I have such wonderful friends la!

Tengok, I go and take a 2-hour-nap and come back to find all sorts of messages waiting for me.

Arief and I were talking about Literature.
He's taking the subject and he loves it.
I tried to poke fun at him...
And I got owned. =.=
I'm losing my touch.
Must improve my dissing skills.
I shall practise on Yap. ;D
Eh, speaking of dissing...read the end of the post for what happened in school today, haha!

Best of all is this one la!
I came out from the exam hall after Paper 2, and found this lying next to my schoolbag.
Cool leh?
JL's thinking of me~
Until Sui-sui pointed out that JL wrote 'Stephanie' and drew an arrow that points toward 'it.'
Omg la Fish, spoil the moment, won't you?
"I found Stephanie helpful so I hope it helps you too! WAHAHAHA! LOL Stephanie is very helpful!"
Behind every kind act/message is a subliminal message teling me I suck!
Wah. So cham meh?
Everyone hates me! *bawls*
Lol, nah. I know you all love me - whether you admit it or not. =x
*displays perasan-ness picked up from Sui and Ling*
Just pulling your legs.
You guys are...nice people!
...o_O The English geeeek could only come up with that?
Lame! XD
Btw, thanks loads ya JL! ^^
We did a multifrontal assault on Yi Ling today!
Sui was discussing plans after SPM - how we should go stay at Ling's place, then B's, then mine.
She thought Ling's place was near mine, so I was like:
"No la! Her house is in the middle of the jungle la!"
"Ah. Okay..."
"I mean, you can tell where she comes from - just see la!"
*gestures in general direction of the hair*
"Yeah hor...looks like Tarzan!"
"LOL! Not even Jane? That bad meh? Sampai doesn't even look like a girl?"
"Ahahaha... Eh cannot! ...Tarzan got straight hair la!"
"HAHAHAHA! Fine la, then Jane?"
"Cannot! Jane is very slim..."
"Omg, you guys ah...hahahaha!"
"...then we'll say cannot swing on vine..."
"HAHAHA! B! Don't!"
"...the vine will break!"
And then B and I collapsed laughing. XD
Sui had already moved on to another subject, and Ling was just going:
This whole conversation happened in less than 20 seconds.
Poor Ling couldn't even keep up!
Sui, B and I make such a great mental assault team. =)
That's right, gun them down so fast they don't even know what hit them. XD
Ok ok la, I teach you how to DotA, don't angry la okayyyy?
Song of the Day:
"Roll Tide (Crimson Tide) - Nightwish"
Yerrr, they replaced the lead singer!
Bo shiok!
But I still like them anyway.
When you see the title of this song, you think of ________________.
Tengok, I go and take a 2-hour-nap and come back to find all sorts of messages waiting for me.
1st message
Very sympathetic la Yap, I think I'll just ignore the last part ------> XD
2nd message
2nd message
kao shi zhen me yang?
[How are exams?]
I told him it was horrible, and he responded by saying:
Lol. Ouch.
3rd message
Today Sui Yi's dad packed wantan mee for the four of us starving SPM kids to fill our tummies.
Thank you so much! =D
4th message
Unfortunately, yes.
Struck down by the flu! Zz.
And yes la, thanks for reminding me it's your birthday tomorrow.
I forgot. =x
Come let us all wish him Happy Birthday at 12 tonight and inundate his inbox with strange messages from strange people. o_o''
[How are exams?]
I told him it was horrible, and he responded by saying:
of course la! always dota!
Lol. Ouch.
3rd message
Today Sui Yi's dad packed wantan mee for the four of us starving SPM kids to fill our tummies.
Thank you so much! =D
4th message
Unfortunately, yes.
Struck down by the flu! Zz.
And yes la, thanks for reminding me it's your birthday tomorrow.
I forgot. =x
Come let us all wish him Happy Birthday at 12 tonight and inundate his inbox with strange messages from strange people. o_o''
Arief and I were talking about Literature.
He's taking the subject and he loves it.
I tried to poke fun at him...
And I got owned. =.=
I'm losing my touch.
Must improve my dissing skills.
I shall practise on Yap. ;D
Eh, speaking of dissing...read the end of the post for what happened in school today, haha!
Best of all is this one la!
I came out from the exam hall after Paper 2, and found this lying next to my schoolbag.
Cool leh?
JL's thinking of me~
Until Sui-sui pointed out that JL wrote 'Stephanie' and drew an arrow that points toward 'it.'
Omg la Fish, spoil the moment, won't you?
"I found Stephanie helpful so I hope it helps you too! WAHAHAHA! LOL Stephanie is very helpful!"
Behind every kind act/message is a subliminal message teling me I suck!
Hidden message #1
Sick? Haha!
Hidden message #2
Found it hard? Padan muka!
Hidden message #3
You english nerd!
Hidden message #4
You're not human, you're an 'it'!
Sick? Haha!
Hidden message #2
Found it hard? Padan muka!
Hidden message #3
You english nerd!
Hidden message #4
You're not human, you're an 'it'!
Wah. So cham meh?
Everyone hates me! *bawls*
Lol, nah. I know you all love me - whether you admit it or not. =x
*displays perasan-ness picked up from Sui and Ling*
Just pulling your legs.
You guys are...nice people!
...o_O The English geeeek could only come up with that?
Lame! XD
Btw, thanks loads ya JL! ^^
We did a multifrontal assault on Yi Ling today!
Sui was discussing plans after SPM - how we should go stay at Ling's place, then B's, then mine.
She thought Ling's place was near mine, so I was like:
"No la! Her house is in the middle of the jungle la!"
"Ah. Okay..."
"I mean, you can tell where she comes from - just see la!"
*gestures in general direction of the hair*
"Yeah hor...looks like Tarzan!"
"LOL! Not even Jane? That bad meh? Sampai doesn't even look like a girl?"
"Ahahaha... Eh cannot! ...Tarzan got straight hair la!"
"HAHAHAHA! Fine la, then Jane?"
"Cannot! Jane is very slim..."
"Omg, you guys ah...hahahaha!"
"...then we'll say cannot swing on vine..."
"HAHAHA! B! Don't!"
"...the vine will break!"
And then B and I collapsed laughing. XD
Sui had already moved on to another subject, and Ling was just going:
"Wtf? I don't understand la! Ceh!"
This whole conversation happened in less than 20 seconds.
Poor Ling couldn't even keep up!
Sui, B and I make such a great mental assault team. =)
That's right, gun them down so fast they don't even know what hit them. XD
Ok ok la, I teach you how to DotA, don't angry la okayyyy?
Song of the Day:
"Roll Tide (Crimson Tide) - Nightwish"
Yerrr, they replaced the lead singer!
Bo shiok!
But I still like them anyway.
When you see the title of this song, you think of ________________.
haha, terbalike ady.
BB is the one who say tarzan got straight hair.
I was the one who said Jane very slim.
>< Daddy says you are welcome. haha.
haha..Yi ling Tarzan..hahaha
Haha, ty Sui.
Noted and rectified.
My memory died XD
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