Wednesday, December 13, 2006

What I feel.

Emotionally-charged past few days.

Not really. Maybe hormonally-charged.

What I feel...

...about the 2006 school mag.

It sucks. Fucking puny daisy.
Sorry, I mean puny EXCUSE for a daisy.
Marguerite, indeed.

The first page is reason enough to spit on the damn book, tear it up, burn the pieces and flush it down the toilet.

*rolls eyes*

And I'm almost serious about that.
Read this for my true feelings about that piece of crap.
I admit, I was a little carried away. I get worked up easily over small things. (Duh.)
But yeah, I don't regret any little bit of what I said.

If you think I'm a bitch, then shut up, click 'back' and never again darken my doorway.
(...Oohoohoo, stole that line from chick lit. =P)

...about someone, backdooring while playing DotA

Fine, backdoor. Just let me know when you want to.
Don't be scared to lose. No one is going to disrespect you for losing.
But people are going to, when you get desperate and ignore basic rules and etiquette solely to win.
However, chill, you're forgiven.

...about people who question my ways

And don't ever, EVER question what is wrong with me. Why I'm so annoying. Why I curse.

Fuck you.

I hate people who are so hypocritical and judge people who curse.
You know you curse internally, whether it is often, or in a rage.
Whether you say it out loud or not is no difference.
You are angry.
You want to curse.
Just do it.

Don't think that people are crude and uncouth because they curse aloud in a rage and you don't.
Your mind is equally polluted, whether you show it or not.

What's the difference between 'fuck' and '****'?

Tell me.

Don't think you're better because you 'don't curse.'

Of course, I totally understand if you hold back in front of pure untainted minds of children.
Understandable if you don't curse at others out of respect.

But in front of your peers, with their language already tainted...why do you hold back?
You're angry. Let it out.
Even if it IS rather rude, your friends should understand.
If they don't, sucks to you.

...about Eragon, the movie

1 hour and 45 minutes long.
For a book around 400-pages. I expected the story to be cut.

But hell, forgive me if I was caught off guard by the total butchering of the story.
I can't believe I waited almost a year and a half for this sad piece of film.

If you haven't read the book, and intend to watch the film...
Then read the book, and truly appreciate the work of a teenager.

If you've read the book and loved it...
Watch the movie to love the book even more.

If you've read the book and thought it was so-so, or didn't like it...
Stay the heck away from the movie.

...about the Sunway Beach Blast

Nah, sucked.
The Quiksilver Rev Tour was wayyyyyyyyy more fun.

...about the MET 10 awards party at Ruums

Totally fun.
Though horrible smoky.
I have learned how to appreciate local music a little. What I can say is that some of our Malaysian bands are fantastic live performers whose videos just don't do them justice.
I take back what I said about the poor quality of the local music industry.

...about the prospect of getting my newest gaming console in four years

I am in love.
I am getting the Black DS Lite, whatever it takes.
I'm in love!

(Yes, black. Laugh all you want at me for being typical - teenagers love black, nyahnyahnyah- while I laugh at your filthy L and R keys, muhahahaha)

...about missing camp


Song of the Day:

"Numb - Linkin Park"

Camp started today.

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