Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Hello again. I've been contemplating abandoning this blog but I suddenly have an urge to babble. And so I abandon the idea of abandoning my blog.

Today I was amazed at how well I can control my temper now.

I spent hours on the comp last night editing parts of my group english assignment. 2 of my group members - Jimmy and Lala - had already given me their parts long long ago.

The only person I was waiting on was the person who asked for a favour - to let him join our group. We were dubious at first, but there wasn't really a strong reason to reject him- then.

Oh. I really regretted that.

For 5-6 weeks, we had been researching and compiling data to write a 500 word report with citations and references. We handed in the draft a couple of weeks ago.

His was returned, and the lecturer said NO NO NO this is all wrong. It was off topic! So we had discussions. Yes. Numerous discussions.

Fast forward two weeks and I was sitting at my computer being fed BULLSHIT about how his computer had a virus, MS Word wasn't updated, internet was shitty, he was not used to using Mac BLABLABLA...all pure fucking bull.

All I wanted was his 500 words - ON topic - with citations and references. No problem, the rest of us had already told him that we would write the summary, intro and conclusion as well as do the cover, layout and table of contents ALTHOUGH it was GROUP work.

So yeah, there I was, at misnight last night almost heaving a fit over the fact that I had yet to see ANYTHING he had researched and written over the past 5 weeks.

Finally, he sent me his report.

I read it and it was:

- Off-topic
- Citations were all wrong
- References were not done
- Grammatical mistakes everywhere even though he speaks English fluently
- Format wrong

And it was LATE.

I asked him very calmly where his references were.


Then he went offline.


I made Jimmy call him and he promised to show up today during our FINAL english class to finish off his part.

And surprise, surprise. No sign of the retarded asshole.

1.5 hours into the class, where I was fuming silently and finishing up the assignment. He calls me and says that he was at NGV doing his gallery review - which was due later in the day and should have been done days ago - and that he sent me his second version of his part.

I said ok and hung up.

Then I told the lecturer that he had just sent me his second part...AFTER I've finalised the assignment.

And then I told the lecturer that I didn't give a shit about him any more and that I was NOT going to do his bloody work for him and he can fail for all I care, taking all of us with him.

*insert heavenly music here*

My lecturer said she completely agreed.
Let him fail, he deserves it.
His shit will not affect our marks, but the group mark for compiling the whole thing will still be awarded to him.

I let my displeasure be known and Raz told me she had the same problem with her groupmate. Amanda too.

How fucking fair is it that we lose marks because of HIS shoddy work, and he gains marks for OUR effort?

Fuck group work.
I've always hated it.


Rant over.

Amanda and Jimmy said my face and tone of voice was pretty much furious although in a very calm way. I didn't raise my voice at all!

I'm so proud of myself.


Apart from that fucking asshole who does not deserve to be named - (I hope he gets and STD and has itchy testicles for the rest of his life. Padan muka for fucking around and not taking responsibility for group work.) - I'm pretty happy with life here actually.

:) /strained smile

My beloved boyfriend finally got tired of my grandmotherly nagging and called people up to get an interview.

Calling on Monday.
Interview on Tuesday.
Hired on Wednesday.


So happy for him :D

I'm also happy because I went shopping at DFO Spencer Street yesterday and got a pair of sunnies! Cheap ones - only 12.50 but they don't look cheap at all. :X

Also got a yellow skirt, a white skirt, shiny stretchy rockstar leggings that I can wear as pants and a t-shirt that says I love FUN. :D

Sunnies = 12.50
Skirt = 5 each
Leggings = 5
Tee = 5


Also had a wicked birthday party on Friday. Had my classmates over and Lala got drunk after half a Bacardi and 2 shots of Absolut. =___=??

Squirming and the floor begging for another shot.


I rolled over in my bed where I had just fallen asleep and said:
"No more alcohol for Shella."


All this while red in the face and kicking around my bedroom floor.
Hilarious. XD

Oh. I fell asleep cause I was pretty much high - had beer and Bacardi and 3 consecutive shots. Sammy asked me to go to my room so I can hear him on the phone and after giggling and babbling and being obscene I couldn't get off the bed.

It was just so fucking comfortable.

My head was spinning and I couldn't walk straight, but I could still get up and talk normally when my friends came in to sleep. =_=

My common sense never abandons me. :/

No fun la.

I leapt out of my bed and puked in the toilet.

No more shot after shot after shot thanks. :(
It just feels so good to feel your throat burninggggggggggggggggggggggg XD

Haiya. I feel like doing my textile design already.
It's 8 degrees out there and my fingers are numb.

If you want a post with pictures - jangan harap.
Go to my facebook if you want visual representation of what's going on in my life now.


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