Monday, June 30, 2008

=) iSketch

Yes, all is well between Nick, KC and I again.

Today I made Joshie webcam with me and he is SO CUTE!
I didn't think of it then, but I shall take a screenshot next time and show you all!

He looks like like a mini-Nicky!
Albeit with bigger eyes.

Even Den says he's cute. =3

Anyway, last night I played iSketch with KC and Nick until close to 4 am.
iSketch is something like win, lose or draw.
10 rounds, 10 people - each person is assigned to draw something and the others have to guess to get points. The faster, the more points you get.
If people succeed in guessing your picture - you get points too.


Guess who can't draw?

Can you guess what THAT is?



Click on it to see the answer. xD

Drawing #2:

"? Ogre? Magi? WHAT?! SO UGLY ONE!"

The answer was 'goblin.'
The DotA hero was 'goblin techies,' and here is what one of them is SUPPOSED to look like:

I think even if I colour it also...

Luckily I possess the ability to read minds. =x

They said I was cheating LOL.
I won every single round during the 3 hours that we played mwahahaha!
KC and Nick were gonna whack me liao. T_T

I tied once with another girl though. =3

But I only cheated ONCE!

KC: "How do you draw 'visor'?"
Me: "It's like a cap without the top - like golfers wear."
Nick: "Visor?"



KC hadn't even STARTED drawing yet! LOL.

And I lagi stupid, the moment that I heard the alert that someone found the word, I reflexively typed it in as well. HAHAHA.


But besides that, we didn't cheat at all, even if we could with Skype. =)
I turned off the microphone when talking to myself so they wouldn't hear me guessing with my sister. Lol.

Btw, I'm snowbunnie, KC is kaycee (d'oh) and Newbie-948 is Nick.


Go play it with your friends.
So fun! ;D

Song of the Day:

"Dreaming of You - Selena"


Saturday, June 28, 2008

Found it

Found the root of my headache.
Wisdom tooth giving me problems again. The dull ache has grown into a tiresome throbbing over the past few hours.

Suddenly, it struck me that it could be the teeth giving me problems again.
I felt around the back of my mouth - and there they were; two swollen nubs of flesh feeling tender.

Coupled with 4 hours of sleep, could that possibly be the reason of my exceptionally short temper today?


Anyway, after the last post I messaged Arief to apologize for my crudeness and he was like 'no, no don't feel that way stephie, you have an exam tomorrow, chill. come play with me!'

So that's one conflict resolved.

I agreed to referee as I STILL had no mood to play DotA, and there were a couple of people I disliked in the friendly 4v4 match. One of our new members dc-ed for the second time in a row, and I messaged him to ask him what he - Wei Lim - was doing.


Server problem.
He then asked me to 1v1 - "teach me some skills," he said.
I almost choked on my fish.

Noob teaching the noob hai mai?

Nevertheless, I agreed because he asked so nicely.
But I really had no mood to play lo.

I let him pawn me for first blood LOL.
I was still eating dinner and goodness knows what I was doing la.
But he was pretty noob la, still learning. =)

Luckily I didn't have my kiasu mood on, else I'd be pawning him every two minutes without any amount of restraint.

My Skeleton King versus his Rogue Knight.

His last hitting looked better than mine, but I couldn't really be sure cause I didn't even bother to last hit - I just let the hero autohit while I ate my fried fish. Lol.

"You like no mood to play one."
"LOL memang no mood to play lo. I told you d just now what. That's why I asked to ref, not play."

In less than half an hour, I was walking around at level 18 with BoT, Battle fury, Diffusal and Vit booster.

=_=;; Please note I wasn't even attempting to farm - busy chasing ants away from my plate, lol.

He was roughly level 13 with Mask of Death, Arcane and god knows what.
And the funny part was he kept forgetting I can revive, although I kept reminding him.

"I have ulti, don't fight until you're half dead. =/ Or run after you do, lol."
"Oh ya hor. I keep forgetting."

And he was like 'I've never seen an SK buy diffusal o.O'

Lol. Just to purge his ulti ma. =)
Plus with BoT, the fella doesn't even need to bother to run d. Haha.

We made an agreement that whenever one of us reached a Dominating spree - 4 kills in a row - we would end the game immediately. He dc-ed after my 3 kills. -_-

Garena sucks.

He almost threw a fit when I told him I had his number lol.
He wanted to give it to me, then I was like 'I have it. Somewhere. Wait ah, lemme find it.'

Arief gave it to me a couple of weeks back to use Wei Lim's account to join the clan.
Why la people always use their hp number as their password? I don't get it =_=

Walao. My headache is back. Z.
Anyway, he's in Form 6 in Penang - damn a lot of Penangites who play DotA lo.
The dude was complaining about how my clan - sorry, ex-clan; I stormed out of x|MoD for the 4th time LOL - mates didn't like him cause he was too noob.

So now, I have to layan him cause I'm one of the few who can actually tolerate noobs as long as they have a nice attitude. =_=

"Call me if you have a game ah."
"Ah. Ok."

