-runs around panicking-
I was just sitting innocently at the computer table and there it was - the repulsive brown insect staring up at me between my outstretched arms.
My eyes widened and I kicked the chair back from the table.
Ants are fine, even I find spiders fascinating.
But roaches!
It ran around on the keyboard, then had a fun time dancing on the monitor as I stared at it, transfixed in horror. I couldn't bring myself to smash it - besides drowning ants on a constant basis, I can't even stand killing a spider.
But I think the main reason was because I don't want a puddle of brown goo staining the table.
I tried taking a piece of A4 paper (the bigger, the better - so the yucky thing will be as far from my hand as possible) and scooping the roach up. But it panicked and scuttled away from it rapidly.
The bloody thing hops! ARGHHH! How am I going to sleep peacefully tonight?
Sucks man. =(
I have the most horrible sore throat ever!
Behold, my husky voice! *coughcoughcough*
There's this raised bit of pavement roughly 6 inches wide on the way to college that I like walking on - I have perfect balance! ;P
Needless to say, the 6-inch wide strip of concrete is only wide enough for one person to walk - and that's with one foot in front of the other already.
Today another girl was walking in the opposite direction as I was approaching the college.
Our paths met - normally I'd give way if I were in a good mood. But today I was feeling rather grouchy, so I just rolled my eyeballs up and glared at her through my fringe.
She hastily stepped off.
This continued throughout half the day - people avoided me due to my horribly sour stoning-face. But I felt horrible. T_T
My throat was aching and my head was spinning and I felt exhausted.
It was KC's fault!
We skyped until 2.30 am. =_=
He had an exam the next day and we ended up doing surveys together until I told him to screw it all - I'm going to sleeeeeeeep!
We took a test - Could You Pass the 5th Grade?
I passed with flying colours - but he failed!
HAHAHA idiot! ;P
Europe is a:
A. City
B. State
C. Country
D. None of the above
Which is the nearest planet to the sun?
A Venus
B Mars
C Mercury
D Earth
If you cut down all trees, what would go away?
A Carbon Dioxide
B Oxygen
C Nitrogen
D Birds
He exclaimed:
"Country. DUH!"
"Nothing nothing. Continue doing~"
"Er...which is the nearest planet to the sun?"
"Uhhh, Venus? No no, I think Mercury. Ah shit, Mars la!"
"Oh my GOD! KC!"
"...forget it."
GG. Failed! HAHAHA. Cannot make it la.
And we took some other surveys too.
The way he reads 'ex' as 'e-x' is damn funny la. o_o
So anyway, I had 4 hours of sleep AGAIN, and this aggravated my fantastic sore throat that started on Friday (shortly after I started skyping with KC and Nicky =_=) time if I start screaming and cursing on Skype, please la, stop me. I know it's damn amusing to hear me throw a fit (Nick: 'ohmygod, there she goes!') online, but please. I'm killing my throat just to amuse you. T_T Arghhh.
Summore I was stoning so badly today, I left my file in Ftz and had to walk all the way back (and miss 10 minutes of ESL, whee!) to get it. -_-
Walao! I'm damn annoyed wei!
Stupid Tung Herr RAWR!
He asked me to play on GGC on Friday - I came back around 11pm and he said he just started game. So I said okok, my bad I came home late, I'll wait til next round.
And then I told Nicky and KC to wait for him so we can all play together.
MAHAI the fella finished playing his one game and told me 'TIRED. WANNA SLEEP.'
Diuuu =_=
I didn't want to talk to him liao, I was damn angry man.
After a few days, I was okay already - I always see him smile in class damn cute la, my anger also evaporated after a while.
I scolded him again, and he told me he didn't know my friends were waiting for him as well.
Wadafakkkkkk so blur meh?
th you owe me =_=
oh lol
come. now. we go play.
tomorrow accounts la, i dunno how to study.
exactly. lai we go play. -.-
ggc lag la, we go blue.
blue sucks la -.- lagg like whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa
nvm we go cc tomorrow :)
you pay then i go =_= say play on ggc...
i'm poor la, no money
fine, forget it
okay, when i get money i belanja you ok?
hmmmmmmmmm okay! wheee!
Rofl. I'm more easily bought over than I thought.
Yew Kuan was like wa, 2 bucks also cannot pay meh?
Me: Cannot. Like that one week = 11 bucks liao T_T
(It's 2.20 per hour, btw. My mental arithmetic (sp?) is not dead!)
Sien lo. I hate being ffked =_=
Guys suck. I tell you if he didn't have such a comel geek face I duwan choi him d.

Alamak. Uploaded wrong picture.
My 1337 camera skillzzzz!
He's the one with the WTF! on his head btw - not gayface Sheng.
