Thursday, August 31, 2006


No, it's not a display of my patriotism.
Even if I had any.

Nahhhh, I'm just testing out my camera's fireworks function.

I don't really know what the fireworks function does, but it sure gets the pictures.
Not that other modes don't.

Sorry about the shakiness.
I could've sworn I wasn't shaking at all, but at 8.8x zoom, you never know.
Too late to get the tripod, not it would've be any use, being one foot tall.

Oh well. Better than nothing right?

This post is for:
Yap, whose neighbours taunted her with the sound but not sights.
...And for DEN! Who is of course, in Melbourne. =D

As well as for all those mindless people who have nothing to do but read meaningless posts on my blog.

Song of the Day:

"Die For Your Government - Anti-Flag"

That's shit! =D

Of pet sisters...


Read this.

That is the saddest thing I've read in weeks. Imagine me writing a letter to The Star, revealing people's identities without their permission.

Dear Big Bro,

I am a 16-year-old from a famous all-girls convent school in KL. I'm feeling very distressed as lately, our school band, of which I am a member, is suffering from a horrible political situation.

I love my band very much, and it's killing me inside that our happy family is breaking up because of some stupid politics. I feel very pissed off and depressed because some of my friends quit band because of this.

Band is my whole life, and it is falling apart! What should I do Big Bro? WAHHHHHH!!!!! (Pathetic scream)

Also, if that weren't bad enough, this teacher, Puan Sarjit, whom I call Sarkit because she IS a pain the ass, HATES ME! She always picks on me when I doze off in class, even though it's not my fault she bores me to death. Life is so unfair!

And to top it all off, this stupid hairstylist gave me this HORRIBLE haircut! I have really, really fuzzy hair and she cut it all off! Now I have to gel it before I go to school everyday so it won't puff up, and I'm really scared the prefects will find out, cause hair gel is contraband!

If I don't gel it, then it sticks out and whacks into people's faces when I turn around, and some mean people called it the Nimbus 2000...I don't know why! I hate people playing with my hair!

Please help me Big Bro!

Fuzzy Wuzzy, Taman Dagang Jaya.

Yi Ling (Oops! I revealed her identity! Aw...) would then get a reply.

Dear Fuzzy Wuzzy,

You problems are beyond my abilities to solve. See Stephanie for a good whack upside your head to deal with your problems.

Yours sincerely,

Big Bro.

Ok, before I end this post:


Got it?

Deal with it.

Love, Snarkie.



Song of the Day:

"King For A Day - Green Day"

In response to this. Take that, sucker. -smirk-

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


This Yi Ling ar, is suffering from bandliticitis.
Everytime I hear about band, got problems only.
I thought band is about playing music, enjoying it.
But noooo, got people fighting for ranking now.

If you want rank, go join some crap society where you don't do anything, not band.
If you quit or complain because you don't like the hierarchy, ask yourself why you joined band in the first place.
If you're happy and like what you do, stay.
If you don't like it, get your sorry arse out of band and quit complaining.

Let Yi Ling type happier posts la, you jakun.
Whatever she says is most likely the truth and is not targeted at individuals.
So get over yourself, and stop reading her blog if you don't like what she says.
Someone shouldn't have to take back what they said just because some half-assed, diseased mongoloid doesn't like it.

Shut up you childish freaks.
Shut up you lowlife whinging people.
Shut up you hypocritical losers.
Shut up, shrivel up, screw up.

I don't care about you tight-sphincter syndrome sufferers.
And for goodness sake, BLOG ABOUT HAPPIER STUFF YAP!

Rant over. Back to DotA.

Song of the Day:

"Creep - Stone Temple Pilots"

Band is none of my business. But I will say whatever I want anyway. So there.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

I am SO proud of myself...(part 2)

I have achieved my goal for these holidays.

...Finish all my homework?
...Complete my moral kerja amal?
...Draw a kick-butt merdeka poster?
...Take a super-pwning picture for the photography competition?

...Redesign my school T-shirt and collect my 100 bucks?
...Finish Start my 2-months overdue article on Rhythmic Gymnastics? (sigh)
...Learn French?


...I just beat DotA Insane mode!!!

WAHAHAHAHA!!! Stephanie is insane!
Well, actually beating Insane mode wasn't one of my goals
...but as I have already done it, why not pretend it is and allow me to gloat over my undeniable success? =P Muahahahaha!