*already thinking about CS*

I wish the clan people treated him better. =/

He doesn't seem evil. Yet.
From the first impression that I got from him, I rate him a 6.5/10 on my scale of likeability.

Nice for now, potentially clingy in the future.
But we'll see. =)

Song of the Day:

"Hailie's Song - Eminem"

Headache ARRRR.


My slipped through my grasp again.

And I thought I had it pretty much under control already, beside the mini outbursts that happen every so often and last for an hour maximum.

Twice, today.

First time was when Scott was dragging his chair across the linoleum floor in the computer lab.
He did it twice, and it hurt my ears badly - not only me; there was a chorus of 'tsk!'s all around.

Upon hearing that, fucking sohai Shaun said, 'hahaha, try and do it again!'

And he kept dragging the fucking chair across the floor repeatedly, ignoring my requests to PLEASE shut UP. Then a few other people started doing it too; and my head was starting to hurt really badly.

It was like nails on a chalkboard - the very sound of it sent shudders down my spine.
And he WOULDN'T stop; he was finding the general discomfort amusing in fact.


Sudden silence all around.

"Who said that?"

Mr Madhavan swivelled around to look at me.

"I'm sorry teacher. He was being fucking annoying."

Blood rose to my cheeks as I tried to control my temper.
My jaw was stiff with anger.

Thankfully, he let the moment pass and I tried to focus on my Accounts assignment.

For goodness sakes lar.
I haven't felt such rage in a very long time.

I suppressed it relatively quickly for the sake of keeping bad feelings out of the atmosphere, but I still felt shaken even after an hour had passed.


Maybe I should have let it out earlier.
Instead I blew up online - in public, technically speaking - AGAIN.
Half an hour ago.

In front of Arief, at Kenny.
Even Josh shrank away.

That idiot kept nudging the clan chat to get our attention even though we were ALL there chatting in clan chat ALREADY. Playing CS with headphones on makes the nudge sound extremely loud AND painful; once I can forgive; twice is extremely annoying.

The third time is unforgivable.

"Chill, Steph, chill."

I left the clan.
For the 4th time in a row.

I must really hand it to Arief for being able to layan my freakish moods.
He messaged me after, asking me what he could do to make me happy again.

My mood still being extremely rotten, I snapped at him and he kept quiet.

Even Nicky's mood soured and I snarled at him to go away, cause he picke the IDEAL time for a confrontation - immediately after I blew my top at Kenny. His sense of timing...impeccable.

"Don't mean to be rude, but can you please keep the 'I don't need you anymore, I have your bro stuff' to yourself? Kinda bored of it already."
"I'm just kidding, good lord. Please don't take it seriously."
"Hahah trust me, I'll never take any jokes of yours seriously."
"Jus lozl"
"Then? Z fine I won't talk."
"Just forget what I said tonight. My mood is ruining my talking capabilities."

Not like I was rubbing it in also, diu.

He was talking to Arief in clan chat about his new clan and said 'wait, I'll play after this.'
I said 'baiii I go play with Joshie first.'


Screw it la.
I just lost my temper at the one person I didn't think I COULD lose my temper at seriously.
Forget controlling my temper.
I'll let it roam free as it wishes from now on.

Song of the Day:

"Shadow of the Day - Linkin Park"

I need KC now. Where is he?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bla. You suck.

"Nowadays you don't reply my messages."
"=_= Since when? I mean besides last night. That doesn't count."
"You...that time..."
"Ok, ok I don't know. Forget it."
"No. Tell me, when exactly did I NOT reply your messages."
"No, no, I...don't know."
"Don't wanna talk to you dy. Bye."
"You simply accuse me of things I didn't do! You suckkkk!"
"Fine, fiiiine. Bye."
"Good night."

*hang up*


Good lord.
And they say girls are complicated.
Then wtf is this? [insert infinite question marks]


Aha. I have to do maths now, buh-bye.

Guys suck. =)

Song of the Day:

"Wishmaster - Nightwish"

*is waiting for self to mature*

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

That didn't take long

The mini-delinquent has reverted to her ways.

I arrived at college this morning at 8.20 and sat down in the library to do my math homework like a good girl. I set my alarm to go off at 8.50 and made my way to the IT lab with 2 minutes to spare.

Amelia, Shu Qing and some other person I don't remember were standing outside the class chatting.

They waved. I waved back.

"You're late."
"Class started at 8 am."

I was just about to go 'Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny. Good joke. Not.' when a thought popped into my mind:

Didn't teacher mention something about a replacement class...?

I eased the door open and walked in as silently as I could. Fail.

"Stephanie, why didn't you come for my first class?"
"...I forgot all about it."

She looked at me and shook her head.

Good lord. No one told me there were back-to-back classes TODAY.
T_T Kawan-kawanku yang setia telah mengecewakan saya...they all didn't know there was class too.

HA. Fallen in with the wrong crowd. Hmph.

I skipped LAN again.

While Vivi went for her replacement IT class during break (one more absence and she'd be barred from the final exam,) Jul, Ying and I went to Ftz to play.