(I'm not guilty calling him that cause Sheng has a gf so it's not like he doesn't have ammo to throw right back at me ;P)
@*(#&^@#!^ That day I was looking for a shirt like that for KC - tak jadi!
Omg. I just realised that I have no idea where guys buy their clothes. I just noticed that the majority of stores in KLCC cater to female fashion or high-end male couture.
Where do guys buy their casual tees and button-up shirts anyway?
I have this philosophy that any guy will look good as long as he is in a nice, soft-looking button up shirt or blazer. Right? Agree agree?
;D Lol.
Anyway, tomorrow is Accounts' class assignment.
I'm going to fail.
I should have been studying but was instead distracted by certain people and Skype.
Oooo the curse of Skype! T_T
That day KC, Nic and I were playing. Suddenly...
*more high pitched screaming*
KC and I:
" Nic!"
"Oh, that's my dad. We like watching horror movies. ^^"
"Omg. I cannot play d. T_T"
Haha. Damn cute la.
Did I mention Nic has this super sedap voice? o_o
The first time we skyped:
"Er, hahaha."
"Omg. I like your voice. Talk some more!"
"Yeaaaaa, all the girls say that, hahaha."
"YA RIGHT! HAHAHAHA head big already d la!"
"Hahaha yea man."
*Saturday; runs off to KC and blabs*
"OMG! Nic has a sexy voice!"
"=_= Me leh?"
"LOL you cannot make it. Cannot cannot. Nic's voice damn sexy I wanna make him..."
*slips on wet patch in the middle of food court*
"...zzz. Omg."
"My god. Talk about him until like that. GG."
"Yea man. Rofl."
(YES. He says 'rofl' in real life. Wo de ke ai geek -.-'')
After that, I made Jon install it.
His mic cacat punya. -.-
He can hear us talking but he can't say anything.
AHAHA. Viv and I yelling at him like crazy in game and he couldn't do anything but listen.
Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa everyone should install Skype so I can talk to you all. =]
And KC damn layan lo.
That day he played his guitar for me and Swarna for nearly 45 minutes.
Live music to study wei! How lucky are we?
At least he plays for me to hear lo, unlike some people.
Haha. Anyway mom is telling me to GO AND SLEEP.
(12.30 am d. -.-)
Good night.
Song of the Day:
"Breaking the Habit - Linkin Park"
T_T Pointless ramblings.
-runs around panicking-
I was just sitting innocently at the computer table and there it was - the repulsive brown insect staring up at me between my outstretched arms.
My eyes widened and I kicked the chair back from the table.
Ants are fine, even I find spiders fascinating.
But roaches!
It ran around on the keyboard, then had a fun time dancing on the monitor as I stared at it, transfixed in horror. I couldn't bring myself to smash it - besides drowning ants on a constant basis, I can't even stand killing a spider.
But I think the main reason was because I don't want a puddle of brown goo staining the table.
I tried taking a piece of A4 paper (the bigger, the better - so the yucky thing will be as far from my hand as possible) and scooping the roach up. But it panicked and scuttled away from it rapidly.
The bloody thing hops! ARGHHH! How am I going to sleep peacefully tonight?
Sucks man. =(
I have the most horrible sore throat ever!
Behold, my husky voice! *coughcoughcough*
There's this raised bit of pavement roughly 6 inches wide on the way to college that I like walking on - I have perfect balance! ;P
Needless to say, the 6-inch wide strip of concrete is only wide enough for one person to walk - and that's with one foot in front of the other already.
Today another girl was walking in the opposite direction as I was approaching the college.
Our paths met - normally I'd give way if I were in a good mood. But today I was feeling rather grouchy, so I just rolled my eyeballs up and glared at her through my fringe.
She hastily stepped off.
This continued throughout half the day - people avoided me due to my horribly sour stoning-face. But I felt horrible. T_T
My throat was aching and my head was spinning and I felt exhausted.
It was KC's fault!
We skyped until 2.30 am. =_=
He had an exam the next day and we ended up doing surveys together until I told him to screw it all - I'm going to sleeeeeeeep!
We took a test - Could You Pass the 5th Grade?
I passed with flying colours - but he failed!
HAHAHA idiot! ;P
Europe is a:
A. City
B. State
C. Country
D. None of the above
Which is the nearest planet to the sun?
A Venus
B Mars
C Mercury
D Earth
If you cut down all trees, what would go away?
A Carbon Dioxide
B Oxygen
C Nitrogen
D Birds
He exclaimed:
"Country. DUH!"
"Nothing nothing. Continue doing~"
"Er...which is the nearest planet to the sun?"
"Uhhh, Venus? No no, I think Mercury. Ah shit, Mars la!"
"Oh my GOD! KC!"
"...forget it."
GG. Failed! HAHAHA. Cannot make it la.