Actually I already beat insane with the Demon Witch this afternoon, but as I accidentally selected one extra hero for my team, I don't count that as a proper victory.

Only post good comments, or don't post at all.
*glares warningly* 0_0
Don't be a party pooper and burst my little bubble of happiness now.

*applauds self* =D

Song of the Day:

"mOBSCENE - Marilyn Manson"

I miss dancing to this song with Sunshine! Haha.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Fancy coming over for lunch at my place?


My maid cooked macaroni today. Her first time ever.

She used - get this - butter, milk AND condensed milk! Omg, -vomitvomitvomit-

That disgusting lumpy thing there is the cheese.
Feels like rubber, tastes like -BLEARGH!!!-

Ok, lost your appetite yet?



Suffering is less when shouldered by many.

Song of the Day:

"In The Air Tonight - Ryan Star"

I support Ryan! Woo!

Stephanie is getting married!

Sooner or later. Or even never. But what the hell, can't I plan it in advance anyway? =P

Before the wedding

Prospective husbands:

Ideally, it should be a long time friend. Maybe of like, 5 years or something.
Cause divorce is SO troublesome.

Exceptions will be made however, for love-struck billionaires who agree not to sign a prenuptial agreement. =)


I don't care, but my ring has to be platinum and diamond. =) Not over-the-top ginormous rings though, a simple one will do.

Fiance must go down on bended knee, regardless whether he is shorter than me already or not.

Proposing in front of a crowd of hundreds would be nice, like at a Linkin Park concert in Japan where the expenses were fully covered by him. How romantic.

Oh wait, won't he get trampled by the crowd? Oh well.


10 million US dollars, or the equivalent in CDs and concert tickets of my liking.


The wedding


Western 7-course. Starts off with mushroom soup and garlic bread, followed by chicken cordon-bleu, spaghetti bolognaise, pepperoni pizza, lasagne, Haagen Dazs ice cream of any flavour...and Bailey's Irish Cream for dessert! Woo!

(If you're vegetarian, bring your own food. I won't mind. Saves my money anyway.)


Secret Recipe's Chocolate Indulgence. 5-storeys tall.
The whole thing must be edible, by the way, not made of clay.

As for the statuettes on top? I want a pair of Pikachus up there.
...No laughing, please. If you're a guy and you're laughing right now, I will never marry you.
So there. Ptui!


I shall pay Linkin Park to perform! Wahahaha! Opera/pop lovers can go chew their own behind.


Same goes for Celine Dion's 'My Heart Will Go On' and all that crap.


Wedding gown:

No white, no white, never ever white. Why does it always have to be white? I don't understand!!
I mean, what if I have my period that day, huh?
NO fucking way am I going to walk around with a bullseye on my ass on my wedding day, merci beaucoup.

I think I'll go with black, with red designs and silvery thingies all round. =) So pretty!


After the wedding


Wherever the hell I want. My husband should love me enough to take me to the moon if he has to. Hmph!
...Or maybe I'll just settle for California.


3-storey mansion complete with swimming pool, butler, maids and 2 dozen dogs of any breed I want. Also, a music room filled any instrument in existence and CDs! Also a top of the range Hi-Fi system with surround sound.

Ahh...this is the life.

...only not yet.

I think I just scared off any potential suitors. o_O
Oh well. Too bad. Not like I wanted to get married in the first place anyway.

Song of the Day:

"Qwerty - Linkin Park"

It's seriously starting to grow on me.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I just had a thought...

You know those nail polish testers in stores?

If there are testers, why do you need to buy them at all? Whenever you think "I think I'll paint my nails today," just walk over to your nearest Sinma or Chamelon and paint away!

Quite nice what.

I mean it's free, it's MEANT for you to use, and you save a hell lot of money whilst having tons more colours to choose from!

Think of it as a kind of library, only you don't return the books.

No problem right?

...except when you want to paint your toenails, that is.

*sigh* Bullet to the heart of my devious plan again. =(

Oh well. Guess forking out 4.90 isn't too much to ask, is it?


Jeanette called.

"Got free tickets to some ceramah on the 7th of September, wanna come?"

"Ceramah...on what?"

"Oh, and it's on a thursday, have to ponteng school but wear uniform."


Or something like that. Thing is, someone invited me to cut class and my mom gave her permission without argument. WOOHOO! Best mom evarrrrrr!

