...go to Garena and own noobs!
Haha yesterday I kena thrash gaogao on GarenaFire so today I pakat with fairy and played on regular servers and raped them ~__~
Damn funny la. I waiting at the tunnel there they one by one come let me sapu. Standard damn different weiii! I go to the GGFire server one player can kill 3 of us without even seeing him ahaha.
Or we see him and die terus.
Garena servers are like, the first players come and you can kill him because he got shocked by you.
Then the second one comes, guns a-blazin' and he empties his magazine without a single bullet hitting you cause he's so freaked out about how his teammate died.
The you kill the third one by ducking behind a corner as he walks stealthily down, searching for you. He turns on his flashlight and that gives his position away. You put a bullet through his chest.
Then, you slowly walk up, thinking that the coast is clear...and you see the barrel of a gun poking out from behind a box. And you know the last opponent is crouching there whimpering cause he's the last man standing facing a full team of counter-terrorists hungry for his BLOOOOOD.
...and there you go. True story! XD
I'm not pro, I just kill noobs ~__~
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