Sunday, January 28, 2007


So annoyed la!

Stupid Frozen Throne 1.21a patch was released and I cannot patch my version!

At first I kept doing everything wrong.

Download which one ah? The add-on or standalone?
The smaller one la.

So I downloaded the standalone.

What? Told you to download the smaller one?

Then I went to look again.

Standalone - 51MB
Add-on - 2.5 MB

-_- I could've sworn the standalone said 51 KB...

*Delete standalone*
*Redownload add-on*

Still doesn't work!

Now Christopher has version 1.21a and I'm stuck with 1.20e SO WE CANNOT PLAY LIAO!

Anyone has the Warcraft CD? Have to redownload only can play. T_T


On the bright side, mom finally let me double pierce!

It's the stupidest thing ever you know.

For 5 freaking years it has always been like this:

Pierce la your ears...very nice one!
I want to double pierce.
Double pierce or nothing.
Fine! Don't pierce la!

See, mom wanted one hole each, I wanted two holes each.
So we compromised - and didn't pierce AT ALL.


And I have JUST found out that she wouldn't let me double pierce because:



I want two holes - both in my earlobe, ok?

For FIVE years she misunderstood and thought I wanted to pierce up there, and so forbade me to do so.


So, I went five years without pierced ears because she thought I was some masochistic hippie who want nothing more than to look like Fergie, what with piercings all over my ears and all.


So, I went five years with people buying me earrings, thinking I have pierced ears just because I didn't clarify my request.


Family friends who are doctors have said that piercing any where else on the ear that is NOT your earlobe may cause permanent blindness.

This fact is further reinforced by the claims of my guitar teacher who said someone he knew had some sort of an infection after she pierced the top of her ear. She went all KPC and fiddled with the wound and POOF! She became blind.

Do you think I'm so stupid as to risk my sight just to look some stupid punkrocker?

So I'm still a cheesed off that my mom thinks I'm an ass.
But anyway, double piercings for me! ;)

One soon, and one more pair on my birthday.


christopher the auditor says:
Troubleshooting Error: File Checksum Error

This is presumably the error you will receive when trying to install the incremental patch without previously installing v1.20e, to resolve this error download and install the Full Standalone Patch.

Full Standalone Patch v1.21 - 51MB


Song of the Day:

"Lips of An Angel - Hinder"


Friday, January 26, 2007


I think I'm going nuts! Whee!

Dunno why la, seems my mood swings can go from:

Sleepy Cheerful Annoyed Giggly Telling Lame Jokes Bitching about anything and everything Hungry I NEED TO DO HOMEWORK! super Bad Mood Super sien zzzz....

...and back Sleepy.

Yup, that's my average mood cycle for one day.
Life is good.

I'm going for my co-co meetings.
I'm not pontenging school tomorrow (it's Hari Membina Azam) as is my custom.
I'm doing my homework (most, anyway.)

I'm such an angel!

But every white cloud has a murky lining.
...I'm not paying attention to a single thing my teachers say.

Not that it matters much.

My Bio teacher:
"So the lymphocytes can do is able to..."

Like, yerwot? No one is laughing? THIS IS SO WRONG! SOMEONE LAUGH!
Are we so used to broken english until we are completely oblivious to it anymore?

My English teacher:
"This script has SUCH a dramatic twist, so unpredictable!"

Now I'm not criticising the script in question, but the teacher's IQ level.
Like, hello? I could predict the ending when I was on the second page of the script.
So would anyone if they've seen One Tree Hill (or had an ounce of sense in them anyhow)

BM teacher not here.

Add Maths teacher bores me to death. (Not like I can't do my homework if I don't listen to her. I don't even know what I go to school for, the teacher's are all hopeless.)

Chem teacher has a forest growing in her armpits. (I am NOT kidding. Go check it out yourself. You would think people who like to grow armpit hair would refrain from wearing sleeveless stuff, but NOOOOO)

Sejarah teacher not here.

EST teacher is horrible annoying. He totally badmouthed our class (5K girls are inattentive cretins) so I'm not going to listen to a thing he says from now on.