But ceramah on what? Don't know. Guess I'll find out soon enough. On studies I think.
But I'd much rather go to a ceramah on studies rather than actually doing it. Studying, I mean.


Okay. I have nothing to talk about, as you can probably tell.
So good night.

Song of the Day:

"High Road - Fort Minor"

-shrug- No reason.

Wah, happy birthday again... Ashleigh (Reign Leong, if I remember correctly)

I doubt she reads my blog, so please wish her for me, Meg. =D


15th, birthday.

Same age as me liao. =P

Monday, August 21, 2006

Someone is OLD!


Happy birthday to Den!
Happy birthday to Den!
Happy birthday to Dennnnnnn!
Happy birthday to Den!



(And I was kidding about the thing about my quitting blogging. Dur.)

Farewell, my minions

I have decided to stop blogging and dedicate my time to honing my DotA skills.


Song of the Day:

"Song to Say Goodbye - Placebo"

Ciao. Arrivederci. Zai Jian. Buhbye.
And I don't care if the first sentence was grammatically correct or not.

I sure took care of it this time *smirk*

It's going down!

After the last time my fellow heroes took out the Frozen Throne without telling me, I made sure I took all the credit this time. Suckers!

By the way, Razor sure makes lots of noise, though he isn't THAT powerful.
But the noise makes me feel powerful anyway. =P

And Den, I just bought anything that was there, cause I had about 10000 and no time to read the descriptions. =p

I walked right into the enemies fountain too! The Phantom Assasin, the Juggernaut, AND the ninja guy (whatever his name was) were THIS close to dying that I didn't watch where I was walking. =(

All three of them together! One chain lightning would have made a lovely triple kill! But nooo, I saw their hp bounce from near-dead to almost-alive thanks to the stupid fountain. -pout-

Oh, and I died too. Just my luck.

Note to self: Must stop the DotA talk. I make my blog posts boring. Or maybe I just make all the non-DotA-ers feel hopelessly left out. Ha-ha!

Song of the Day:

"Are You Gonna Be My Girl? - Jet"

The phone rang today and my friends asked:

"Oooh, is that your boyfriend?" [snigger]

"No, I'm in a girl's school. It's my girlfriend la." [poker face]

"Woooah!" [pant]

...Why do guys like lesbians? *confused* Something is wrong there...(and no duh, I'm not a lesbian)

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Stephanie is poisonous! Induce vomitting if ingested.



Somehow I don't think you even need to go to the extent of ingesting me to induce vomit...*wicked grin*

Song of the Day:

"My December - Linkin Park"

LP's album is delayed. And Stephanie is pissed off.

Define 'cool'

What on earth, may I ask, is considered cool?

I seriously, seriously have no idea. I've been reading some stuff lately, and I think it's plain weird.

Like, the school is divided into many many cliques, such as:

The Plastics
-rules the school
-feared by anyone and everyone

The Goody-2-Shoes
-teacher's pet
-raises their hand to answer everything before the teacher even finishes their question
-never fails to complete their homework

The Nerds
-face perpetually in a book
-speaks only in computer language
-perfect grammar
-straight A students
-24/7 tuition

The Loners
-don't mix with anyone
-generally weird
-generally good-looking
-pulls wing off flies and eats them
-listens to Dream Theater, Pantera, Nirvana and fantasize about being Kurt Cobain

The Wannabes
-hang around with plastics
-listen to 'punk rock' music or whatever everyone else is into
-have pet sisters/brothers
-desperate for boyfriends
-shrivel and die when deprived of their handphones

The Pseudo-goth 'Artists'
-black nails
-black/red clothes
-likes blood
-believe they're vampires

The Band Geeks
-see 'Yi Ling'

I'm serious, that's what the magazine said! Well, almost everything.

Now, I don't see these kind of people around. So where the hell do these magazines get their material from?

They made it all up, that's what.

They made it up to try and brainwash youngsters into buying brands like Nike and Billabong and listen to washed out 'pop-punk' like The Click Five or whatever.

So that, in 10 years time, we grow up and divide into the aforementioned sects so that the media can control our brainwashed minds and make us do whatever they want.

For example:

The Coke companies will cut a deal with Seventeen magazine to make The Plastics drink Coke, so that The Wannabes will follow them and earn them lots of profit by that alone.

