Saturday, November 10, 2007

[Exclamation mark!]

Shit shit shit!

My arm just spasmed - nothing long lasting, but a sure indication of the strain I've been putting my arm under.

Hell no, I'm not going to be handicapped any time during the next 2 weeks!

It's alright if I did my gerak gempur with my left hand, but I think the SPM examiner isn't going to think it's very funny to see a Form 5 girl writing like a child.

(Even if my non-dominant hand's writing is nicer thatn Yi Ling's regular writing on most occasions, I'm not taking the chance!)

Oh please oh please oh please let me hand be ok for the next couple of weeks - I swear I won't DotA anymore!

Ok, not more than once a day.
Or twice, if craving strikes.

But PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE let my arm be alright.


Oh shit, now my left arm is aching.
What the hell is happening?

I just ran my right arm under warm water, and it feels better now.


I've never really given it much thought - but what if I am a sickly person?
Lol. Me? Sick? Nah. Saying so would just be attention-seeking.

But here are the odds stacked against me:

I have a BMI of 14.5 which indicates emaciation/starvation.
Currently trying to rectify this problem.

I have a low-blood pressure and high cholesterol combination.
Dahlah my blood flows so slowly, but I also have a chance of my blood getting stuck halfway? Aiyo.

I have a relatively low bone mass for a teenager: -o.7
A healthy bone mass is between: -1.0 to +1.0, positive being the better reading
o_O Mom's is -1.0 and she's 52 already for goodness sake! I'm only 16!

These are the main problems plaguing me now, but since I'm on a roll, why not list out the rest of my minor ailments? XD

I have scoliosis.
Meaning my spine is question-marked shaped, even the chiropractor finds that odd.
I'm fine now, but he said that when I get older I'm gonna have trouble with back pain if I don't watch my posture NOW.

I used to be slightly asthmatic.
Until I had to go to the hospital, cause regular Ventolin inhalers didn't help.
But I'm not complaining, the gas masks they give make me feel all happy and a bit light-headed (oxygen rush?) Plus, I get exempted from physical activities like marching when I was in Form 1, and NS, if I DO get picked.

But I think I've outgrown it, hopefully.

I have terrible eyesight.
I started wearing glasses at 7, with my power increasing by about 100 every year (woo, sounds cool - my power XD)

Now it's about 800-900, left being in worse condition as my dominant eye.
But it's fine now that I wear contacts.

I'm currently having some weird skin problem.
._. The main rashes are gone now (leaving a trail of dark spots in it's wake, ugh)
However, I appear to be developing blood clots beneath my ear.
Bacterial infection caused by my earrings? Dunno.

One of the problems that pains me the most - my fingers are abnormally flexible.
And what comes with that weakness.

And with that weakness, I can't play the guitar properly.

My left pinkie cannot hold down a string properly - if I try pressing it down harder, it just collapses under the weight or twists into a weird unnatural position.

Plus, my index finger is too bony to hold a barre.
Swt. (Barre = holding down multiple strings with a single finger)

To bony meaning some strings aren't pressed down completely due to the concave shape of my finger between joints.

Normally the second and third string have unclean sounds.
Which MEANS I cannot play one of the most basic guitar songs - Romance.


Sad as I may be over my impeded ability to play the guitar, I must be thankful for what I DO have.

I mean, I have two arms and two legs, thick hair and hearing to kill for.

When I'm alone, I can listen to my iPod at minimum volume without any trouble whatsoever.

In fact, I'm so annoyed by my friends automatically maxing the volume whenever they turn my iPod on, that I've locked the volume at half-level.


Even so, I can hear what song you're listening to even when I'm sitting beside you.

That day, I woke up because - of all things - the cuckoo clock chiming.

If you've been to my house, you'd know that the room where the cuckoo clock is, and the place where I sleep is at opposite ends of the house, and one level apart no less.

It woke me up!

Because the staircase door wasn't closed, the sound traveled upwards to stimulate receptors in a very annoyed teenage girl's ear at 11 am - on a holiday!


Besides that, I am also thankful to God (and good genes) for giving me a full set of ten long fingers.
My left hand can stretch from a C to an E on the next octave on the piano.
Ha! Mozart is no sweat for me - Chopin is still annoying though.

Anyhow, even if I didn't play any instruments, I still think that long limbs (fingers and toes included) are aesthetically pleasing.

Yes, my toes are long too, naturally, given the size of my feet.
Lots of people find it freaky, but I like them - I can climb better with them.
=x Like a monkey.

