my selective hearing and memory, my tendency to make the world revolve around me. And then I can people actually come to love those qualities that make me who I am?

Because I'm sure as hell I'm not going to change.
Not in the long run, anyway. rolleyes

The only thing that comforts me in these moments of gloom is knowing that everyone has their flaws too. And I don't expect them to change for me. biggrin

On a lighter note, mrgreen here's my version of the thing Sui Yi never managed to complete:

My type of guy

1. Appearance

- Should not be noticeably shorter than me

My sister is going to whack me if I find someone who's shorter. ^^
Because I made fun of the heights of her past two bfs. rolleyes
They were both shorter than me. Bwahaha.
For me...give or take 2 inches, I think I've mentioned it before.

- Can't be fat

LOL. This is something Viv and I agreed upon.
It sounds so superficial, but I've tried time and again...and I still can't imagine myself with a fat guy. eek It's like polar opposites. I've thought about trying to hug him and finding that I can't reach my hands all the way round. exclaim OMG, ewwwww! XD

- Preferably: Has nice arms

This is just about where the similarities of Viv's and my taste in guys ends.
We like them with nice arms. mrgreen
Some like nice hair, buff body, long legs etc but I really really really like nice arms.
Long and lean and just slightly muscular. Mmm.

I'm not even going to say I want a lengzhai, because most of the guys who catch my eye are pure geekfaces. Yesss, I get laughed at a lot because the nerdy ones with shy faces are the ones who make me double back and look again. Ish. -_-

2. Character

- I don't mind cursing

Because swearing is abundant in my day-to-day conversation.
But I draw the line at racial, family, gender and name insults. I really cannot stand this.
Basically, I get annoyed when people swear at someone for something they obviously have no control over. If you do this to deliberately provoke the other person - and NOT in a playful way - you're an asshole, plain and simple.

- Concerned about the future

Ah. Since I'm not really concerned about what's happening to me next, I guess it would be good if there was someone else who was responsible. mrgreen

- Not constantly emotional

Yes, most of us like soft guys, but one who is constantly emo?
Please. Spare us. You don't even have PMS as an excuse. razz

- Sensitive to girls' needs

Try to understand the way we work. It's not so hard actually.
We're pretty straightforward most of the time, except when we're in a bad/playful mood.
As for the time of the month - every girl reacts differently to this. Some don't. LOL. I'm mostly the raging mad, hypersensitive type, so yeah. You have been warned. twisted

- Won't preach to me

Be as religious as you want, as long as you don't drag me into it.
I'll find my own way sooner or later, thank you. =)

3. Abilities

- Can hold his own in a fight

Verbally and physically.
And he must not be the type to go looking for fights where unnecessary. That's just plain annoying. -_-

- Must be of equal/higher intelligence

Cause you all know I cannot tolerate stupid people.
I KNOW they can't help it and are born that way, yadda yadda.
But ARGH, cannot tahan cannot cannot cannot!

- Has a good sense of humour


- Can either sing/sing only when he's alone

Enough said.
God knows I can tolerate Nicky singing on Skype on most days, but if I have to endure that every day for the rest of my life...*cracks knuckles menacingly*

- Able to mix with my friends

Imagine going out together and having him trail around like a lost puppy...well, that'd be kinda cute actually. wink If it weren't so aggravating.
You can't expect me to abandon everyone else to entertain you and only you, right?

- Preferably: Able to DotA + CS

HAHA. At least on par or better than me.
Preferably better. Though that's not really hard, seeing how crap I am, heehee.

- Will defend me/himself when being flamed

Hate it when they just sit down and accept it.
Where's your pride?

- Preferably: Musically capable


- Must speak English relatively well

Lim almost drives me nuts every time he messages me. But it's sweet the way he layans me when I merajuk, so I accept it. However, if he calls me in class again...evil

*And here...I lost interest with the post LOL
Okay la, I lasted quite long. -_-

Anyway, I was reading some of my old posts...and wah.
I have changed in so many ways; and in some ways, remained exactly the same.

Valentine's Day posts:

2007 (Updated from 2006)

2008...nooooo I didn't write my traditionally childish V-day post this year. What was I doing?


Haha. Seemed like a happy day. rolleyes
Lol, I met Lillian that day! Hahaha. Small, small world.

Here's to another awesomely awesome V-day next year.
In Aussie? No, not yet.

Nyaaaa ang moh kias!
But I still prefer my cinapeks. redface

Song of the Day:

"Buttons - PCD"

Rawr. I was a bit down at the start of the post, and now I'm happy!
Blogging ftw. cool

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