Friday, May 23, 2008



Tell me again, why do boys like to hit girls?
Have they not outgrown that practice yet after all these years?

I got punched not once, not twice, but THREE times by the same guy today!
What is WRONG with you people?

Yes, yes, I know boys like to greet each other hello with a friendly punch on the arm sometimes, but didn't you know that you should not hit girls anymore the moment you hit puberty?

You don't know your strength any more. =_=

The moment Econs - my last paper! - was over I turned around to talk to Viv, who was sitting in the row to my left. My elbow was on the table behind me. While I was in the middle of the conversation...


"Ow! What was that for?"

I turned around and gave Kenny an injured look, after he punched me twice - first softly, then harder.


*pauses to think*

"...cause you bully me ma!"
"-.-? Bullied you? Since when?"
"Neh...that day DotA la, you bullied me..."
" you have to hit me?"
"Ahaha...ya la..."

He looked embarassed and I softened a bit.

"Anyway, how was the paper?"
"The paper can do or not?"
"Can gua...only the last question I have no idea what they want."

He mumbled some reply, and satisfied that I have layaned him enough, I resumed my discussion of the Econs paper with Viv.

Walaoeh, who knew that roughly 10 minutes later, he'd punch me AGAIN?

This time, I was in the corridor peering at the open Econs text book Viv was holding. Ying and Viv were laughing at some stuff they wrote in the paper when Kenny shuffled up to us again. He stood in our circle for a little while, appearing to study the text as well.

After a few moments.


I gave him a confused glare.

"Can you please STOP hitting me?"
"That really hurt, ok?"

I can't remember much else, but I remember I was quite annoyed and that he was muttering some weird reason for having the compulsion to hit me multiple times in the space of 15 minutes.

Swt. Why do weird things happen to me?

Oh, did I mention that this is the same guy who 'tried' to hit me last week, but failed miserably and instead causing Julian, Danish and I to succumb to fits of laughter?

Julian and I were sitting behind Danish and Kenny.
Kenny hit Danish on the arm, and Danish protested.

"Wei, pain ah. See, red already!"
"What did you do to him?"
"Neh, I hit him like this..."

He held up a closed fist with his middle and index fingers sticking out, firmly pressed together, and did a mini-karate chop in mid air.

"Yala! So painful you know!"
"Really? Hit me and see?"
"Hit me! Hit me!"

In a blatant display of masochism, I immediately lay my left forearm flat on the table, palm up and looked at him expectantly.

Without much hesitation or protest over the fact that he was asked to hit a girl (please ignore the fact that the request was made by the girl herself,) he sliced his hand down in one rapid motion...

...and slammed his closed fist down on the table!


He recoiled in pain and shock while Julian, Danish and I burst into peals of laughter.

My arm was so thin that when his fist had reached the table already, his two fingers had barely grazed my forearm.


He looked indignant and embarassed while cradling his fist in his other hand.
Priceless, I tell you.
So eager to hit a girl and he ends up hurting himself. ;D

What goes around comes around.

After I happily related the ridiculous incident to all my friends, I threw my hands over my head in 'Yes! It's the weekend!' gesture, I punched the doorframe.



(...Why is the doorframe so low?)


"Where are you going after this?"
"Home. Why?"
"Oh, I thought we can go takei later. You want?"
"Huh. Ftz is closed lar."
"Ftz is closed."
"Sorry, what?"

I leaned in closer and hissed.

"Ftz is CLOSED. For 2 weeks."

I held up 2 fingers to emphasize my point.
I felt an invigilator glaring at me so I turned back to face the front, mourning my lost oppurtunity to go and play DotA. T_T

Ftz is closed for TWO WEEKS!
(In case you failed to get my point earlier. Who knows? You may be just as slow as Kenny. =/)

Why is it closed?
I don't get it. =(
But oh well, better these two weeks where there are holidays than any two weeks when I'm actually IN college and have nothing to do for LAN classes.

Plus, I'm broke for the month. -.-
I've been broke since last week...and I owe Viv 10 bucks.
But I'm sure I could have gotten him to pay. 2 bucks isn't much. (Or are they that kiam siap? No gua...)

I can't wait for June to come.

Fresh allowance!
Ice skating!

*cough* Hint. *cough* =x

Song of the Day:

"Noots - Sum 41"

Nicky was right, once I KO for the afternoon I won't wake up to play with him d.
Lol. I'm an hour late (and would've been later had mom not woken me up with a phone call.)
Btw, Jon says this is my name in Japanese: ステフニス Can anyone confirm? ^^

1 comment:

Denise said...

ask jah-saur! he's taking japanese as a subject in uni this semester. he should know!