We lost track of time.
As usual.

10 minutes past the hour:

"Eh Accounts la, let's go."
"Omg, no mood la...late already. Sure kena scold."
"But what if teacher teaches something we don't know and it comes out for this weekend's test?"
"...okok, let's go."

Then Viv messaged us:

"Oh ya. Free period. Teacher not teaching."

Us: YAYYYYY! *sits down and continues to play*

Mr Madhavan came to class 20 minutes late, so I guess if we had actually left Ftz, we would've made it there before he did and be marked present. -_-

And hour later...repeat performance.

"Eh, 3.10 d la."
"Shit. Econs ah?"
"Yea, come let's go."

SAVED by Vivi again.
She messaged.

They were in the library, no class.

Us: YAYYYYY! *sits down and continues to play*

And just like that, I managed to miss 4 classes today.
Oh good lord.

I mean, IT was accidental - and no way was I giving up my break to go for replacements. I can very well read the powerpoint slides by myself.

LAN is nothing.

The two other classes were free periods! So I guess I didn't miss anything.
And my collective absences per class hovers somewhere around 5 - so I have no fear of being barred from the final exam or thrown out of SAM. Yet.

That mark is at 15 absences.
Me? Ponteng 15 times? NAHHHHHHH. =3

RM7.50 gone. Just like that.
Thank God Dan paid for our drinks. Nice person! ;D
I think I'm gonna go broke before the month ends again. -_-

Wah, and I'm so annoyed weh. I played DotA again today after nearly 2 weeks without a proper game. I still don't ahve the mood to DotA, but Ying and I layan Jul only la.

The guy sitting next to me was the host - on the opposite team.
Oh for goodness sakes, this was happening more often than I'd like.

He looked at me.


I waved my lollipop at him and he laughed.
Then he promptly turned the screen away from me and smiled sheepishly.

"Don't worry la, I'm very noob one."

I slammed on my headphones in a huff and did the same.
Like I'd actually WANT to peek at his screen. *indignant*

Much to my shame, I lost my temper at Julian 3 times during the match, until I forced myself to change lanes so I didn't have to stay with him. -_-

But most of my bad temper was attributed to a pair of assholes who were cursing Ying for feeding.

"Diu, must be a girl la, play until like that."
"Can you stfu pls. She first time play, can chill bo?"


And the worst part is, they were fucking noob ok.
Here I am, nearly blind from dry and scratchy contacts and I still tried my best not to feed.
They, however, fed something like 2-8 and 3-6 and they were cursing at Ying.
Then they started scolding me.

Walao, I tell you I let loose on them man until they shut up and afked/left.

It's just a game, need to be so fucking sexist and harsh on people who are just learning how to play meh? Assholes. Fucking hypocritical feeders.

After that I was so geram I marched straight to CS and started feeding.

My reflexes were so freaking slow until Ying could actually pawn me so many times in a row.

pinkbunny: LOL snowbunny is dyingbunny!

Next round:

*snowbunnie has changed his name to dyingbunnie

And then, I got my first frag of the day! (Besides the one I got using Ying's computer)
LOL. Then another, then another, then a double kill.

"See, you use this name then cannot die edi." Ying said in a small voice.

I stuck my tongue out at her and got killed in that instant.
I buried my head in my jacket and started laughing.
What else could I do?

Lol. And I was teaching Ying how to plant the bomb - it was her and two CTs left.
I pawned one, and the bet window appeared.

"Oh good lord =_= Need like this meh?"

And to my surprise, there were people who actually bet on pinkbunnie!

Pressure, pressure.

I ran all around with 19hp - last hit, looking for the dropped bomb and suddenly this full life CT popped out of nowhere spraying bullets - thank God he feikei-ed the initial shots. -_-

5 shots later and I won the bet for them.

I don't think I could've pawned otherwise.

MakCikKau: WOW

I headbutted Ying.

"Whyyyyyyyy my first kills of the day are under your name oneeeeeee? T_T"

No credit. Waaa. T_T

Anyway I still cannot fight cc people la.
Pro feikeibunnie. =(

Headshots nftw!
I die before I can do anything. Sniff.

And the people there actually know how to creep, so I don't have my tiny advantage of hearing them round a corner. =( I actually got knifed to death once and LOLed at. T_T

Must practise, yes yes.
Main GG for training. Ha.
And learn how to jump on crates LOL.

Song of the Day:

"Let There Be Love - Oasis"

Lalala. No CS tonight. Maths. =(

Not a con!


My Thursday boy said that I conned Nick into buying me my GG gold member.
Nooooo! He bought it cause he sayangs me. =(


Swt. Now Joshie is banned from playing on weekdays as well as Nicky cause they fought over the comp too much. =_= Nicky was allowed only on weekends whereas the little one could play any time he wanted as long as he did his workbooks.