Then, The Goody-2-shoes, being the do-gooders that they are, will start a campaign on how bad Coke is for your health, thus popularising Coke further, since no one ever listens to the goody-2-shoes.

After that, The Loners, wanting to diss the goody-2-shoes for being puppets of 'the system', will start drinking Coke, in an act of defiance.

This act will be followed by The Nerds, who secretly idolise and want to be like The Loners, and try to clear their somewhat stinky reputation by drinking Coke as well.

Then, the Pseudo-goth Artists, making up the rest of the student population, being rebels, will rebel and start boycotting Coke and start drinking Pepsi.

Oh, and The Band Geeks, of course, remain indifferent. (But secretly drink Pepsi as well, because behind that 'I love my trumpet or snare drum' facade, they are dying to be like the mysterious Goths, blood-worship and all.)

Then Coke, Pepsi and Seventeen magazine laugh, shake hands, count their profits and call it a day.

We SO are puppets in the truly scheming hands of the media.

Well, lets face it, people.

In real life, The Plastics are no one but people with supersized egos that think they're pretty and popular and all that shit. Not that anyone actually cares about them.

Except The Wannabes, which will exist in any generation, no matter what. But since everyone else ignores The Plastics, The Wannabes are automatically become non-existent to the public eye. Except when they are being ridiculed and taunted for their absolute lameness and bad taste.

The Goody-2-shoes grow up to be shunned, but get their revenge when they become president of a large continent and bomb your country or whatever.

As for The Nerds, they'll be laughing their asses off when you become dependant on their multi-million-dollar-making software (except for those few sensible ones who use Apple) while they live in a beach-fronted villa in Miami, and are being served martinis (shaken, not stirred) by young maidens in bikinis.

The Loners grow up to be depressed and eventually shoot themselves in the head, so no worries there.

What about The Band Geeks?


Bah, who cares about band geeks anyway? (Wahahaha)

A small voice in Stephanie's head scolds: "You've been reading too many sci-fi books! *cough* The Uglies *cough* And by the way, you should seriously get some sleep, you're obviously becoming a deranged lunatic..."

Song of the Day:

"Runaway - Linkin Park"

Finally bought Frat Party at the Pankake Festival today! So happy!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

I am so proud of myself...

Click to enlarge

See? I am GODLIKE!!! MuHAHAHA! 9 kills in a row!

...or maybe I shoud stop playing easy. =P

Even so, guess what the first kill was?

The Scourge has just pawned Steph's head for an easy xxx gold!

But still, highest score you know! =P

I was too busy having fun murdering the stupid Ogre Magi again and again and again so that he stayed at Level 12 permenantly that I didn't notice that the Frozen Throne was vulnerable.

-_-'' Thus the game ended and I missed all my fun. T_T

Song of the Day:

"I Wanna Rock and Roll All Night - Kiss"

I should be playing normal, but I'm having too much fun being godlike. =P

Friday, August 18, 2006

Filler post =P

'Cause I have nothing to do. I am not even kidding. The holidays start officially tomorrow, but I'm bored already. Figures.

Astro's time slot management should have a durian jammed up their asses for scheduling the good shows at impossible times like 1 am and have ABSOLUTELY FREAKING NOTHING on weekends. My mom is downstairs watching a movie about middle-aged wine-tasting guy who is going through a mid-life cri...*yawn*


I supposed I could always play DotA that nice, kind Bel has installed for me. But as I have yet to download the latest version of AI, I'm stuck with bimbo enemy units who get themselves killed by creeps within the first ten minutes of the game. -_-

I could fiddle around with my camera, but after that traumatizing incident where a group of my guy friends got hold of it (presumably to take pictures) went through the entire memory card of a certain few people shamelessly camwhoring...*choke*

Ok, I was stupid to hand over my camera just like that though. But whatever.

I guess I could start on my Keranamu Malaysia poster which I plan to kick-lousy-ass on, but the more I think of the stupid motto that's been used for 6 years now, I just feel sien.

Maybe I should photoshop pictures of the people who took my Oliver and camwhored with him until his battery, got no mood la.

Do I sound enough of a spoilt brat yet?

Ok fine, I think I shall make a list of my current teachers and why and how much they suck.


Malay - She talks SO softly and monotonously and can probably put the sandman out of comission, yet she gets annoyed when we do our [insert subject here]'s homework during her lesson. But we're actually sparing her the embarassment of getting snored at while droning on and on about karangan berpandu.

