Wednesday, January 06, 2010

What is art?

Niabu I cannot tahan people being so kepoh.

This guy was in my class at Taylors College and now he's a very PROUD ART STUDENT. I bet he's also one of those types - blablabla I see the world through different eyes and I'm gonna do drugs, change the world and die penniless and unthanked at 39 and that whole package of shit.

While I was DotAing, he messaged me through facebook. Note that this guy is not someone I regularly talk to and I'm wasn't even on chatty terms with him even at college.

So while I was playing, I hear this pop and I go out and check facebook after the game ended.

"you're an art student right? then why don't you have any of your art on facebook?"

Errrr. Hello to you too.

Who on earth would appreciate a random ex-classmate materializing out of nowhere asking you questions in such an accusatory and rude manner without even greeting you?

Since he was offline, I left a post on his wall answering his question as politely as I could.


Understandably, he stopped replying after that. As you might know, in college I didn't have the sweet disposition that I do now *COUGH* and I think he realised I'm getting touchy.

Sheesh what's wrong with me?

No no no. What's wrong with YOU? What gives you the right to be rude to others? And I hate it when people don't get to the point of a conversation within 20 seconds or so - it's just pointless and irritating, especially if you're not a friend that I enjoy chatting to.

Am I proud of my work? Do you even have to ask?

Of course I am. Don't try to insinuate that I'm ashamed of my own skills just because I don't like showing them off to the whole world. And for your information, I DO have pictures of my artwork when I first started foundation.

As you can see I am pretty enthusiastic AND proud of my work. I just saw no more reason to continue posting them up and I'd rather spend more time actually DOING my work than feverishly post up every single piece of work the moment I get it back from my lecturer.

Okay. I know I'm stepping over the bitchy line here, so let's roll back a bit and I can say that he's pretty good at his work. Yes I do sincerely say that and I applaud his initiative to draw draw draw and practice and refine his skills.

Okay, maybe he's just curious and probably wants to measure up his work against mine, hence the badgering.

But still, learn some manners alright?


And yes, I do enjoy art but I don't have an all-consuming passion for it. I enjoy other things as well, like gaming and shopping. ~__~

And don't snigger to yourself and go: "Shopping! Oh how shallow! HEE HEE!"

Also, if I don't have to urge to post up my work on the internet, don't judge me for it. There are more areas to art than just drawing and photoshop work.

Mainly, I'm more interested in the area of design and innovation, rather than refinement of my fine art skills.

Come on, you're ARTISTS. Open up your mind. There's more to being an art student than getting fanatical with artists from the past and striving to BE an art student.

If you're an art student, you are. Period. There's no ifs ands or buts. You don't have to TRY to be one.

There is no measure for creativity, and everyone has their own talents. Students learn. They aren't Picasso or Karim Rashid or whoever the fuck you idolize.

Those are established people who are very skilled in what they do, and I'm sure that they would also say that there's much yet to learn.

Not every art student has to be a person who rebels against their parents to live their passion, or work 3 days without sleep to refine a design, or chop up animals or spout 'meaningful' bullshit to justify your work.

You don't have to do weed to make great design, you don't have to isolate yourself from people with other interests just because you don't agree on certain things, you don't have to swallow and accept everything another great artist has to say without a doubt

You don't have to dress differently or neglect your diet or be dark and gloomy and hate the world and everyone in it to be an artist.

You create art. Don't let it consume you.

Like me for who I am, not what I do.

I'm an art student. I am sane. I sleep 6-8 hours a day. I eat regularly. I don't take drugs or drink alcohol regularly. I don't carry a notebook around to draw whenever I can. I wear bright colours and tie my hair and brush my teeth and shave my armpits. Sometimes I rather play DotA or shop than to practice my painting skills. No I don't think everything my lecturers and classmates in uni say is superior to the people who aren't involved in the art industry.

I have my own opinions, my own personality and my own life.

That doesn't mean I don't love or have the passion for art.


I hope all of you realise that.

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