They must have had a brotherly tiff which was settled by the parents and now the same set of rules apply to both of them. -.-

Means all I have left is KC on weekdays. =(
Cause all those other nubbies are still playing DotA ;P

...There's always Porn-zai to Cs with, but I can't tolerate him more than 30 minutes. Haha. And he bullies me if I'm on the opposite team. T_T *sniffle*

Nicky miraculously morphed into Emoboy tonight.
KC is a pro peptalker! (He learned from me one ;P From all those counselling sessions we had when HE was Emoboy.) *perasan*

Anyway, he managed to talk most of the emoness out of Nicky while my house was still in utter darkness - a fuse blew in TNB hq. For some reason, he thought he pissed me off and I was ignoring him. He sent me this uber-long essay apologizing and explaining things I have no clue about LOL. *stares at handphone incredulously*

Thank god for 1-sen for sms plans.

And LOL both of them are convinced that the other is in love with me.
So amusing and flattering. =3

"You know he loves you."
"No he doesn't o.O He likes [so-and-so] I know cause he told meeee ;D"
"I can feel that he does. When he's talking to you."


"He emo because of you tonight lar."
"He said he made you angry."
"And then I asked him if he loves you."
"Oh good lord =_="
"I think he does!"

Okay okay people, you can both love me. =3 I don't mind - not at all.
As long as you all know my heart belongs to one only ;D


Okay, since I'm a very not-reader-friendly blogger and change people's nicknames constantly, let me clarify/introduce you to some of my DotA people! (I'm also very bored cause everyone went to bed early. It's been an emotionally draining night.)

Monday: KC; 16

Also known as: Joey, Kar Chuan, the old Emoboy.

Met him approximately 11 months ago playing DotA on Zion. He was playing his favourite hero, Terrorblade; Bay was with him, playing drow ranger and I was using my noob sniper. I charmed them and we exchanged emails. He was obssessed with blood back then and we called each other hunny. =)

Tuesday: Nicky; 16

Also known as: The dirty yellow chocolate starfish, or just starfish for short. Sometimes Nick, Nic, Nickeeeeee and now the current Emoboy.

Met him sometime close to the end of last year when Arief was trying to woo me into his clan. I was in correspondence with Arief when [MoD] broke up; I was in US at the time, and Nicky comforting Arief from back home. Got to know him better only this year, though I forgot how and why. Not that it matters.

Wednesday: Joshie; 10

Also known as: Fishie or fishie-boy. His real name is Joshua. (Quite obvious, really)

Nick's 10-year-old brother.
Has an extremely adorable voice. Met him a long time ago - hidden behind a screen name - but only recently found out he was Nick's bro. o_O Started skyping a couple weeks ago and now we're addicted to each other...which sounds wrong somehow, but nevermind. Ignore, ignore; moving on...

Thursday: Zeo; 26

Also known as: Recently christened as my Thursday boy after he remarked that I had a boy for every day of the week. =_=

My clan superior and one of the few people I actually have some respect for. =3 I was actually cowed when he scolded me a long time ago for misbehaving during a public game - I forgot what happened exactly but I remember apologizing like crazy and actually feeling guilty. I rarely do that. -_-''

Wen Jie; 16

Also known as: I now call him Porn-zai after his ~xD account was hacked and he created a new account called Porn. =_=

How distasteful. Used to stalk me from room to room while playing DotA. Last time I found him amusing; that is no longer the case.

Friday: Max; 19

Also known as: I call him MAXXIE BOYYY or MAXXIE DEARRRR cause it amuses me. =3

Clan captain.
Metropolitan college student. Supposed to go takei at Ftz one of these days. Never really bothered to follow through with that plan, however. Nicky and I got into a fight with one of his friends and poor Max didn't know which side to pick - he didn't.

Saturday: Chia; 16

Also known as: Yik Chia. I used to forget his name constantly and now I can't stop calling him chiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

To which he will respond with a very tired-sounding, 'yes, steph?'
Ahaha. =x Along with that super long name, I greet him with 'hiiiiii chiaaaaa' and bid him goodbye with 'baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii chiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!'

I wonder when he's gonna start scolding me for popping into his games just to say 'hi chiaa baii chiaa' and then vanish. =3

Sunday: Arief; 16

Clan lord! I call him Riefy when chatting, but never in my blog.

Sounds weird.
He found me in a public game and spent many a day talking me into joining his current clan - of which now I'm a clan guest. =3

Occasionally we refer to each other as:

Daywalker vs Nightstalker

Simply never meant to be ;D

Bryan; 16

Also known as: brYan

After I called him Brian twice by mistake. I am now known to him as stEph. ;D
Met him roughly 2 days ago. Nice person. Leaving again on Thursday back to Brunei where the internet connection sucks. =(


And there you go, a rough introduction to my seven boys of the week. ;D
With the exception of Porn-zai. Ew.
brYan is my public holiday boy, cause there weren't enough days of the week. ^^

Okk, I'm done with my wu-liao-ness of the day.
Byebye. =3

Post based on this conversation:

If you don't have a sense of humour, just ignore what you've just read in the past 5 or so minutes. =3
Lol. Someone implied that I had a paedophilic obsession with 16-year-old boys. Well, EXCUSE ME but I just turned (only) 17 two weeks ago. =_= And coming from a 26-year-old, I really don't think that is a credible statement.

