Okay, I feel better now. The pieces for my portfolio are done - I decided to throw in the odd limerick/sappy poem in to make the confirmed 15, and add in photos and some other stuff as extra.
All I need to do now is to do short write-ups for each piece, retake some of the photographs in daylight (mom's scanner was disappointing, and only does B&W,) scrounge out the photos I want to submit, compile, organise and burn it into a CD.
Whoa. Sounds like a lot now that I list it out.
Nevermind! Skipping college again tomorrow! WHEE!
And Nick, KC, Seanie and Jern have been nice to me the whole day today so of course I feel happier. Sean Ming messaged me out of the blue asking if I felt better today. And I did!
Jern is messaging me 1/10th the amount he used to and I'm SO relieved.
It used to be 60-70 a day and now it's chilled down to less than 10.
*wipes sweat*
He claims I still owe him a shitload of hugs when I get to Penang, but at least no more sappy lovey-dovey shit. *wipes more sweat*
Nick is rather slow. -_-
Only today he realised that I'd given Jern that talk - that night he spent scolding/advising him...he thought Jern was just being more depressed than usual.
"OHHHH Now it makes sense when he said he'd been dumped three times already!"
Wait, three times?
Funfact: Jern's ex-girlfriend was named...Stephanie
AHAHAAA Stephs plague his world man!
Anyway! X)
While I'm still in a cheerful mood, here's the final 2 pieces that's going into my portfolio.

I was going follow my cousin's advice and do something related to Malaysian culture.
At first I was going to do batik, but while searching for batik references, I stumbled upon Henna art and decided that it sounded WAYYY more interesting than ba-teek!
Click to enlarge to check out the details.
Really enjoyed doing it!

Okay, this is actually far from satisfactory, but I think it's cute and fair enough to be chucked into the folio.
Firstly, the cubes are not aligned properly.
Secondly, the shading is rather uneven.
Thirdly, it looks like the lovechild of a Rubik's cube and those wooden puzzle thingies you can get from Chaktuchak market in Bangkok.
But maybe that's what makes it cool. X)
I remember my cousin saying something about doing a piece to represent yourself.
Maybe create a new font for my name, or a self-portrait.
Well, I thought my initial was sufficient. And after all those complicated drawings, I thought something basic and geometrical would be a breath of fresh air.
The navy blue is supposed to be purple, I think I tweaked with the colours too much in photoshop while I was adjusting the lighting. I'll fix it tomorrow before I burn it to a CD-R.
Hmm. Simple at first glance, but when you get to know it, it can be frustrating and a total mystery. However, when you know the trick to it, it becomes fun and easy to put together.
Like me X)
AHAHAAA so paiseh to talk about myself. But selling yourself is what's required to get into these universities, so why not?
Whateverrrrr I'm glad it's over and done with. Either way, my cousin's hubby from RMIT also said that my work doesn't have to be super good - they'd have nothing much left to teach you if that were the case.
I REALLY REALLY hope I DO make it into RMIT - simply because I didn't bother to apply for any other uni. LOL. GG.
Pray for me. X)
Love you allllll!
*obviously in a ridiculously cheerful smushie mood*
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