Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Miss California controversy

So. There seems to be a heated debate on Perez about Miss California's 'controversial' statement at Miss USA.
As some of you may know, Perez was a judge on the pageant and Miss Cali happened to pick his question for the interview round.
It went something like this:
"Should gay marriage be legalized?"
And her answer went something like:
"No offence...blablabla America is a free country and we are free to choose blablabla...but in my family we think that marriage should be between a man and a woman and that's the way I think marriage should be."
Note: This is NOT verbatim, just a brief summary of the exchance - I'm too lazy to write it all down properly. Watch the clip here.
So anyway, Perez totally flamed the poor girl on a vlog, calling her a dumb bitch and being a total bitch himself.
Although I think that gays should be granted to right to marry legally and not be discriminated against, I also believe that Miss California should also have the right to state her own opinion honestly without being flamed and booed.
I also think that Perez and the majority of his readers should grow up a little.
Here we are accusing people of not being tolerant of gays, yet there they are oppressing the right to free thinking and speech.
Is it just me or is Perez being a little smug and righteous in his own beliefs?
Sure, he is gay and proud and believes that homosexuals should be granted the equal oppurtunity to wed their loved ones, but does he have to right to impose his own views upon others?
Imagine being asked about your favourite food and you innocently answer:
"A hamburger."
And the person goes all apeshit on you for not being considerate to the wellbeing of pigs and how you're sacrificing a life to feed your insatiable appetite for fattening and unhealthy food?
Not so fun now, is it?
I'm not saying that fighting for gay rights is equivalent to vegetarians crusading for people to give up eating meat, it's just a situation to show you how I see the whole 'Miss USA controversy.'
Furthermore, readers bash the girl for being 'incoherent' and acting all condescending, asking 'what the hell is 'opposite marriage'?' Now, the term on its own may not be clear to listeners, but if it was preceded by 'same sex marriage' then I should very well assume that the reader has at LEAST a vague idea of what she is referring to.
Thus he has no right to call her 'incoherent.'
And these people are all worked up into a rage, bashing the Miss USA candidate for 'dividing, not uniting,' yet they themselves do nothing to alleviate the hate that it clearly felt across the internet right now.
Instead, they fuel the conflict with their own opinions and senseless bashing of a girl who has enough guts to state her own views. They even had the cheek to say that she should lie and be diplomatic to be more sensitive to the rights of gays - what a lousy pageant candidate!
So you would rather the girl lie her ass off, contradicting her own beliefs to satisfy the audience and thus promoting the practice of lying, rather than speak her mind and hope that the world that is watching is open-minded enough to accept that some people simply have opinions that differ from theirs?
Given, if she lies convinvingly everyone will be all happy and CHEERS for gay marriage!
However, what happened was that she spoke the truth and was bashed incessantly for it. Some even go the lengths of calling her an 'illiterate bitch' who 'makes no sense at all.'
Alright, she was a bit redundant and did not directly answer the question, but that is understandable seeing the great amount of pressure put upon these contestants.
Anyway, I just think that Perez should grow up and deal with it more 'diplomatically' as he puts it himself, instead of starting a hate-fueled campaign against Miss California.
That's low, man.
Alright, the hater was being exceptionally rude but as a gossip site author, he should grow some balls and learn to take emails as they come. You can't expect everyone to love you.
Some of his readers applaud Perez for 'taking the high road' and not flaming him. Since when does not responding to a hateful statement automatically qualify as 'taking the high road?'
Especially since he posted the guy's email address up for his millions of fans to flame and spam.
High road, my arse.
Perez should get off his high horse and stop embarassing the gay community with his childish tantrums.
And yes, I don't like Perez but I still read his website cause meaningless news about celebrities entertains me and numbs my mind when I'm bored/stressed.
So sue me.
I don't really have to justify my reasons for still visiting his website despite my dislike of Perez to you, but I'm feeling decidedly nice today so there you go. And also so that you won't pester me with irrelevant questions like 'do you know you're sending more traffic to his website by posting this?'
I don't really give a shit if I do. -_-
What's 5-6 extra hits to a site with million of hits per day anyway?

1 comment:

YL said...

sigh and they call US a democratic country