They say that guys mature at a slower rate as compared to girls.
That's why girls normally get along with older boys.

Well, then I must mature REALLY REALLY slowly if I can get along with all these people. =3



Song of the Day:

"Dead Man (Carry Me) - Jars of Clay"

o_O I actually like this song. It's catchy!
Disclaimer: No, none of them actually love me. =3 I'm just kidding!
Except for Nicky and KC, cause they told me so! Mwaha! Only not in that way, hee ;D Good enough.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Favourite albums I listen to when I am stressed:

Backstreet Boys: Chapter One - Greatest Hits
Beatles: 1
Muse: Absolution
ABBA: The Definitive Collection
The Phantom of the Opera: Munich Symphony Orchestra

I'm listening to the 3rd out of those 5 already.


I'm falling way behind in schoolwork, and am struggling to catch up.

My library book that I returned before the holiday has YET to be registered - I have received 3 overdue notices and they told me that no, they have not received the Economics text book that I book-dropped on the 30th of May.

And because of that, my library account has been suspended until further notice (along with Swarna's and Viv's - they bookdropped on the same day and it was only logged on the 9th of June and they were fined.)

And because my account is suspended, I cannot check out the Econs text book so I can't read up and do my Econs essays - which I haven't the foggiest idea how to start.

My work is already late, and my mom gave the teacher her number. =_=

My maths is also late, and I have fallen from a B15 to a C13 this year - previously I have never gotten below an A. =_= You may say you can't compare college maths to secondary maths, but the point is, my grades have fallen tremendously.

Econs from an A17 to a C11.

I'm fucked wei.

I can catch up, I am positive of that.
But for now, the time-constraint on handing in my homework is suffocating me.
I can catch up, but not in a week.
Maybe two - but I have lots of work due before then and my teachers are already eyeing me as a problem student.

Serves me right for coming in late to class.
Cutting class - although quite rarely, except for LAN.
Handing in assignments late.
Sleeping in class.
Not focusing, not listening, not caring what the lecturer is talking about.

I prefer to study alone; but I don't.

I keep hearing the same comments again and again from all my lecturers last Saturday - the parent-teacher meeting.

"Sleeping in class."
"Losing focus."
"Definitely not a C student."
"Falling in with the wrong crowd."
"Cannot concentrate, doesn't ask questions."
"Very smart, but does not use her brains."
"A very demotivated student."
"Half-hearted in her work."

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I were actually stupid and unable to grasp what the teacher's are saying.

My brains - not put to good use.
Mom's disappointment.
Lecturer's frustation.
My guilt and indignance.

Furthermore, mom HAD to bring to Miss Christine that I actually did my sister's Form 2 maths when I was 9. Good lord. Now she thinks I'm some child math genius/delinquent and expects so much more from me.

"I don't think she's putting 100% effort into her studies. Not even 50%; I doubt it."

*rots in silence*

And what stings is that every word of it is true.
Even the 'falling in with the wrong crowd' part. Technically incorrect, but I get what they mean.
I actually used to listen in class, now I'm too busy chatting/sleeping/fidgeting.

"I used to be so worried about Stephanie. Her hair is always falling in her face, so I cannot see whether she understands or not, haha. She always looks like she's dreaming when I'm talking. But she was okay, she actually did quite well. But la, a different story."

The chair starts to feel hot and poky, urging me to jump off and flee the scene.
I don't.
Instead, I laugh and tug against my fringe, promising to cut it off immediately.
My Econs teacher smiles a forced smile and tells me to focus and to please do her work. Try sitting alone in class and listen to her.

I wince and nod.

My mom and my lecturer look at me, a blank hopelessness hanging around them.
I have acquiesced to their demands, what else can they say?
Yet, they feel as if my words and nods are empty, a mere agreement to stave off further lectureing.

It isn't true, at least I hope not.

I have always said that I have absolutely no interest in my studies - at least, what I'm doing now. Accounts. Econs.

But I used to give a shit about how I did, making sure I'm at least above average to please various parties and to maintain a constant standard in my studies.


A word I've heard way too much over this weekend.
I shrink away from it.
A simple word, to blend you back into the masses; you have become the same as everybody else, with nothing to distinguish you from the crowd.


I will buck up.
At least score above average, even if I don't put 100% effort in - even 80% will do.
As long as it isn't the 'half-heartedness' that my favourite lecturer described.
I don't think I'll ever be able to put in 100%. Not in something I dislike. But I will try. I have to try.

4 more months. Then freedom.
Pencils, artline pens, markers, powdery rubber dust.


It couldn't come soon enough.

Song of the Day:

"Take a Chance on Me - ABBA"

Back to work. I'm actually doing my work.
For the first time in ages.

Monday, June 23, 2008


10-year-old boy regarding Chris Brown's 'With You':

"I love that song! I'm so going to sing it to my girlfriend when I grow up!"

And then I wonder why aren't there any - or only very few - guys who actually sing such sweet songs to their girlfriend nowadays?