Physics teacher lectures us 45 minutes per class about how much WE like to waste time. (Har Har.)

Moral teacher is despicable.

Maths teacher has a voice like a man but is otherwise pretty ok.

But I digress.

My point is (...finally!) that I'm behaving comparatively well in school this year. =D
Me ish lyke a supa-dupa angel! 0:-)

Except for the fact it is 12.30 am and I should be fast asleep instead of typing this crap.

Song of the Day:

"Call Me - Blondie"

Lalala...Watch American Idol auditions if you think your life sucks.
They suck worse. =P
I'm so wu liao...

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Fucking noob man, these people.



And this comes from an Darkterror who chronospheres thin air, an Tidehunter who ravages creeps, a Vengeful Spirit who swaps someone who was going to be killed with one more hit, thus confusing your allies and making them miss and letting the enemy escape, as well as a host of suckers who scolds everyone else from running from enemies...AND THEN RUNS AND HIDES WHEN THEIR FRIENDS GET KILLED!


I tell you, I'm not playing any more Malaysian games liao.
All talk big don't know how to act one.


"Razor keep chaining la!"
"I not intel hero la you ass"


Day before:

"Razor stop feeding!"




Song of the Day:

"Let Love In - Goo Goo Dolls"

I'm going to DotA one more time today. Any more idiots and I give up.

I went to MPH yesterday... help the Lims in leafleting for today's Music program. ^^

Yupyup, indian classical music program thingy held at MPH, Midvalley Megamall at 2-4 pm.
If you can go, then go lah! FOC punya...
I can't go because the Den doesn't want to fetch me. =(

So yeah, basics in leafleting:

1. Spot your quarry.
2. Go in for the kill.

Um, that's it.

But there are certain techniques too, like talking nicely and emphasizing the words 'FREE OF CHARGE.' If they still look hesitant, shove it in their face and make them take it anyway.

How to pick victims:


Old men in the intellectual-looking section of the bookshop.
-They're normally too polite to refuse, plus most of them are actually interested ^^

Parent(s) with kids
-They don't want to make a scene in front of their kids, and often try to be the best mother/father and appear to listen attentively and say 'thank you' after your marketing spiel

Ang moh tourists
-I guess their trying to pick up on local culture or something, cause all of them seem interested when you mention 'classical music' and stuff

Teenage guys (if you're a girl, it works vice versa too)
-They stare at you more than they listen, but what the hell, they take some brochures off your hands anyway =P

Nervous looking guys at the sci-fi and anime section
-They're too intimidated to say no

Nervous looking girls at the programming section
-Same as above

Couples with babies in strollers
-Oh, most of them are friendly =D

-They understand your predicament. So exchange smiles, exchange brochures and then bid a cheery farewell.


Young couples
-They're too wrapped up in each other to notice

Mother-and-daughter combos
-I don't know why, but each M-a-D (=P) combo I approached seem intent on being bitchy =(

Husband-and wife combos
-It's really annoying when they go 'ask my wife,' who then says 'ask HIM!'

People talking on cellphones/reading intensely
-It's rude to disturb (unless they look like complete wimps who won't tell you off for interrupting them)

Parents with MANY kids (as opposed to one)
-They'll shoo you away, all frazzled-like, AND they may take out their frustration over their evil kids on YOU

Teenage (La-la) girls
-NONONO way in hell you should try them. Especially the Ah Lians in 1U (don't want to risk their image by talking to a promoter of CLASSICAL MUSIC nyeheheheh!)

Squinty-eyed, sweaty-looking old men
-They're really creepy and their level of grouchiness puts mine to shame


There was this sweaty old men who made my salesgirl alarmbells go off, (how can they sweat in an air-conditioned shop? Beats me...) but I went ahead annoyed him anyway.

"Excuse me, we're having a..."


"Ok, thank you..."

I was a bit miffed that he wouldn't even let me finish my first sentence, just - "NO!"