Suckometer reading: ***

English - Creepy, reptilian eyes of a cold-blooded huntress. One glare from those peepers and you would have an aneurysm immediately. Nah, most of the students managed to sit through oral with those spooky jaundiced eyes glaring at them. Oh, and also the fact that she apparently asked where I was yesterday. I hate teachers singling me out. It's so freaky.

Suckometer reading: ***

Maths - She took 3 days, 2 whiteboards full of nonsensical workings, and 1.5 tonnes of bullshit to explain one simple question that took Yap and I less than 10 minutes to solve. And they say 4K girls are stupid. If that's true, nothing much can be said for our teachers...well, except that they are horribly, undeniably, breathtakingly dense.

Suckometer reading: ****

Add Maths - She can't explain problems properly, and then smirks superiorly when we can't solve it. Yeah, yeah, we know you're smarter la, if not you wouldn't be the teacher now, would you?

Suckometer reading: ****

Biology - Her twice weekly...lullabies have 75% effectivity on me and a few other students. And I sit in the second row so whenever my eyes are half-shut, she goes "STE-EPH..." in this extremely annoying and squeaky voice. Not that she can help it. The Donald Duck-like tonality of her voice, I mean. Anyway, I wasn't sleeping, I was just resting my eyes, ok?

Suckometer reading: ***

Chemistry - Two words to sum her up - Xiao Qi (meaning short-tempered?) . Oops, that sounds like a schoolmate's name, sorry. The teacher has long straightened hair, an overbite that was never fixed, and her nose wrinkles up disgustingly whenever she laughs in that lilting, annoying little girl's giggle. Yuuuuck.

Suckometer reading: ****

Physics - 100% free 45-minute long lecture on etiquette and behaviour every Tuesday and Wednesday. Boredom guaranteed. No registration required.

Suckometer reading: *****

Moral - She's never been in class until last month. Not bad at teaching though, seeing how my Moral grade skyrocketed from a depressing 44% to 80% in one lesson. No other fault with this teacher.

Suckometer reading: *

Sejarah - I've had her since Form 1 and I've been sick of her for just as long. She's too lazy to give us exercises most of the time and usually piles 6 months homework on us 2 weeks before book checking. Now, she makes us write out exercises, photocopy them, and distribute them to the class to do. LAZZZZY.

Suckometer reading: *****

Hmm...what's the last subject? *ponders*

OH YEAH! I cannot believe I forgot!!

EST - Huge pain in the ass. I get a sharp pain in my posterior just thinking about her. You know what?

Yap Yi Ling, yes you, write a 250 essay how on much our EST teacher sucks, based on the given points. To be handed in tomorrow in the form of a link to your blog post in my comments box.

Please and thanks. xD

(I'm so menyusahkan, right?)

Oh, and before I forget:

Suckometer reading for the Sarkit (no zero error) :

************************************************* x infinity

Song of the Day:

"Heart-Shaped Box - Nirvana"

I don't think I'll ever get this song out of my head unless I learn how to play it. =(

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Weight issues...

In connection with this post, I would like to grumble a bit about my weight.

As I'm typing this, I'm eating a one-foot-wide plate of spaghetti piled high with steaming sausages and tons of cheese.

I eat like that quite often, yet when I checked my weight this morning:

44kg! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! I lost 1.5 kg!

Slightly annoyed and disappointed, I checked the scale for zero error, like they tell us to during experiments.

Sure enough, the pointer was not at 0. Pfft. That means I'm still 45 kg, okla.

Then...wait. The pointer was pointing at 1kg!

That means I'm only 43kg. W.T.F.

I tried deworming, eating lots of fatty food, not exercising...oh poof. This seriously sucks. *middle finger to those morons who have such nice flesh, and yet turn anorexic*


My goal is to put on enough flesh to be able to wear a strapless dress (as if) to prom (as if) and not have it fall off while slow dancing (as if) with my boyfriend (as if!)

To be able to do all that, mark you. Not that it's going to ever happen. Haha.

*shovels down more spaghetti*

Song of the Day:

"Smooth - Santana"

My fingers are all sore from playing that song. Yummy song though.

WWMY Erica

So. How do I explain how it happened?

I don't even know, actually. Just that one sentence:

"Erica passed away this morning."

