Thursday, July 20, 2006

I sat on and broke a chair today.

So, how was your day?


I broke a chair! HAHAHA! I'm giddy over it all. See? I told you I wasn't light?
It's funny how people who weigh less than 40kg can tell me I'm light. Complete and total bullshit la...if 45kg is light, then what are they? Featherweights? Bleh.

Anyway, I was chatting to Yap when my bloody chair went crrrackkk. I was like O_O Wtf?
Miss Anusya went "who's that?" and I went "Me! Me!"

Like some small kid.

Anyway, a note to all kids out there:
Listen to your parents and teachers - don't rock your chair on two legs. Much less one.
It's all well when you're 10 years old, but when you're a foot taller and well, much heavier...Don't. Try. It.

You may just make a fatter weight-challenged friend feel paranoid, seeing the local chopstick splinter a poor chair. Goodness knows what THEY could do to the poor thing then. *cackles*


Gideon, yea, my guitar teacher's name is Gideon; brought back my beloved Zachy D today.
*heart* New strings! So shiny and clean! *rubs*

He started my ear training today. And it's probably safe to say I pretty much suck ass at it. I mean, I can recognise most piano notes when I hear them. But guitar chords? Gaaah.

You know I can't play Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star by ear? I mean, I can pluck the notes out, but chords are greek to me. o_O Weird right?

Anyway I was to busy rubbing my new strings to care.


I lovelovelove my new strings! I think I shall name every one of them.

Billy and.....Enid Junior!

Ahh. *squeaksqueeeeeeeeak*

Did you know there was one CSI episode where this guy was murdered (no duh).
Well, the guy's name was Gideon.
And the murderer's name was Stephanie. (She played in a rock band, whoopee! Well, more like pop actually. =( )
And guess what? The murder weapon was...a guitar!
WAHAHAHA! How's THAT for coincidence?

Stephanie the murderer. Hm. I kinda like that.
Beats Stephanie McMahon any day.


Accounts is silly. Today I snuck into Nurul's class and annoyed her by butting into a last-minute cramfest for her Prinsip Akaun exam.

"Whatcha doin?"
*ignores me*
"Ohh...Accounts! Free A la!"
"Where got? It's so hard! Why don't YOU try learning?"
"Oh, neh. Debit this one, and credit this one la!"
"Huh? No la. Don't simply la."
A couple minutes later...

"Eh? Correct wor!"
"Nah! Told you easy what!"


I'm a Prinsip Akaun genius. =P *perasan*


I got 83 for English! Highest in class. =P But still sucky. I mean, there wasn't even an essay. -_-'' Small kid also can pass. As long as the kiddo speaks English, I mean. But whatever.

Panicked during Add Maths again. I have Addematematiciaphobia.

How else can you explain the fact that I can do perfectly well (figuratively speaking) right before the exam, forget ALL the formulas during exam; then half an hour after it ends, realise that I know how to do every single one?

Really frustrating I tell you. They should use our homework to grade us or something.
...Only I'd fail, since I NEVER hand in my homework.


Why do people keep thinking that Linkin Park broke up?
Where got?
Utter bullshit.
Just because The Rising Tied came out, you people go and make your stupid deductions and spread equally stupid rumours about my favourite band.

Educate yourself, people. Linkin Park is releasing their 4th album this year, not counting Live in Texas and Collision Course. They may call it 'A Million Little Pieces,' but it has not been confirmed yet. Which is just as well, since -favourite band or not- that title sucks.


Okaaay. Those were pretty random things.
I shall end this post now.
Happy or not, fuzzy?

Song of the Day:

"Mr. Brightside - Marty Casey"

Thank goodness he didn't win. If not, the world would be deprived of JD-awesomeness!

1 comment:

YL said...