Stinky old bastard. =(

I wanted to pay him out for his rudeness,
so after I got bored I went up to him again and innocently said:

"Excuse me..."


I thanked him cheerfully, pretending not to notice that I'd already asked him like, 10 minutes ago.

After another 10 minutes, I still had some brochures left, and I SO happened to find that squinty-eyed old man in another section of the bookshop, browsing intently (no doubt looking for porn and the like.)

So, blinking innocently and pretending not to recognize him...

"Excuse me uncle!" I rang out in my cheeriest overpaid salesperson voice.

He looked up, clearly furious.


I swear you could see his eyeballs bulge in temper.


I would have added something like:

"Oh, erm, sorry. I have asked you before, haven't I? But well, it isn't my fault you have such an ugly and forgettable face, oh well."

But he already looked downright murderous, so I didn't push my luck.


Song of the Day:

"My Love - JT"

Aiyo. Really grew on me, this one. Except the starting part. It still sounds rather gay to me.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Attack of the noobs!

***DotA post, don't wanna read, back off now.***

They accused me of maphacking.

(MH is using a program whereby you can see the whole map while playing DotA, thus enabling you to see incoming ambushes and backstabbing)

They were like:
'rzor mh!'
'lr mh right?'

So I was riiight. -_-

Just because I haven't gotten killed by those noobs yet doesn't mean I maphack ok?
Fair enough, I HAVE the program, but I have used it only once, when it was first installed by my cousin's.

But only noobs maphack. You'll never improve if you maphack.

So anyway, I just said 'no I don't maphack' and continued doing whatever.

Then the host said again, 'rzor mh laaa'

And this time, they got my teammate to message me saying 'btm lane g.'

Meaning, whatever heroes in my lane were gone. So they expected me to walk down and start pushing there.

Not being a complete and total idiot (who on EARTH walks into enemy territory after they said all that?) I backed off and hid.

Sure enough, like 5 seconds later an enemy hero emerged from the forest into my lane.
Bet that guy was pissed I wasn't there.

So then:

... -.-

Even my team leader didn't believe me.

'yalor, lr mh one'

Then he privated me and asked YET again:

'you mh ar?'

'no. what makes you think so? i see enemy msg i b la'

I felt like adding 'You patronising assholian noob parading around as a pro.'

But yeah, I've made a resolution to not insult anyone playing DotA (let alone noobs who are probably suicidal and have nothing better to do than act pro and who would probably kill themselves if someone attempted to crack their 'hero' facade.)

***DotA post ends and normal posting resumes***

So anyway, I was being a total bitch yesterday, due to sleeping 3 and a half hours a day for a week. AND I almost fell asleep standing up in assembly.

Seriously! I didn't even hear the announcements, my eyes were shut also.
Then suddenly I felt myself keeling over to the side and quickly jerked my eyes open and righted myself.


Oh yeah, and my schoolmates' brother is a new temporary teacher in my school.
You'd think CBNers have never seen a member of the male species before (excluding Mr Hoo who is married to a vietnamese lady and Encik Rohizan who has white hair already)

So yeah, since Sarkit like, broke her back falling of a ladder (HA!)... he replaced her and is now teaching my class EST.

So, this is the first time I've heard my class pay SO much attention to the teacher without being asked to or being forced to.

There were absolutely staring at him I'm telling you. xD
He's definitely above average in the looks department, but uhhh other than that I don't see anything else to go googoogaagaa about.

Sui said there were a couple of Form 2 girls who walked pass him and started nudging each other saying: 'you love him! you love him! I know you do!' then laughing.

Aiyoyo, seriously jakun man. Really never see guy before.

But anyway I'm glad he's teaching because:

And yeah, I'd rather slave under a guy my schoolmates are drooling about than work for Sarkit (a position no one envies)

So yeah, life rocks. =P

And the part about being bitchy, yeah, I was complaining how he made me read the whole text passage (almost 2 pages long!) by myself when I was bone-tired.

Lol, stupid I know. Like it's his fault I'm dead tired and his fault that I'm the EST rep.
But then, I really felt a wave of spite engulfing me.


