Sunday, July 02, 2006

I have been humiliated *bawl*

Well, somewhat.

For the first time since the bike incident in Putrajaya -where I shaved off a good 1.5 cm of my flesh from my hip- I have been injured enough to draw blood. (Not counting wounds inflicted by my dogs, they don't count)

Okay, the wounds aren't THAT serious, but yeah, they bled a little.



Not much, anyway.

What I would really like to say is that some clumsy person dropped a boxful full of six inch nails on me...

...or that I was waylaid by a hideous 6 foot 4 inch thug with a meat cleaver, whom I subdued and escaped with only minimal injuries...

...or that I got into a catfight with an ugly bitch (preferably a lala) and sustained some scratches that probably ruined her french manicure...

...or at LEAST that I was attacked without provocation by a fearless feline...

But NOOOOOOOOOO............

I was attacked by a bougainvillea! A BOUGAINVILLEA!


I walked, okay ran, into a bunch of flowers, and not only I get scratched to kingdom come, BUT THE FREAKING PLANT ESCAPED UNSCATHED!

Seriously. Not even a leaf was shaken off that fugly thorny bush.


Is there no justice in the world?

Song of the Day:

"When The Sun Goes Down - Arctic Monkeys"

Now you know why I hate plants.
Roses excepted. I love roses.