Thursday, August 24, 2006

I just had a thought...

You know those nail polish testers in stores?

If there are testers, why do you need to buy them at all? Whenever you think "I think I'll paint my nails today," just walk over to your nearest Sinma or Chamelon and paint away!

Quite nice what.

I mean it's free, it's MEANT for you to use, and you save a hell lot of money whilst having tons more colours to choose from!

Think of it as a kind of library, only you don't return the books.

No problem right?

...except when you want to paint your toenails, that is.

*sigh* Bullet to the heart of my devious plan again. =(

Oh well. Guess forking out 4.90 isn't too much to ask, is it?


Jeanette called.

"Got free tickets to some ceramah on the 7th of September, wanna come?"

"Ceramah...on what?"

"Oh, and it's on a thursday, have to ponteng school but wear uniform."


Or something like that. Thing is, someone invited me to cut class and my mom gave her permission without argument. WOOHOO! Best mom evarrrrrr!

But ceramah on what? Don't know. Guess I'll find out soon enough. On studies I think.
But I'd much rather go to a ceramah on studies rather than actually doing it. Studying, I mean.


Okay. I have nothing to talk about, as you can probably tell.
So good night.

Song of the Day:

"High Road - Fort Minor"

-shrug- No reason.


Denise said...

like that also can

YL said...

yep...i did that before...a few times...
the nail polish thing i mean...
