Saturday, August 26, 2006

I am SO proud of myself...(part 2)

I have achieved my goal for these holidays.

...Finish all my homework?
...Complete my moral kerja amal?
...Draw a kick-butt merdeka poster?
...Take a super-pwning picture for the photography competition?

...Redesign my school T-shirt and collect my 100 bucks?
...Finish Start my 2-months overdue article on Rhythmic Gymnastics? (sigh)
...Learn French?


...I just beat DotA Insane mode!!!

WAHAHAHAHA!!! Stephanie is insane!
Well, actually beating Insane mode wasn't one of my goals
...but as I have already done it, why not pretend it is and allow me to gloat over my undeniable success? =P Muahahahaha!

Actually I already beat insane with the Demon Witch this afternoon, but as I accidentally selected one extra hero for my team, I don't count that as a proper victory.

Only post good comments, or don't post at all.
*glares warningly* 0_0
Don't be a party pooper and burst my little bubble of happiness now.

*applauds self* =D

Song of the Day:

"mOBSCENE - Marilyn Manson"

I miss dancing to this song with Sunshine! Haha.


YL said...

i totally forgot bout the tshirt design!!!!!!!!!

and i'm only done half way!!!


Denise said...