累 says:
ah mei
[Stephanie] says:
累 says:
do wat
[Stephanie] says:
累 says:
no find kor chat
dun say kor appear off9 o
[Stephanie] says:
累 says:
go til aus also din tel kor
Winter is coming! I can feel it in my bones...or maybe that's just the wind.
It's getting quite cold out and I don't really like it. If you know me well enough you will know that I like warm places. :)
It's averaging pretty much 14 C everyday, with overcast skies and constant downpours. Pretty depressing if you ask me.
For one, I just can't seem to get out of bed at all. (Even more so than usual!)
That day I was supposed to meet Amanda and some other people at 12.
I woke up at 11 and rolled back to sleep.
She called me at 12.15 asking where I was.
I ended up being the latest - 45 mins behind time omg and she was pretty distant from me that day.):
Also I seem to get really restless in class when I see the cloudy skies. Makes me feel like rushing home immediately to curl up in bed with my laptop with junk food next to me.
When I come home I don't want to do work at all cause it's so cold and my hands are half numb - and my work is mostly hands on work so...yeah.
On the bright side, I got my very first High Distinction! YEAH!
I was just complaning on how bloody hard it is to get a HD - 80% and above - in that class. I got 76% for both previous works, and though a Distinction is still a good grade, I really really wanted to do well - the best, actually!
Thanks to Ling also for giving me the idea of doing Damien Hirst as my research, report and presentation topic. I wouldn't have the stage so well in the presentation if it weren't for his gruesome art pieces that totally held everyone in rapture. o_o
Thanks also to my baby for sitting up with my every night while I was writing the report and listening to my minirants while trying to wrestle with the new Microsoft Word.
Wow! Like award acceptance speech HAHA.
So happy :D
Viv said we have both become significantly more feminine this year.
I can't deny it.
I suddenly have an enthusiasm for shopping and buying skirts and stockings and wearing earrings (in all piercings) and doing my hair up in pigtails - and I didn't even fail THAT miserably this time!
Compared to last time...(circa 2007)
Fuck my face is so misshapen. T_T
YES! I know! Wtf right? D:
Hope I look a bit better now.
Omg. Pimples are shitty wei.
I have a whole collection of cringe-worthy pictures in my gallery and I don't really mind posting them up now seeing that so few people read my blog now HEH HEH HEH.
Da sei lei!
I found Lip Smackers at a pharmacy today!
I used to loveeee these when I was younger and Elaine used to buy them back from US for me.
Cheap, colourful and smells great. What's not to love?
Had a go at mecha drawings which I used to HATE.
Thought, hey, I've done spme pretty awesome things I never thought I could do before - drawing cloth? - so why not give it a go? :D
Using my own hand as a 'skeleton'...
A cut-off wing! Yay for A5 visual diaries ._.
And my current Principles and Elements assignment...is to make 100 babies!
Okay Sammy don't get excited cause this is my lecturer's idea of a baby...
o_O One of my first simple paper sculptures.
Made a drawing (in MECHANICAL PENCIL when will I ever learn?) of the sculpture for fun. :D
The actual thing is sitting on a shelf in class right now so I can't show you the real thing.
But yea. She calls every piece of work that we do a baby.
We have pretty babies and ugly babies - the one above is an example of an ugly: a crude, unfinished work which is, like it's name, quite ugly.
In a couple of weeks I'll hopefully have several pretty babies and one GORGEOUS baby and I hope I'll get a Distinction for this! :)
Since handicraft is not my forte - I'm more of a destroyer than a creator.
I prefer written work and presentations. Hehe. Words are my instruments of preference.
Tomorrow I'm off to Fed Square to do some drawings. So I'm gonna sleep now. TIRED! And my poor bf fell asleep in front of the webcam already, waiting for me to habis blogging. Sorry baby!
Good night everyone. :)
i'm sesat-ing here, cuz i'm bored. btw, since ur becoming more girly, why don't you get denise to wear skirts too? hahahaha
Noooooooooooooo because that would involve complicated training on how to sit, get up and walk properly in skirts. XD Lazy laa!
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