First reaction was just plain: "No. NOnonononono."

Then, this may seem a little inappropriate, but in my mind I screamed:

"Can't you just say die? People don't pass away. She didn't pass away. She was suffering. She DIED, can't you people see that? Saying 'pass away' does not soften the blow any!"

I still don't get it. That was the exact sequence of events that I went through when I received that dreaded phone call one week after my birthday. Only I didn't burst out crying.

Of course I was sad. But it was just so unexpected. It's weird, but somehow no one expects a little kid to die. When a 60-year-old is suffering from aggressive cancer, people would just tell his or her relatives: "It'll be alright. So-and-so is going to be just fine."

But in their heart they're already preparing themselves for that flat line, readying themselves to console to sufferer's grieving relatives.

When you tell someone that a mere 9-year-old is suffering from cancer though, people say: "It'll be alright. Erica will be just fine." And in their hearts they believe so.

But you know how the screwed up world works. The 60-year-old probably recovers and lives happily ever after, and vice versa for Erica.

Fucked up, this world is indeed.


I went for the wake two nights in a row, on last Thursday and Friday, resulting in extreme fatigue in school on the next day.

I hate it when people say:

"Oh she looks like she's just asleep."

Oh shut up, who are you trying to kid? Maybe you think so, but it only because you didn't, couldn't bring yourself to look closely at her.

Never noticed the pale face, her lips slightly ajar, her fingers stuck up at an odd angles where to mortician didn't, or couldn't make them rest naturally on her torso, and the wounds.

The wounds on her hands where they stuck in a needle and pumped her with bags of blood everyday. The dried blood in the veins that will never heal.

Sleeping? Yeah, right.

Ok, I'm being bitter here, so I'll move on.

The first thing I heard when I alighted from the car was sobbing. Lots and lots of sobbing. It was horrible. I looked around for a familiar face to find comfort and only found a couple of morose friends. I didn't want to cry and make myself and the people around feel worse.

Every time someone drew in a tear-laden sob, I twitched.

(Shit, my fingers are shaking)

The next day was worse, however. I had more friends there, looking equally nerve-wracked as I felt. To my horror, two of my friends just started crying.

Two guys, older than me, hugging each other, trying not to cry. But cry they did. One of them even held a tissue up to his nose and blew.

My nerves started to tremble. No I don't cry in public, no I don't cry in public, no I don't cry in public...

I didn't.


We all felt better after that though, as her mom said that she could feel Erica there, playing tricks on us all. Even after she was gone.

Erica's parents and everyone else got locked out of the house on the second day of the wake.

Her mom said:

"It's so typical of Erica to be so cheeky..."

And somehow, we all felt better.

On the next day, on the way to the funeral, our car got lost. Somehow, we kept taking the wrong road, missing the turnings.

Defeated, we called Erica's mom Ai Mee to tell her that we won't be coming as the body was already in the fire, and we had to hurry to Melaka.

I felt bad. Then,

"No other car made it to the funeral. Erica's playing her tricks again."

Only the bus following the hearse made it. Only 4 people besides her parent's made it there. The whole entourage of cars?

Lost. Hopelessly, terribly lost. Every, single, damned, one of them. What are the chances of that happening?

Many more Erica-style pranks were pulled during that horrible period, but I don't think I will mention them here.


Even in Melaka, when I was couch-potatoing in Shan and bro's room, they were talking about her. How she used to follow them around to play, how cheeky she was, how she liked to cling on to our legs while we walked and never let go.

She was loved by many. That said,

Erica lives.

But still, we will miss you.

And we still love you.

R.I.P. Erica Karen

Song of the Day:

"Message in A Bottle - No Doubt and Incubus"

"...a hundred million bottles, washed up on the shore..."

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I went to Melaka this Saturday.

For Krishna puja.

It's like a ceremony where you tie these strings called rakhis which the girls braid, on guys in a gesture of brother/sisterhood.

No it's not a girl/boyfriend thing you jakuns.

Bright, bright colours!

Anyway, I left on Saturday morning after attempting to go to Erica's funeral. More about the 'attempt' later.

After a 2 hour car ride, we had yummy satay for lunch. I accidentally ingested a piece of pig's intestines which resulted in some gagging. But, being a super-tolerant person, I managed to get it down after realising it tasted exactly the same as normal pork meat...

