Saturday, July 08, 2006

Hahaha =P

*Bursts out laughing*
I am no longer embarassed by my last post.
I just find it inexplicably hilarious. xD
Okay, for your benefit, I shall educate you on my oddest (and most dangerous) mood: Utter insanity

Generally, there are three occasions where my sanity goes haywire:

1. Glucose overdose

High on chocolate.

How it happens: During a party, generally. Instead of smoking dope, I run off with 3 cans of Coke, an ice cream, a bar of chocolate and a packet of Honey-Lemon Hacks. My adrenaline level shoot way up and -poof!- Hyper-active Stephanie!

Once I ran around tugging on the waistline of my jeans, shouting "My pants are falling off!" repeatedly.

The symptoms: Minty breath, coke-stained teeth, my eyes rolling in all directions with a wicked grin/smirk on my face, dilated pupils.

What to do:
Slap my face, hide me in dark corner so I won't embarass you or myself, send to nearest hospital for rapid detox.

When to back off:

When I start looking like THAT.

2. Competition/performance stress

Annoyed and stressed.

How it happens: During a competition, naturally. If I'm winning, my focus is competely on getting the gold. If I'm losing, I get all nerve-wracked and do crazy things that embarass myself greatly.

This year's elocution competition. I got so unnerved by the Form Fives who delivered their speeches confidently and unfalteringly that I completely forgot my script in the middle of the competition. I made up things as I went along and duh, embarassed myself utterly. Oh, and that day we had a Sudoku competition. I was so stressed out and annoyed that I slapped Abi on the face unintentionally. o_O

The symptoms:
Scowling, muttering to self, singing aloud shamelessly, fidgeting nervously, lips getting thinner and thinner and thinner...

What to do:

When to back off:

When I threaten to destroy your camera.

3. Lack of sleep

On a four-hour charge. And yes, I know I do look hideous here. Har, har.

How it happens: When I don't have enough sleep, my word-filter switches off automatically. My dopamine levels plummet, I can't rationalize, and my common sense = nada.

The last post. Typical. I knew I was going to completely make a fool out of myself, yet I did it. Oh well.

The symptoms:
Blank looks, eyelids at halfmast, head lolling around aimlessly, right double-eyelid mysteriously vanishing, opening only one eye at a time, humming songs that sound suspiciously like Britney Spears to myself.

What to do:
Drag me to the closest thing that resembles a bed that you can find, hand me a jumbo-sized bar of chocolate, or go to the nearest Starbucks and get me a large Ice Blended Caramel (this option preferred...mmmm caffeine!)

When to back off:
Looks more like a drug addict to me.
I may start acting like one too.


Now you should understand at least 94.6% of my moods. Congratulations!

Do you experience incidents like this too, or is it only me?


...Oh joy. I think just humiliated myself online again.
I think it's condition #3 again.

Song of the Day:

"Crazy - Britney Spears"

*hums quietly to self*


YL said...

can you make me stop OH-MY-GOD-ing??!?!?!?!

and you call me a cam whore...


you're the cam whore of the whore...

YL said...

ep....wrong grammar...

it's "can you stop making me OH-MY-GOD-ing?!?!"


snowbunnie said...

Er, the second post grammar also wrong, muhahaha!

*cough* I mean, the grammar in the second post is also incorrect.

*dances camwhore dance*

You're still queen camwhore. =P