Friday, November 09, 2007

On a scale of 1 to 10...

How pissed off would you be if...

THIS gorgeous view was taken away from you by a bunch of greedy developers?
Pretty darn ticked off, I'd say.

(Don't click to enlarge, this is a 12x digital zoom with slow shutter without a tripod = =, it's a miracle that it's even this clear, haha)

Still annoyed that my cam couldn't capture the beauty of the sunset - the colours were 10000x more vibrant than this sickly peach glow. = = Ling ah, lend me your cam can? >< I loved today's sunset especially.

I know, when my parents bought my house, we didn't exactly BUY the view together with it, but it has always been a plus point.

Foreigners are always delighted when they stay at my place - what better view than both the KL towers and twin towers when you're staying in Malaysia?

It is also situated a nice distance away from the city - too close and there'd be too many city lights polluting your view; too far and both the buildings would be a mere speck in the distance.

I don't know what it is with me, but I love sunsets.
Here in Malaysia, they always seem to be of different colours - they're gorgeous!

This afternoon there were beautiful clouds as the back drop of the cityscape - bright white on top where the sun hit them, and murky grey on the bottom where rain was waiting to be showered upon KL.

But alas, I was too lazy to pick up my butt and look for my cam to immortalise the moment forever.
xD Dramatic views call for dramatic speech, yes?


By the way, I taking pictures of landscapes - the sea, the sky, flowers - well, actually anything that isn't human.

Humans pose too much.

Cause I'm feeling patient (and trying to procrastinate =P) here are some overdue pictures from my holidays to Aussie, China, and Kota Kinabalu.


On top of the world!
Well almost, 4000 meters above sea level - that's close enough for me.
Not interested in scaling Everest any time soon.

Somewhere within the Si Gu Niang Shan mountain range.
The snow caps just melt into the sky...I love it! ^^

Sparkly crystal clear water - see the dead sunken logs on the floor?
Sky or water?
That's what so many aunties asked me - but I'm sure your bright teenage eyes can tell, right? =P


The view out my sis' apartment's balcony at 6 am.
Early sunrise, early sunset.

Forgot what this place was called.
But isn't it refreshing to see the sky while inside a shopping complex? =)

My mom took this picture - I'm so proud of her, lol.
Once upon a time, she used to shake the cam while pressing down the shutter, haha.
But actually this is bright daylight, so ah...WHATEVER!

It's a tulip farm, btw.

Ha, this is the pic that got screwed up while being developed.

Since I don't have a wide lens, backing away as far as I can was the best I could do.
After nearly falling into a garbage can, I managed to salvage the top of the Ferris Wheel - couldn't do much about the base though, short of doing an Oscar the Grouch.

Kota Kinabalu

The sunset, 'nuff said.

It's actually pretty mild compared to the ones I get out my window - it's all light hues of pink and purple and orange, whereas the ones here in KL are more towards bright gold, magenta and fuchsia.


Walao, blogger is so damn slow, no mood to upload pictures liao.
Plus, it's dinnertime and I'm starving.

I was going to do a series of posts about my trip to Aussie, cause a few people complained about my laziness (aiyo) but I'll see first la.


Haha. I'll probably upload all the pics to Facebook - so you'd better hurry and get an account!
Oh please, Friendster is SO passe. = =

Song of the Day:

"Umbrella - Rihanna"

Old song, but still stuck in my head.
Thanks a lot. -.-


Denise said...

Sunset not early la. 8.30pm still not dark you know..

YL said...


nice nice nice

btw. i saw the sunset yesterday when i went out. it was around 7.20pm.
super chun
yellow and blue.


Anonymous said...

Yeah yeah! That was the one!

Lol...I wanted to photograph that, but it took so many attempts - by the time I got a steady shot, the sun was gone liao.


(Mom is signed in to gmail lol)