Wednesday, June 27, 2007

What do you do when... have a friend which is a homosexual and another who is homophobic?

Duh, keep them apart of course!

I have always been wondering...
Can a lesbian and a gay man fall in love which other?


Ah, questions that can never be solved by us (by assuming the majority of my readers are straight) heterosexuals.

Some people claim that homosexuals are that way by choice, whereas some claim they were born that way.

Hormone imbalance?

Anyway, if you aren't a homosexual, don't make assumptions. If it is supposedly 'against God's will,' then let God judge them, right?



Anyway, I am sick! Shaun gave me a cough over the weekend, which then developed into a fever, and to top it all off, I'm WHEEZING.

Gross. =.=

Now you know why I dislike most children - this one coughed in my face on PURPOSE!

Like - I'm suffering, so let's ALL suffer together!

Btw, my pain tolerance when I'm sick is incredibly low, so don't pinch/slap/hit me please.
I just banged my leg against the table, and I was immobile with pain.

That's something I would normally shrug off, not go OWOWOWOW!

Anyway, yesterday was the prefect's election - something I have missed for the past 2 years, due to sickness. This year was ALMOST the third year running, but I had to give Sui my Bleach DVD to change (last day) so I somehow dragged myself to school.

And nearly fainted during assembly. o_o

Then I went home during recess because the prefects' speeches made me nauseous.

***3 days later***

That post ended there because I had a sudden urge to sleep.
Nah, I can't remember why I stopped.

Anyway, I went to school on Friday and almost fainted during assembly again. -.-

I think I'm seriously undernourished. The weighing scale tells me I lost THREE freaking kg since I last weighed myself.

That just knocked off 0.5 points off my BMI.


See? One bug can develop into a fever and keep me out of school for 3 days (not that I'm complaining at all) and I'm still coughing until now.

I can feel myself becoming skinnier. I don't know how - maybe I can jump higher or something - but I feel skinnier. =.=

My legs are seriously turning back into toothpicks, after successfully putting some flesh on to them. WHAT A GREAT TIME TO LOSE WEIGHT HUH? Now I'm supposed to wear a skirt on my birthday and I have chopstick legs.


Anyway, SPM trial is on the 8th of AUGUST.
WHEE! That means I can go to Sydney! Yessyesssssyessssssssssssssssssssssssss!

(Not thinking about studying)

Dear Mister education minister,

What do you think about abolishing Add Maths?
C'mon, edu department, you have one more month to do it, it's not too late yet!

And while you're on a roll, why not make BM elective, and ban Sejarah and Moral as well?

And because when you do things, you should do them wholeheartedly, therefore please introduce Music (practical) as a formal subject. Art classes should also be compulsory, because to be whole human beings, we have to develop both our right brains and left brains.

So, here's a list of subjects I suggest:

(Because it's the most widely used language, besides Chinese I think)
We will abolish completely the use of the phrase 'much more easier.'

(Because people who cannot count change correctly suck)
No nonsense topics like sets - just lots of probability and things we will actually apply in real life.

(For our left brain, and because it's the most interesting field of science)
So people will stop giving doctors free income through consultation fees and learn that there is NO CURE for the common flu. So, stupid teachers will stop insisting on MCs from doctors when you say you selsema.

Logical thinking
(Because a lot of people lack basic common sense)
Seriously, have you played DotA on Zion before?

(For our right brain, and to express our creativity)
Teach us things like drawing upside down and with our left hand - always handy for Pictionary.

(Also for our right brain, and to express our feelings without the need for words - essays SUCK)
20:80 ratio of theory to practical

Social studies
To develop our social skills as true Malaysians. Would you like a cup of tea, sir?

Fashion for the individual
(Always fascinating)

Just a thought,


Song of the Day:

"Strangers Like Me - Phil Collins"

My cuzz is staying with me for a month! Lol ._.

Thursday, June 21, 2007



How often do you see schoolgirls walking around the school clutching paper cups full of - I kid you not - fresh warm urine?

Ok, maybe once a year for each of the five science classes, but it's still creepy, nonetheless.


You walk into your friend from another class during recess, and you see her carrying this party paper cup from...the bathroom?