It's probably the hate of doing anything related to EST left over from under the tutoring (or lack of) of the Sarkit.

Ok, I'ma sleep nicely this weekend and be saintly schoolgirl again next week. ^^

Don't ask me why I volunteered to be EST AJK.
But yeah, see? It's good to sacrifice yourself and save your classmates from the wrath of Sarkit by placing yourself in between her venomous claws.

Only to be rewarded by having the evil dragon break her back.


(Still not a saint after 8 hours of sleep, I see)

Song of the Day:

"Bohemian Crapsody, er I mean, Rhapsody - RedQueen"

American Idol ish shoooo funnneeeee! *giggles hysterically*

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Oh yeah.

Today I did one sit-up and cramped my whole chest, from shoulder to shoulder.
It felt horrible, like a heart-attack (or how I imagine one to be.)
So painful that I could hardly breathe and had to squat motionless on the gym floor for about 5 minutes.

...and the worst part of the ordeal was that the masochist within me screamed for more.

I need therapy.

Besides that, I also agreed to be part of my house cheerleading squad.



Me? In a cheerleader's outfit and pom-poms?


Thank God I came to my senses and didn't join in the end.
I could have seriously been traumatised.
[More evidence of the masochistic me surfacing]

Me? Cheering for my house? For my SCHOOL?

Never in a gazillion aeons.

Song of the Day:

"Frozen - Celldweller"

I'm so tired...
...but still intend to DotA later.


I'm so sleepy. *yawn*

Today, the teacher-advisor for Chess Club refused to sign Siew's and my book, because Chess Club clashes with Majalah Society.

Thing is, I really wanted to try out to be one fo the school's chess players (desperate for co-co marks, see?) AND I'd already gotten in Ed Board.

So it's my fault it's on the same day la?
Same time also.
Meeting next to each other some more.

I explained to BOTH teachers that because I'm already in Ed Board and do my assignments at HOME with the COMP, I thought I could join Chess Club.

Besides, they do NOTHING but chit-chat and/or do their homework during majalah meeting.


Very annoyed.

Some more yesterday I was so annoyed at this guy I DotAed with yesterday I couldn't sleep, and therefore was even more tired out than usual.

What happened was that me, playing Rhasta, hopped over to this guy's lane. He was playing Raigor Stonehoof.

So yeah, he was being attacked by Medusa (gorgon) and Kardel (sniper) and I tried to help.

"Shack one."
"Ok Gorgon."

So I walked over and the two of them started running towards their tower.

Medusa was nearer to me so I shackled her, expecting that asshole to come over and finish her off. But instead of using his/her damn brains, he walked over and started attacking the sniper.


I quickly finished off the gorgon, and went to help. But it was too late, the sniper had already killed him.


I shackled and killed gorgon.
He attacked the OTHER guy and got killed.

And guess what he said?

"fkin noob"
"damn boliao one guy nearer go and shack the other one"
"kick la"

Aiyo, I was soooooooooo annoyed that if it were allowed, I'd freaking voodoo him, pile my serpents on him, and shackle him there until he died.


If I had attacked Kardel:
Medusa will purge me, chase and kill.
Then sniper will stun him, medusa chase, sniper assassinate.

Either way, die die also that fella got no common sense.
Furthermore, that guy had THREE stuns + full mana.
Died anyway.
Killed by sniper.



Song of the Day:

"Switchback - Celldweller"

Very irritable nowadays. Must sleep more. Not enough sleep then reflexes not fast enough for DotA also. T.T

Monday, January 15, 2007


Super cannot stand today.

First things first - drama script.

I am really very annoyed with it. For one, out of the two scripts that were written, one had a well-extended plot, but was extremely sappy. The other had full-blown dialogue and everything, but is very short AND predictable AND has incest.

But the thing that annoys me the most is -shocker- myself.
I could kick myself for not writing the script sooner.
I hate myself for not being able to think of ANYTHING that isn't cliched and predictable.
I hate myself, because if I don't come up with something soon, something GOOD, we will be forced to do one of those two scripts.

