Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Of horny hamsters and overenthusiasm

I killed someone in Counter-Strike today!

Yes, I know I've killed people before (roughly 15 times prior to today.) But those kills were obtained through camping - hiding in a corner and sniping passersby.

Today I got my first kill through open fire!

"Come, come, Maths time!"
"Wait...let me...kill someone first..."

The counter terrorist team kept losing and for my last round I had no money to buy my big gun - I forgot what it was called...MV-47? So I was stuck with the handgun, which shoots pretty slowly compared to the big one.

Due to the pressure of being rushed, I just chionged the tunnel, ran right into a terrorist and nailed him four times in the chest.

I flung my hands over my head in victory.


People turned to look, bemused.
Paiseh. T_T I quickly got up and went to pay with a big grin on my face.


A few days ago, I was super tak puas because Swarna managed a score of 1-8 within the space of 10 minutes - it was her first time playing. I felt so defeated, but today I decided that I'm not gonna lose to bookworm-Swarna and tried my luck as CS again today (after giving it up for a couple of months.)

Woo. The noob killed! *tiny victory dance*

Okay. Enough about that. Let's move on to what we ALL know you wanna read about:

Horny hamsters!

Whay Ying and I dropped by Shu Qing's hostel to take a peek at her roomie's newborn hamsters. I peeked in the cage and saw only one hamster wiggling its nose at us curiously.

In my mind I wondered, where's the daddy hamster? And where are the babies? Did she buy a pregnant hamster? o_O Hamsters DON'T LAY EGGS!

(Ignore the last sentence - I think I was sleep-deprived at the time. Thank God I did not vocalise that thought. -.-)

So anyway, after a while we caught a glimpse of the baby rodents - tiny, red, gross, hairless lumps. They were nursing - completely hidden under mommy hamster's belly. Ah, that explained their initial invisibility.

Hamsters are mammals.

Random thoughts. =_= Again, I wondered, where's daddy hamster?

"Don't touch any of the hamsters. If the mom smells something wrong, she'll eat the babies."

Ying and I: O_O''

"But you can play with the male. He's here."

She picked up a box from the dining table (that I once thought was empty.)

Awww, it was so cute!
Ying and I tried to pick it up, and failed.
He was running around too fast, and I was terrified that I may squeeze him to hard and injure him.

Later, I thanked the stars that I declined to hold him - he was already injured.

"Ya, and he hurt himself doing it."
"You see. I'll show you."

Her roommate pinched the wriggly hamster and turned his belly towards Ying and I.
It was a bloody mess down there.

"Omigod! What happened?"
"You know, after, he,...it, fell...off."
"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT? The hamster had sex until his penis fell off? HAHAHAHHAHA!"
"Omg. His dick fell off. WAHAHA!"

Shu Qing had the grace to blush.

Ying and I couldn't stop laughing. =_=
Omg la, horny hamster!

"HAHAHHA! Imagine la, next our boyfriends having sex that time...and it falls off! DIUUU! OMG BABY, WHAT HAPPENED?"

Later, I felt a bit guilty for laughing so hard at the poor hamster.
He, after all, had just fathered a litter of ugly rodents and lost his manhood in the process.
What if I hurt his feelings? =/

My god la.
Fuck until his dick fell off. Sex god, can?


We met Yew Kuan on the way back to college and we related the story to him, laughing all the while.

"Oh my God. I hope next time when my and my girlfriend...my dick doesn't fall off."
"I hope so too, HAHAHA!"

Come to think of it, maybe it's a new evolutionary thing to help curb the rapid breeding of rodents. Fuck once, and your reproductive organs fall off. End of the line.

I mean, it happens to bees when they sting right?
When the sting penetrates something, it gets lodged there and is ripped off the bee as it tries to escape. The bee dies. =/ One use only.

And since hamsters breed at WTF-speeds, maybe this is the new feature nature has installed in the critters to control their population.

._. Who knows?

Oh God, I hope that humans won't evolve the same feature in the future, when our population gets too big. o_o''


......I pray fervently for all the guys out there. I'm sure all girls would, too. (Though our intentions may not be 100% altruistic. =x)

Song of the Day:

"Cochise - Audioslave"

My classmates like my nail polish. o_o''
Weirdos, lol. (Bright glossy turquoise, remember?)


Denise said...

your "Oh God, I hope that humans won't evolve the same feature in the future, when our population gets too big. o_o''" line...


made me....

choke on my nata de coco!


YL said...

hamster laying eggs.

oh god.