And you're like, "Hey, whatcha got there? Chrysanthemum tea ah? Didn't know they sell hot one in school..."

And your friend goes:

"Oh, that's not tea la, it's my pee."


Like, wtf.

Luckily for me, I was not stopped by anyone on my from the bathroom to the lab.


For our Form 5 peka, we are supposed to conduct an experiment on input of water versus output of urine.

And I find it extremely unfair, because our class sucks - only 7 (unfortunate) people did it.
The rest will just copy our results.


Stand together, suffer together la!

Though I must admit, the lab would pretty much stink if there were 30+ cups of urine around.

So, we were supposed to drink various amounts of water, 100-600 ml, and then go and pee every half hour for 3 times - into a freaking PAPER CUP - and measure it in the lab.


*hair stands up*

I mean, this is...I have no words for it.

We girls can't just grab ourselves and aim like guys can, if you get what I mean.
*pointed look*

Only 7 people did it, because there was raptai for Hari Anugerah Cemerlang, therefore a lot of people ponteng kelas/refused to do it/said they had their period.


I was going to say that too, but unfortunately Banu was organizing the class, and not our Bio teacher. I cannot lie to a friend (well, these kind of lies, anyway) even though I would, without hesitation, tell my Bio teacher with a straight face that she could 'check' if she wanted to.

I mean, she can't violate our privacy riiiiight?

I say got period then got lor!
Prove me wrong if you can! Wahahaha!

(Or maybe I should go the Yi Ling way - got cirit-birit la!)

But cannot la. If I lied to Banu, I'd feel so guilty.

I mean hell, it took me a shitload of effort to even TYPE the words 'saya merupakan pelajar yang baik yang sentiasa memberi perhatian semasa cikgu mengajar' for my moral folio.

Some people could just write that without batting an eyelid, even though they full well sleep even when teacher is standing 6 feet away from them. *cough*Yap*cough*

(In the end, I settled for: Saya cuba menjadi pelajar yang baik dengan sentiasa memberi perhatian semasa pelajaran dijalankan.)

Anyway, lucky lucky me, I was assigned (ok, I volunteered) to drink 600 ml.
If you want to do it, might as well go to the extremes, right?


If you know me well enough, 600 ml of water is what I normally drink in a DAY.
Much less in 5 minutes.

It made me nauseous and bloated after a while. And it was only WATER - not cow's blood or some other Fear Factor substance.

And you know what?

After going for the first round, I almost freaked - I thought the paper cup was going to overflow.


But luckily it didn't, that's all I can say. (Phew.)

So we went to the lab to measure the amount in a measuring cylinder, (I pity the next class that uses those cylinders) and Puan Tan was there.

"What are you all doing? Preparing standard solution ah?"
"Dilution is it? What is it?"
"Urine. For bio."
"Ha, really?
"They're torturing us, teacher! How can they do this to us! It's traumatizing!"
"No la, interesting what..."

Only teachers (and maybe doctors) would think studying your EXCRETION is interesting. ==

Anyway, my readings were:

1. 250 ml (exactly)
2. 250 ml (exactly, I didn't know I was so robotic ==)
3. 40 ml

Therefore, I can conclude that my body absorbed 60 ml of water.

Only 60 ml!
Out of 600 ml!



Anyway, if you think this is gross, consider:

1. Urine is sterile, therefore you can't say it is dirty.

2. Urine contains the same components as sweat - mainly salt and urea. So when you wipedyour face on your sleeve after a particularly exerting game of football, it is equivalent to sticking your head in a bucket of pee.

3. Some people drink urine on a DAILY basis, and enjoy it. They claim it has healthy properties. (Don't try this at home, urea is poisonous in large amounts)

4. In Victorian times people used pee as a medical remedy in ancient times. (To be consumed, or bathed in.)


So this is considered...ok la. (Don't ask me how I knew all that.)

For the record, I scrubbed my hands thoroughly with disinfectant after each measurement - even though urine has no germs. == It's more for my mental ease.

P.s. Urine is really warm when it's fresh. You can feel it radiating through the paper cup.