And we took some other surveys too.
The way he reads 'ex' as 'e-x' is damn funny la. o_o
So anyway, I had 4 hours of sleep AGAIN, and this aggravated my fantastic sore throat that started on Friday (shortly after I started skyping with KC and Nicky =_=) time if I start screaming and cursing on Skype, please la, stop me. I know it's damn amusing to hear me throw a fit (Nick: 'ohmygod, there she goes!') online, but please. I'm killing my throat just to amuse you. T_T Arghhh.
Summore I was stoning so badly today, I left my file in Ftz and had to walk all the way back (and miss 10 minutes of ESL, whee!) to get it. -_-
Walao! I'm damn annoyed wei!
Stupid Tung Herr RAWR!
He asked me to play on GGC on Friday - I came back around 11pm and he said he just started game. So I said okok, my bad I came home late, I'll wait til next round.
And then I told Nicky and KC to wait for him so we can all play together.
MAHAI the fella finished playing his one game and told me 'TIRED. WANNA SLEEP.'
Diuuu =_=
I didn't want to talk to him liao, I was damn angry man.
After a few days, I was okay already - I always see him smile in class damn cute la, my anger also evaporated after a while.
I scolded him again, and he told me he didn't know my friends were waiting for him as well.
Wadafakkkkkk so blur meh?
th you owe me =_=
oh lol
come. now. we go play.
tomorrow accounts la, i dunno how to study.
exactly. lai we go play. -.-
ggc lag la, we go blue.
blue sucks la -.- lagg like whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa
nvm we go cc tomorrow :)
you pay then i go =_= say play on ggc...
i'm poor la, no money
fine, forget it
okay, when i get money i belanja you ok?
hmmmmmmmmm okay! wheee!
Rofl. I'm more easily bought over than I thought.
Yew Kuan was like wa, 2 bucks also cannot pay meh?
Me: Cannot. Like that one week = 11 bucks liao T_T
(It's 2.20 per hour, btw. My mental arithmetic (sp?) is not dead!)
Sien lo. I hate being ffked =_=
Guys suck. I tell you if he didn't have such a comel geek face I duwan choi him d.
Alamak. Uploaded wrong picture.
My 1337 camera skillzzzz!
He's the one with the WTF! on his head btw - not gayface Sheng.
(I'm not guilty calling him that cause Sheng has a gf so it's not like he doesn't have ammo to throw right back at me ;P)
@*(#&^@#!^ That day I was looking for a shirt like that for KC - tak jadi!
Omg. I just realised that I have no idea where guys buy their clothes. I just noticed that the majority of stores in KLCC cater to female fashion or high-end male couture.
Where do guys buy their casual tees and button-up shirts anyway?
I have this philosophy that any guy will look good as long as he is in a nice, soft-looking button up shirt or blazer. Right? Agree agree?
;D Lol.
Anyway, tomorrow is Accounts' class assignment.
I'm going to fail.
I should have been studying but was instead distracted by certain people and Skype.
Oooo the curse of Skype! T_T
That day KC, Nic and I were playing. Suddenly...
*more high pitched screaming*
KC and I:
" Nic!"
"Oh, that's my dad. We like watching horror movies. ^^"
"Omg. I cannot play d. T_T"
Haha. Damn cute la.
Did I mention Nic has this super sedap voice? o_o
The first time we skyped:
"Er, hahaha."
"Omg. I like your voice. Talk some more!"
"Yeaaaaa, all the girls say that, hahaha."
"YA RIGHT! HAHAHAHA head big already d la!"
"Hahaha yea man."
*Saturday; runs off to KC and blabs*
"OMG! Nic has a sexy voice!"
"=_= Me leh?"
"LOL you cannot make it. Cannot cannot. Nic's voice damn sexy I wanna make him..."
*slips on wet patch in the middle of food court*
"...zzz. Omg."
"My god. Talk about him until like that. GG."
"Yea man. Rofl."
(YES. He says 'rofl' in real life. Wo de ke ai geek -.-'')
After that, I made Jon install it.
His mic cacat punya. -.-
He can hear us talking but he can't say anything.
AHAHA. Viv and I yelling at him like crazy in game and he couldn't do anything but listen.
Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa everyone should install Skype so I can talk to you all. =]
And KC damn layan lo.
That day he played his guitar for me and Swarna for nearly 45 minutes.
Live music to study wei! How lucky are we?
At least he plays for me to hear lo, unlike some people.
Haha. Anyway mom is telling me to GO AND SLEEP.
(12.30 am d. -.-)
Good night.
Song of the Day:
"Breaking the Habit - Linkin Park"
T_T Pointless ramblings.
1 comment:
If it's of ANY consolation at all, I hate "xiao qiang"s as well.......
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