Or maybe they do - how would I know?

Song of the Day:

"With You - Chris Brown"

So schweet. =3

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Legs and Fishes

[Stefaniaaa] says:
tell me again
why are guys legs so short?

roT.Ten- *unicef NiCh0l@S "StarFish" says:

[Stefaniaaa] says:
today i was staring at a bunch of them iceskating
and i can't let it go

roT.Ten- *unicef NiCh0l@S "StarFish" says:
mayb coz we hv broader bodies

[Stefaniaaa] says:
nope you guys still look disproportionate =3

roT.Ten- *unicef NiCh0l@S "StarFish" says:
girls hv long legs
coz they hv shorter chests
in terms of length

[Stefaniaaa] says:

roT.Ten- *unicef NiCh0l@S "StarFish" says:
guys hv much longer chests

[Stefaniaaa] says:

roT.Ten- *unicef NiCh0l@S "StarFish" says:
mayb coz girls got boobs

[Stefaniaaa] says:

roT.Ten- *unicef NiCh0l@S "StarFish" says:
so their chest r shorter

[Stefaniaaa] says:
the point isssssssss?
i don't get it

roT.Ten- *unicef NiCh0l@S "StarFish" says:
and guys udn reli hv boobs so they hv longer chests

[Stefaniaaa] says:
good lord
so you're saying
we're compressed?

roT.Ten- *unicef NiCh0l@S "StarFish" says:
so god gave boys short legs to balance them out

[Stefaniaaa] says:

roT.Ten- *unicef NiCh0l@S "StarFish" says:
and vice versa for girls

[Stefaniaaa] says:
no wonder girls are so pretty :)

roT.Ten- *unicef NiCh0l@S "StarFish" says:


I like guys with long legs. It makes them look more proportionate. =/

I don't get why some guys are so hypocritical.
Today, Vivi, Jul and I were at Ftz after filming our moral project (part of which, by the way, got erased ZZ.) There was this malay guy sitting two seats away from Viv in the same game - on the same team.

Walao, the asshole was damn rude to me wei.
One lane was empty, so I came cause I couldn't handle my lane anyway - and he told me to get lost. =_= Cannot ask nicely one is it?

If you just say 'please give me my lane back' also I would leave la.
Mahai 'scram la sniper' is not going to cut it. -_-

Later Viv told him that I was a girl too, and he started acting all nice.
'Order a drink la, I buy you one.' Do you really think ANY girl would entertain him after seeing him be so rude to her just because he thought she was a guy?

Guys are so deluded. -_-

Suck up.

Viv was amused cause I got all emo about him. Lol.
How could I not? His attitude alone was so aggravating, never mind the sudden change of tone of voice and how he treated me.

ARGH *runs around in circles*

"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Thank goodness. One less boy to be potentially murdered by your hands."

A number of people have noted my occasional thirst to bash boys into tiny little pieces.
._. What can I do? You guys suckkkkkk! ;P

Found another girl who plays CS just now, or so the person claims.
You can never know on the internet anyway. =/
Bikatsu. We owned all the boys LOL - except Josh.

Typing to all dead:

"T_T KC bully me!"
"Don't worry, I'll take revenge for you later =]"
"Wheee you're the best ;D hehe"

On Skype:

"=_= Wah. He thinks he's your knight in shining armor or something issit?"
"Oh. I didn't know you were dead already. Haha. Paiseh."

Kena caught flirting with his kid brother LOL.
*is kidding*
Joshie loves KC and me too much already. ;D

I can't help it, he has such a manja voice that I can't help but manja balik. =[
It's contagious. NYAAAAAA~

I'm done with DotA for now. The thought of it makes me queasy.
Back to drawing! ;D
I'm going to try and draw Rena from .Hack next. If it jadi-s, I'll post it up for you all.

Whee. Good night.

Song of the Day:

"Not Ready to Make Nice - Dixie Chicks"

Yes, yes. I'm over it. You can stop bringing it up now. =)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hello ;D

Hello, I am very happy today because I just replenished my artline supply afther nearly 2 years of not drawing at all. ;D

I plopped down to bed and got to work.
30 minutes later, Skulduggery Pleasant appears on my sheet of white paper!

It's been ages since I've really sat down to draw.
REALLY draw, not just doodle designs and random body parts.

I'm rusty. But it feels so good. ;D

I've managed to finally drop DotA and pick up CS.
Maybe I can pick up drawing as a hobby again.

*cough*Screw accounts*coughcough*


Wzzz ---> ZEO says:
i dun play cs 1
u this sniper

[ Stefaniaaa ] says:
aww :(

Wzzz ---> ZEO says:
always headshot ppl
die la
i go in

[ Stefaniaaa ] says:
i cannot head shot
always shoot down there nia

Wzzz ---> ZEO says:
sure let ur awp hit

[ Stefaniaaa ] says:
miss the head

Wzzz ---> ZEO says:
btm shot
choose to hit small head instead of big head
yao meh

[ Stefaniaaa ] says:
mahai wont la >_<
so small, nothing to hit =)

Wzzz ---> ZEO says:
tat's y u r showing ur skill
poor guys
small heads gone

[ Stefaniaaa ] says:
including you?