All will be well if my classmates and schoolmates like it, my opinion doesn't matter if they're ok with it, it's a class effort after all.

BUT if they hate it, and ask where's MY script...can die man.

OR they ask me where my script is, and I have it...only it sucks.




Sui Yi was really upset in class today.
I don't know what was wrong, cause I normally stay away from infuriated people as I only make the situation worse.

But I'd bet it was something along the lines of cheats who benefit.

You see, Puan Ting asked us to hand in our Chemistry holiday homework today, and one girl asked whether she could hand it in even though she didn't fill in the answers. (...-_-)

And Puan Ting said:


...coming from a classmate, I would have laughed. I'd do it too, if I was desperate.
But coming from our teacher, she's implying that we can cheat AND get away with it...what is WRONG WITH HER?

What happened to morals and discipline? I know most teachers turn a blind eye on the copying of holiday homework - it happens very often.

But to encourage, no, COMMAND someone to go and do it...I think it was too much for poor Sui.

Sigh. But I shouldn't talk so much about this, especially because I'm guilty of the above crime as well. (Heh. You should know me better.)

But yeah, I still feel for Sui, cause as far as I know, she NEVER copies anyone's homework (that counts for exam marks anyway.)


I am also furious.

My sis handed me an open pen, which I didn't notice and drew a line on my favourite new shirt.
Okla, initially angry. But after that ok already, cause the line was perfectly straight AND perfectly in the middle of the shirt.

It even looked like part of the design.

So, I thought okla, what the hell. Can still wear one.

THEN, my maid, SO smart, went and BLEACHED the WHOLE shirt.

Never asked her also!

Some more tahula, common sense tells you to soak the stained spot only, but nooooooooo the whole shirt went into the tub of dynamo, and now it's HALF faded.


"Maaf ya, saya tahu baju ni you suka. Tapi I cuba nak keluarkan kotoran ni. Tak tau akan jadi macam ni."
[I'm sorry, I know you like this shirt. But I was trying to remove the stain. I didn't know it will become like this.]

"Hm. Ok."

"So, tak boleh pakai lagi la?"
[So, cannot wear already la?]

"Yala. Tak 'leh pakai lagi la."

"Maaf ya."

I was actually supressing my anger as you'd probably guessed.
(According to mom, it's also partly my fault for NOT telling to bleach my shirt. WTF I didn't say anything then don't DO anything la! Want you to bleach then I'll say so la! Gawwwwwwwwd. Super tak tahan.)

And that's why I sounded so mild.
...And also because I didn't know how to curse in BM.

Not only that, but I heard her sniffing in the next room after that.


Fucking shitty man.

Tak tahah man! So annoyed!


Song of the Day:

"Meds - Placebo"

On full blast to shut out the sniffing.
(If I'm super grouchy today, your pasal la. I slept 3 hours only and I have a right to be annoyed at every bit of nonsense I get.)

Saturday, January 13, 2007


I feel sooo tired.

Got commonnwealth essay to write, then have to finish graphics for mag, then got BM work that I haven't finished, and also Form 5 English drama.

Aiyoooo. Some more Miss Anusha said our class akan malu if our drama sucks since someone in our class got highest in English 3 times last year.


Wtf. Of all the exams, the year-end one didn't get highest. No cert. T.T
Waste time only.


Heh, I just started playing DotA with strangers on Zion.
Can tell you it's so much more fun than 1 on 1. But it makes my head spin when there are so many people.

I still suck at team games, but I'm gonna fix that. =P
My Rhasta sure die if solo early game, but I'm gonna fix that too.


Yeah, I also learned how to curse in hokkien. ^^
Just shocked Yi Ling that day.

Someone was talking about CBN blablabla how good it was.

"I know! CBN stands for c********!"

Wahahaha. Fill in the blanks yourself la. I don't even know what it means, but I understand it's pretty vulgar and insulting to the female persuasion.