I'm also happy being tall.
You can tell me as many times as you like that no guy likes a girl taller than him - but that works well for me cause I don't really like my guy shorter than me either.

Take that. ^^

It also comes in handy when you get seperated in a bookshop or whatever, cause my friends can just look for heads hovering above the shelves instead of wasting money on a phone call.

PLUS, it rocks to be slightly taller than your peers - especially during a concert.

During my first concert - Simple Plan a few years back - most of the fans were around my age, AND girls, so lucky, lucky me, I got a killer view of the whole thing (besides being third row from the stage.)


I'm babbling again.
Do you think SPM-stress has taken a hit on my sanity?

Sounds so foreign to me.

Yesterday, I went for Deepavali makan at Dr Balwinder's house, and my mom told him that we had to go - SPM Monday!

I remember him commenting about how calm I looked - I must be fully prepared.
I stared at him incredulously - quite a feat cause he's well over 6 feet tall - and snorted.

My mom was like "Oh this one ah, no stress one. This one is the cool one! Unlike Denise..." (LOL)

Then he said that I had photographic memory, and I was like "No, no..."

After that he asked me amusedly, "So, when are you going to start studying?"

Yes! Someone who really believes that I haven't been studying!
I was getting a tad annoyed at people who refuse to believe me when I tell them I've barely been studying.

It's so patronising of them sometimes.
Like my piano teacher.
I remember her asking me this a while back.

"Why so tired ah? Slept late is it?"


"What were you doing?"

"Playing DotA..." (No kidding - until nearly 2 am = =)

"Yeah right! You must be studying for your SPM!"

"I wasn't."

"Don't lie la, I see you also can tell!"

"Whatever you say." (She ALWAYS does this to me!)

"Yalah, I see you also know one la. People like you always say they don't study, but actually they work very hard one!"

"...if you say so."

"Hahaha, don't bluff la, exam next week, where got still play online games one?" (It was before trials)


Dahlah I was so tired, did she still need to aggravate me more?
I hate it when people always think they're right, especially when it doesn't concern them - why on earth would you assume you know me better than I know myself?

No one would know you better than you know yourself - except perhaps your best and oldest friend. Nothing makes you see things in a different light than an outsider's perspective.

Which is exactly why I don't have a best friend.
Lol. I'm too self-centered and cold for one.
I just find it hard to attach to someone completely.

A while back, someone asked me whether I considered him a 'best friend.'

I was just like ...

"Lol, we'll see. =/"

I mean what do you say to a question like that?
Actually, I could've said "No."
But it would seem a little harsh, especially if he were merely joking, right?

I barely know him.
How can I call him my best friend?
Sure, I may have shared some secrets with him - as I'm inclined to do with strangers (they fade away easily) - but that does not automatically make us the best of friends.

Another thing about 'best friends' nowadays is that people seem to have too many of them.
One best friend, should be enough, two equally 'best' friends is still fine (maybe 3 of you grew up together?)

But 5 best friends?
Wtf, it takes the whole meaning out of the term 'best friend.'

I have also been an ear for people complaining about how they've been 'backstabbed' or 'badmouthed' by their 'bffs.'

Best friends forever konon.

How could someone you love and trust do something as petty as badmouth you?
Tell me.

Even you've had a fight, you shouldn't be spreading rumours behind their backs - name-calling to their face is normal, but underhanded lying and spiteful gossip is completely unacceptable.

What kind of friend would do that to you?

Maybe you should just ask yourself that, instead of asking me.

I'll just ask you the same old things:

How much is he/she worth to you?
Are you willing to suffer to keep their company?
How happy does he/she make you?

But then, I ask myself these things every now and then, and that is probably why I grow distant so easily.


Better than whining constantly about my latest relationship disasters, no?

Okay, MORE than enough babble for one day.
This is turning into a college thesis. -.-
Hahaha, bear with my random rants for a while ok?

It's to take my mind off certain upcoming events. =)

This post COMPLETELY went off track - I meant for it be 2 paragraphs about my arm and now look!

A two thousand word essay! Ohmygod, 2k - I just did a word count. Zzz.
If only I could make my BM essay this long (preferably without all the bullshit, though, lol.)

Song of the Day:

"Drops of Jupiter - Train"

I'd like this song more if it weren't for the fact that Tmnet used it for their ads a few years ago.

1 comment:

YL said...


super terase about the hearing one.

my ears are super bad. =(

anyway. best friends dont exist i believe...

with technology like this....everyone is your "best friend"

just ask someone to read your blog and he/she can turn into your best friend already.


life is so.....interesting.