Wzzz ---> ZEO says:
i din play cs
tat's y i still preserving my small head

[ Stefaniaaa ] says:
nvm when you play, i'll practise on you

Wzzz ---> ZEO says:
i pitying sherman n nicky

[ Stefaniaaa ] says:
why? o.O

Wzzz ---> ZEO says:
they sure very feminine now
no head d
coz always play wit u

That day someone was complaining about how I sniped him right in the balls. (And he died!)
It was unintentional! That is exactly how bad my aim is. T_T

AK47 ftw man.

My K-D ratio has improved to 1:1 now. Whee!

I made Nicky webcam and he is nearly bald, LOL.
Maybe less than a cm of hair only.

And then he told me that his hair is actually already TOO LONG by his school's standards!
OMG what kind of military school is he in, man?

Pfft, he said I look very different from what few pictures I have online.

1. I now have a fringe.
2. I am now wearing my glasses.
3. Those pictures are easily 2 years old.
4. The webcam is grainy.

I need a new webcam. Mine is all yellowy and grainy.
His is super clear and white. =(
Buy me a cute purple webcam, anyone?

Song of the Day:

"Take A Bow - Rihanna"

Btw, the original artist's impression of Skulduggery was rather different.
I could never get faces right.
Although he IS just a skull. =/


The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl.

That is title of the book I am currently reading.
So far, it's really interesting. =)

Nicky and I used to call KC the emo one - in fact, Nick took the nickname I gave KC, KCanemone, and turned it into KC An Emo One.

But from what happened today, Nicky deserves the title of Emo Boy.
Lol. Him, and his brother.

We were both playing CS with Joshie when he said:

"Uh oh, my bro is back."

Annoyed voice in the background, whining from Josh.
Then Josh stopped talking.

"Heellllooooooo? Are you there?"
"Yea. Suddenly I'm scared to talk. My bro is angry."
"Why la?"

He didn't reply.

His CS nickname - Joshie (Emo mode)

After that he vanished - "gottago..."

Nicky didn't appear and KC and I were so bewildered at the brothers' behaviour.
And then - oh goodness - Nicky's msn pm became all depressing and pessimistic.

"What's WRONG with them?"
"No idea."
"Why are they so emo? Why why WHY?"
"I also wanna know."
"Screw it, I'm gonna call him."
"I also want to, but he isn't going to pick up."
"Oh, he will."

I reminded him that I'm not going to Skype him - call as in PHONE CALL call. No way is he going to hang up/ignore me. I rarely do phone calls! It's spe-shuyl!

I ran downstairs to get my phone which I'd left in my car - lo and behold!

4 messages from Nicky, starting out with a slightly sheepish tone and ending up in total emoness.

I read the messages - each one explaining what happened between both of them; the last one saying that I must think he's such a bad older brother to Josh and that he's sorry.

Me: WTF?

I related all this to KC and he couldn't stop laughing.

I haven't heard him laugh so hysterically since I took Joshie's head off with a shotgun - when he was my teammate.

Trying hard to supress my laughter, I rang Nicky and it turned out that Nick and Josh had simply been fighting over the comp.

Apparently the kid had grown so attached to KC and I that he physically refused to budge from the computer when Nicky came home and Nicky couldn't play at all.

"Hellloooo ,why are you emo?"
"I'm not emo!"
"Your msn pm is."
"Oh that, I..."
"You're scaring us! What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing. I mean, I don't like fighting with my brother and he wanted to play and so I said fine, he can play and I was in a really bad mood..."
"But we want you to play with us =/"
"Nah, I think I'll let him play with you guys, it's what he wants. I'm not gonna play for a while, gonna do that soul searching."
"=_= No, no, no soul searching. You're playing with us tonight."
"Okay okay, I'll give up my soul searching - just for tonight. That I promise you."
"NO! No soul searching at all! You have soul! Now come play!"
"Hahaha, just tonight Stephie I'll play with you."
"NOT ONLY TONIGHT! No soul searching forever and ever and ever and ever..."
"If you don't give it up, I will..."
"Okay okay okay I promise. No soul searching."
"Yay, see you in an hour. =)"

Aiyoyo. Emo sial. Haha.
If pujuking doesn't work...whine.
If whining doesn't work...threaten.
If threatening doesn't work... should have succeeded by then. -.-


I still can't believe those two emo-ed over a computer. =_=
KC and I were so worried summore. *wipes sweat*
There's something else bugging him too, but let's leave that for another time.

I learned two hokkien phrases today!

"KC si noob!"


"Wa su ka chiak chor ko lat!"

Essential phrases in my everyday life. ;D

I shall continue my dialect education tomorrow. Nyahahaha.