I won't do it again, I promise. *bats eyelids*


Everyone's in a bad mood.
And when people are in a bad mood, I get annoyed and cranky too.
So yeeeah, if I bitch around just blame it on yourselves, muhahahaha :K

So anyway, I have absolutely nothing to talk about.
As you can see, this post is meaningless, therefore please understand that it's better if I don't blog at all than waste my energy typing all this crap.


Oh yeah, guess who's going to Rain's concert for freeeeeeeeeeee?
One guess.

Song of the Day:

"Rain's Coming - Rain"

Woot. (Unenthusiastically. Duh. Sorry la, not in good mood leh.)

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy New Year!

So yeah, school started today and I'm dead tired already. I slept around 2.30 last night...or this morning, should I say?

It feels like I haven't had a good night's sleep since 2005, what with work and people staying over and me staying over at people's house and all.

Oh yeah! Guess what? Today Puan Siva said that 'slumbering' at your friend's house is illegal, so, do NOT in any circumstances do so.


Simply put, that's NOHB (none of her business) and ridiculous. Aiyo, my friend's house, I want to sleep over cannot one is it?


Anyway, this year I'm sitting in the last row (again) because some people went and sat in my place before I could get to it. =(

And yeah, lots of my teachers are missing.

Add maths teacher is coming back tomorrow.
I have no maths teacher.
EST teacher had a bad fall as was announced during assembly to barely (really) suppressed laughter.
History teacher is giving birth AGAIN. (Like there's no such thing as birth control!)

And school has just only started.


Anyway, since I'm so kiasu and everyone's doing it, here are my 2007 New Year's Resolutions:

1. Listen. In class, in conversations, to the news...ANYTHING. I am not going to be victim of the 'Steph, were you listening to me?!' thing again. =P

2. Plan a budget. Calculate properly before I buzz off in excitement to DotA with B and Jun. It's SEVEN ringgit for around 3 games, not including 4 ringgit for LRT and monorail and about 4 ringgit for food. 15 bucks per trip!

3. Take care of my hair. No more washing twice a day wish shampoo AND conditioner, only to subject it to torture under the blowdryer 10 minutes later.

4. Don't bitch. Anywhere. Except on my blog, haha. Or at least, do it to their face, cause I'm gonna piss them off sooner or later anyway. So, better to be noble and not try to hide it. (Only noble people don't bitch at all)

5. Eat more. Don't want to be compared to chopsticks anymore. Don't want skinny knees anymore. Don't wanna be unable to wear sleeveless stuff anymore.

6. Do my homework. ON TIME. (Or at least the same week it was given...or else I'll drown in piles of work at the end of the year T.T)

7. Sleep more. And I mean continuous sleep. 3 hours at night and 5 in the afternoon does not count.

8. Stop poking Yi Ling. She won't have nice skin when she grows up otherwise.

9. To not make gestures and stick out my tongue the moment Sarkit's back is turned. ...I'll try, I really really really will. 0:-P

10. Take Sui Yi to watch Muse. Cannot be so kiam siap la girl, you won't regret going! Plus, you're not even the one paying. =P

11. Watch and draw more anime. It would a nice drawing style to master. =) Watching is learning, no?

12. Remember my friend's birthdays. Enough said.

13. STUDY! SPM! ARGH!!! I'm scared, I really am. Just realised that I've never been a straight A student in my life. I don't even know why people call me smart. 5As 2Bs for UPSR and 6As 1B for PMR. So how on earth would they know? So yeah, this year I'm gonna give them proof! =P Consider this my middle finger to all money-sucking tuition centers. NYEH!

Lazy to type more. Gonna go bathe.
(And torture my poor new haircut with the terrifying, fearsome hairdryer again! AH! There goes one of my resolutions. So soon. Heh.)

Oh yeah.
I volunteered to be AJK EST.
I deliberately put myself at Sarkit's mercy.


Now I understand why people say I have masochistic tendencies.

Have a happy new year, all!

Song of the Day:

"Underground Sound - SOB"

Feel the beat, baybee! Uh-huh, oh yeah!