Song of the Day:

"Wonderwall - Oasis"

I really wanted to enjoy a game of DotA tonight, but some nubcakes totally ruined it for me ==
(Hence my less-than-wonderful mood and malicious intent to gross everyone out)

Did I succeed?

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Last night at the ashram. =)

Mizz supervisor/chaperone wasn't there, so we had tons of fun and slept at 3.30 am.


Unfortunately, mister backup supervisor WAS there and woke us all up at 7.30 am.

4 hours of sleep only!
Because of that, my immune system protested - and went on strike.

"Walauwei, 4 hours of sleep only, how you expect me to work ah? You siao kia owner! I dowan work for you liao!"

And that is why I am sitting here at the comp all miserable with a runny nose and smarting eyes. Punctuating each sentence with a YEAHCHEW! (That's a sneeze if you couldn't tell ==)

Even though I am feeling rather crappy right now, I still love spending time with my friends.
Sounds so cheesy right?
But I don't feel so alone when they're around, even if we don't talk much, due to my zipped-mouthness. (And whatever that DOES come out is rather caustic and ouch-inducing, sorry.) It's nice to feel wanted.

Anyway, mommy and I have been watching Bleach!

It's very nice!
However, the subtitles = guaranteed sucks.

Soul Reaper = Death (...)
Soul Cutter = Sword
Soul Society = Soul City
Hollow = Shapeless
Whole = Positive souls
Yuzu AND Karin AND Ichigo = Kurozaki -.-;;
Rukia = Lukia
Orihime = Olihime (typical cheena accent lol)
Zabimaru = Snake? (I didn't think it was snake, correct me if I'm wrong though)

These are only some of the weird things. o_O
Their grammar also sucks in general.
But I translate them for mommy la, so can survive, haha.

I still don't see why people like Hitsugaya so much!

I mean ya la, his sword damn cool, ice and all that. But I don't know la, he looks like a small kid! With white hair!
And he's just over 5 feet tall! (Ek, now I sound prejudiced against short guys)

Renji is so cool. See? People like Renji I can understand.
He's tall, he's got wicked sick hair and funky tattoo-ed on eyebrows. (What's wrong with that? Old ladies like to do that too, only their results look more like they're permanently surprised)

People who like Byakuya also I understand. Even though mommy says he's evil and wants to kill his own sister, his ban kai is so pretty that it makes up for any shortcomings he has.


But whateverrrrr! Ichimaru is still my favourite. =P
He's almost always smiling (or smirking, whichever you may call it)
And he's so freaking tall can? 6 foot plus!

Even my mom thinks he's cute, when she saw the part where he pushed Ichigo out of Seiteirei with his zanpaku-to and said Byebye! in this super cheerful voice, like total strangers weren't trying to invade his home or something.

Anyway, Khai surprised me by giving me a belated birthday present.
(Paiseh, all I gave him was a lollipop which SOMEONE gave to me T.T)

I was thinking about people and their pets, and how they name them.
Normally it's after something familiar or a name of something or someone that they like.
And then I thought about Yi Ling and her cat-fetish.

Then I thought if I had a cat - which would never happen - I'd call it...

And Khai's present was a little wooden cat.


Lol, I'm so imaginative.

(Yoruichi is a character in Bleach who also takes the form of a cat with a guy's voice. Haha.


(No, you don't have to understand this post at all.)

Song of the Day:

"Fix You - Coldplay"

YEAH-CHOO! Fix me! Fix me~~

Saturday, June 16, 2007

This round's results...

BM: 66%, 2A, second highest in class ^^
English: 85%, 1A, highest - tied with B
Maths: 86%, 1A, highest
Add Maths: 49%, 6C
Biology: 78%, 1A, highest - tied with Sui and Banu
Chemistry: 55%, 4B
Physics: 69/70%, 2A, second highest after B
Sejarah: 52%, 5C
Moral: 39%, 8E
EST: 94%, 1A, highest

1A: 4
2A: 2
3B: -
4B: 1
5C: 1
6C: 1
7D: -
8E: 1

9G: -

BM +20
Chemistry +9
Physics +8
Maths +6
Biology +2
Moral OMG LOL I actually failed the last time!