Wu liao go and play with the sticks, haha.

...except that you know, the organ had processed...pig shit before. Ewww...

Can go for fear factor now, w00t!

After that most satisfying lunch, we checked into The Bayview Hotel Melaka, after dropping two other passengers off at the Renaissance.

Bad pic la, I know. Was lazy to get out of the comfy, comfy car.

"Omg mom, we're staying here? Yayyy!"

"Er no, we're just dropping Dr Kim and Dr Leela off."


Anyway, after making a couple of rounds in the slightly jammed Melaka traffic, we found the newly refurbished Bayview which had no sign.

It was directly opposite the Renaissance hotel, of course. -_-

Super bright reception.
Not surprising, as the whole wall of the entrance was made of glass.

Anyway, the moment I entered, I knew I was going to love the place. Great, great hotel! Beautiful reception, friendly porters and an unbelievably fast lift that took us 7 floors up in like, 5 seconds. Whoosh!

sCups. The hotel cafe. Again, super bright and cheery.

Oh yeah, did I mention that the rooms were huuuuuuuuge? For RM 50 a night, I mean. Haha.

Got TV set, got radio, got super-wide single beds...

They also had this fake duvet. So embarrassing, I stuck my feet in to snuggle in for warmth, and...

The cover ends! feet shot out the other end! Cis. Tricksters. Makes me wonder what the cover was even there for. Colour, maybe?

And I found this under the covers:

Orientation of this picture's funny. I can't fix it.
Even if I rotate it, it stays this way. On my cam too. :S

Haha. Good service, yeah! On the way to the puja venue...

Old-style buildings in the rain.

A Trishaw! A real, live, trishaw! Wow! (macam jakun, haha)

Okok, enough about where I stayed. Puja time!

It works like this:

Girl ties rakhi for brother, girl is nice to brother, brother gives present to girl, brother has to do anything girl says, if asked sweetly.

Except when you ask for their picture. I didn't know guys were camera shy.

Here are a few of my very unphotogenic bros:


Theesigan and Joshua.

The rest are: Brandon, Rohan, Jun Yan, Jun Ren, Vimal, Shabari, Theepen and Shash.

Just 'cause I had so many rakhis, I tied for way more than my usual 3. Bleh. (More presents too *evil cackle*)

And my gorgeous sisters:

L-R: Laksh, Shan, Me, Sashwiny
I didn't take this blurry pic, obviously. =P
Nor the previous 2.

Oh, and did I mention presents? Presents presents presents!

The loot:

Woot! My bros rock!

After the ceremony, I couch-potatoed with JY, JR and Shan in their room until 2.30 am, when a very furious someone demanded that I get the hell back to my hotel room now. xD

Thus ended my weekend. (Nah, I just gotta sleep, haha)


Song of the Day:

"Message in A Bottle - The Police"

Stuff on Erica tomorrow.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


They say when a good person dies, the heavens weep.


It seriously looks like rain.

I may be crazy, but look in the center of the orchid.
The little bird has gone home to her mother.

We love you Erica. Missing you already.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Someone's about to get slaughtered...

*singsong voice*

Prime example of photoshopping gone wrong:

I think she has the wrong shade of lipstick on...
*snickers and flees scene of crime*

Song of the Day:

"Champagne Supernova - Oasis"

Don't leave a girl sick and bored at home. =P Better make sure Yap doesn't have any pictures of me either.

Rotting away at home...

Today marks my fourth day absent from school in a row, if you count going home at 12 noon absent.

The ridiculously stupid form teacher wants a medical cert. Okay, mom says, I'll write one for you. Problem is, she wants an MC from a bona fide doctor. Maybe I should ask Sabrina's dad to write me one.

Point is, the teacher KNOWS I'm sick. My friends know I'm sick. My mom knows I'm sick. I know I'm sick.


...Who will probably charge me a hundred bucks in 'consultation fees' and tell me to 'get plenty of rest.' Which, excuse me, I already know.

I haven't been to the doctor in years, literally. Even the day I got thrown off (ok, humiliatingly fell off) my bike, I refused to see a doctor. What good are they for in these kinds of situations anyway?

"Oh hi doctor, I fell off my bike. What should I do?"

"Change your dressings everyday and get plenty of rest. Oh, and don't be so careless next time. Now that will be a hundred bucks please."

*mutters* "At least I get an MC..."