Song of the Day:

"Empty- The Click Five"

This is such a depressing song. I feel so down whenever I hear it.
But KC played it over and over and over tonight while we were playing until I got hooked. =_=

Friday, June 20, 2008

A new addiction


KC just installed Counter-Strike.
After Nicky's urges to play with him as he struggled to get more exp to start his clan, both of us got hooked. =_=

We're both noobs! ;D

I asked Nicky Starfish:

"Are you good at CS?"
"Well...I'm quite pro...;)"
"AHAHAHA we'll see. Hmph."

But instead of Nicky Starfish, I played with Josh first.
Starfish was in a very foul mood - today was the first time I've seen him so agitated. His normally sweet voice was all coarse and harsh. Hokkien! Maybe the hokkien did it!

HAHA. I was so fascinated because the people whom I normally see speaking fluent hokkien are old people.
So when I hear someone my age rattling off in that dialect, I just started laughing. I couldn't help it. It sounded so cool! Attractive, even. It's like when people swoon over Italian or French accents - something like that.

Anyway, KC and I played with Josh for a few hours and OMG la he is so cute! T_T
He sounds EXACTLY like a miniature version of Ni Starf Nick (Oh screw it. I like the name Nick too much -_-) - they have the same mannerisms and attitude.
...Only with a girl's voice, which is actually not repulsive at all considering the fact that he is only 10-years-old.

Here's our rough CS kill- death ratio as of today:

Josh - 2:1
Nick - 1:1
Me - 1:2
KC - 1:3

I beat KC lalalalalala~ ;P

Good Lord, the 10-year-old beat us all!
According to him, he's playing CS since he was five. (-_-? Walao)

And ahhhh I cannot tahan weiiiii I love talking to him.
His voice is so adorable la. Plus he's not those typical 10-year-olds who have attitude problems (as far as I've witnessed) and is a pretty sporting kid, really.

I'm worried about Nicky.
He sounded so depressed today - Josh left the Skype on without telling him and KC and I were just sitting there listening to him rant on his phone - on and on and on.

There was a note of shock and slight panic in his voice when he found out that we were listening in on him - unintentionally! (Or maybe not. But admit it. It's hard NOT to listen when someone's complaining in such an unusual dialect - not cantonese!)

After talking him out of his planned 2-week break from the internet to 'soul-search,' today he told me that he was going away - for a month!


He seems to be really upset about some things and it bugs me that I can't help him.
Not from 300 km away, anyway. =_=

*squirms in annoyance*

Okay. I'm probably babbling too much already but I'm really bothered by this.
How can someone be in a position so helpless that you can't even comfort a friend who has stuck by you through your sticky times?


My jaw is better now anyway.
The swelling has conpletely subsided. The only damage left is a flap of gum hanging from the OTHER side of my jaw now - I think the tooth is trying it's best to rip through the gum.


More swelling to come.

Good night.

I love you all. <3

Song of the Day:

"I Don't Wanna Be - Gavin DeGraw"

KC and I were up til 4.30 am last night playing CS WTF!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Fresh layout!

Today I didn't go to college as my wisdom tooth was nagging me - swollen jaw, pounding head and all that. So after I had sufficient sleep, I rolled out of bed and thought:

"Hey, let's design a new layout!"

No mood for gaming at all.
Teman-ing Zeo last night for one game also took a lot out of me.

Not to mention the hour of one-on-one Counterstrike I had with KC.
LOL. I pawned him lots lots. ;D
Nothing like playing with someone noober than your noob self to boost your ego. ;P

So anyway, I thought that since my mind is still fresh from programming the IT assignment, I might as well write a whole new layout based on that coding.

Step 1: Pick a colour scheme

Purple + Pink
Two of my favourite colours.

Out of the 6 or so blog layouts I've ever had, 3 were pink - 4 including this one.

Step 2: Find a banner

I thought of getting something simple.
The banner is a result of a light experiment Ling and I did a while back.

Take one LED with a switch and throw in some slow shutter - BOOM! This is what you get:

Haha. My name written in light. Cool leh?
I never did a 'Snarkie' one, so that one'll just have to do.

Step 3: Resize images

The worst part of the job.

Step 4: Code

Step 5: Debug


The whole process took roughly 5 hours and, being the nerd I am, I actually enjoyed it.

Lol. No more drop-down lists for links - all straightforward now.
I remember Ling complaining about that, so I've fixed it. =)

No more blinding bright font against a black background - I've fixed that too.

In addition, this layout is IE compatible, so most users can enjoy. ;D
The font is larger in IE, but that's the only drawback so far.

The tagbox is bigger, too. =)

Added a couple of blogs: Sam and Sash ;D
Long overdue, lol. I don't I would have ever bothered if I weren't forced to go to the template page anyway to do my coding. ;P

And that's about it, I think.
Any bugs, please let me know and I'll try my best to fix them.

Until then, enjoy! ^^

Song of the Day:

"Call Me - Blondie"

Lalala. Jun Yan wished me happy birthday exactly 2 weeks after it passed.
Poor boy is drowning in work - SPM year. Eh. Ya. He's my gorgor I keep forgetting! xD
Grow taller, dear. ;D Stop letting Jun Ren eat everything!