I'm telling you, if we had our own version of the good Dr. House in Malaysia, he'd probably throw me flat out on my butt from the hospital while muttering about little brats wasting his precious 'do absolutely nothing' time.

If I were a doctor, I'd rather go around handing out free MCs than see a tiny, insignificant smart-alecky whiner whinging.

"Oh Doctor Stephanie! I have sticky stuff dripping from my nose! I heard it's called mucous right? Right? What should I do? It's so gross!"

*child's mom sighs*

"Ok, go home, keep yourself warm, and get plenty of rest. Now that will be a hundred ringgit please, plus 50 cents for ink and paper consumption if you want an MC."

See? I can be a paediatrician too! To think that all our science teachers are threatening to throw me (and all the other 4K girls) out of their classes! *gasp*

Why, we'd do SUCH good to the community indeed! (And charge an arm and a leg while we're at it.)

Aiyah, don't care la. I'll just let teacher mark me 'ponteng' even though she knows I'm sick.

Guilty conscience, indeed.


Song of the Day:

"Ain't No Other Man - Christina Aguilera"

Ok. Tummyache. Gotta go keep up my 'oh-so-sick' facade. Ciao.


Here's to the girl who can set up computers and printers, but doesn't know how to install a webcam. *clink*

Okla, the webcam I can install, but don't know how to mount on the computer. Stupid, right? -_-'' So for now it's sitting rather stupidly on the CPU filming one half of my face.


Anyway, I'm still sick. It's getting ridiculous, really. When I want to skip school, I'm perfectly healthy, and when I actually WANT to go to school...BAM! The fever, cough, flu, PMS and diarrhoea (yes! I spelt that right!) gods attack you all at once. Talk about misfortune. -_-''

I don't think I'm up for school tomorrow, not after I almost fainted a gazillion times today. Which is good, no aural (oral?) exam! Hah!

Today, during moral class, Sindhu asked me:

"Do you like to read up on general knowledge?"

o_O I was like, "er, sometimes."

Out of the blue, just like that. Then Siew Lei started harassing me, "What did Sindhu ask you? What did Sindhu ask you?"

"Why do you want to know? So KPC!"

"Nola, they're talking about choosing new sections heads for ed board next year. I heard they're giving the English head position to Ka Yong! So unfair! They should pick form 4 students right?"

"Whatever la, if they want to choose Ka Yong, go ahead la. That way, less chance of me getting stuck with the job. (right)"

Ok, so it's unfair that a Form 3 lands the job, and not a fourth former who has paid her dues. But I'm sure she's fully capable of the job, so if she's to be the new head, go ahead.

I mean, I'm probably resigning next year. If I can. I heard that in form 5 you have to stick with the same clubs and societies as the previous year. But anyway, I'll try and get transferred to the Graphics section. I heard that it needs some serious help, what with Siew Lei getting her design rejected 12 times in a row.

There's no creative freedom, that's what it is! They insist on the same damn cliched thing year after year. Like poor Yap's mag design. So gorgeous until a certain friend of hers designed a layout based on the pure pinkness *coughcough*, but still not good enough.

They want trees la, a picture of the school la, KL tower la...why don't they just throw in a couple more cliches and sell themselves off to Hallmark? Yeesh.

Okay, so I contributed to the sappy Hallmark flavor of the magazine with that jackassed halfwit poem I wrote a while ago (which they should NEVER publish, lest they embarass me mortally) but STILL!

Still what? I don't know. I just feel like complaining, ok?

Ok, that reminds me, I still have a rhythmic gymnastics report to write. So excuse me while I dig up old school magazines and plagiarize the material so we can all be happy in our sad, corny world.

Song of the Day:

"Won't Get Fooled Again - The Who"

OMG! CSI is on! OMGOMGOMG *kicks off button and runs away at top speed*

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

New layout! =P

Yupyup. Not compatible in Internet Explorer as of yet, so you backward suckers better get your arse out there and get firefox! *nyeh*

I'll try to fix it ASAP, but I'm not feeling well, so you'll have to deal with the scattered text yourself for now.

Anyone who says it's too girly or pink will have their comments deleted and their ass kicked from here to Murmansk. *smug*

I like pink, and you'd better like it too.

Or scram. Muahahahaha =P

Song of the Day:

"Perfect World - Simple Plan"

*hums* I like pink~ I like pink~