Add Maths -28
Sejarah -8
English -4
EST -3

Jia You!:

Subjects needed to work on:
Add maths!!!

Stephanie tidak bermoral! Ahahah!
Not only that, she answered the WHOLE paper in the wrong format! It's a miracle she even passed at all!

Ok, you know I'm not sane when I start talking about myself in the third person.

Anyway, on Friday I went to check out what the 'SEE ME' on my essay was all about.
And you know what was the problem?

"Stephanie, you shouldn't write like that, after the invigilator (I think she meant examiner?) cannot understand!"


"See the words you used..."

*shows paper to Puan Siva (why is she everywhere?)*

She points out the words 'morbid' and 'sadistic.'




I'm considering whether to type a big LOL here or not.

AND she wrote on my paper, above the word 'morbid':

"Unhealthy interest in death"

I don't know whether she meant ME being 'fascinated with death,' or she went to look the word up and wrote the meaning there for (her) reference.

Either way, I think this case deserves a giant


"Oh, and you left out the climax! Now I remember, that's the problem!"

"Er, you're supposed to deduce the ending la..."

"But you know la, Malaysian examiners...might not understand!"


Aiyoyo, so now I'm supposed to look down upon our Malaysian teachers la!

I mean, I already do - sometimes, I'm sorry it can't be helped - but now she's ASKING me to!




*jumps around in glee with huge smirk on face*

King of the perpetual smirk!

Song of the Day:

"Love Today - Mika"

Eeelaine gave me the Mika CD today! Happy! =D

Thursday, June 14, 2007



Twin Headed Dragon

Dark Seer

Raijin Thunderkeg
Storm Spirit

Soul Keeper

Rogue Knight





Lightning Revenant

Witch Doctor

Drow Ranger


OH YES! Finally!


Doesn't that sound awesome? Though sexist ==
(Oh yes, Renji's hair rocks)

I have officially graduated from using Drow Ranger! =P

My items suck because I had no time to shop, hehe.
If I DID shop, Butterfly plus Vit booster to boot!

Item build:
Crystalys + Demon = Buriz

(Yeah, I got treads AFTER Lothar's, cause I farmed 3.4k already before I went home for the first time =P)

Owning! WAHAHA!

14-0 in public game. Sweet sweet memory!

And I was lagging towards the end as well -.-;
Not that it mattered - Traxex = just point and shoot, like a machine gun!

See HA - Voljin (in green)

He/she scolded me for ks-ing him/her twice!
Did not!

Ks-ing = coming in for last hit

I started shooting at half life - that's not a last hit!
I mean, it's not my fault my crits started showing up! XD

700+ crit

One hit KO!

(I think he/she was just sore because I caught up to his/her Beyond Godlike streak! =P)

*Just to put my mind to rest, I checked the replay. My so-called 'killsteal' didn't happen. Sven rushed out from the fountain. I started shooting. Witch Doctor came. Sven stunned Witch Doctor. I killed Sven. End of story. WD didn't even get a single hit in. == ...KS konon.

Song of the Day:

"Stay With You - Goo Goo Dolls"

I like this song. =)

Oh dear.

Sarkit wants to talk to me personally about my english essay.

What did I do now?


(Don't mouth off cause I called her Sarkit - it's not disrespectful, it's affectionate! ^^)

Song of the Day:

"Breathe No More - Evanescence"

My mommy is watching Bleach! How amusing. =P

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


We played rugby in school today!
So fun!

The ball was nice to throw, I can aim it better than a basketball.

Oh, and I got my arm snapped backwards when all 54kg of my classmate landed on it.

Now I can't stretch it completely, or it'll hurt.
Imagine a giant pin in the place of your elbow joint.
Everytime you stretch your arm it stabs into your elbow.


But so fun! I want to play it again next week!
Finally a game that is not completely sissy (like netball.)


Pn Ann mocked my hair today.

I can't really remember what she said, but it was something like this:

"Wow, Stephanie, your hair very fashionable ah. Very cutting-edge! But not itchy meh? Sometimes when you bend your head down, it..."

*waves hands in front of face*

"Er, no?" O_o;

And Puan Siva laughed.

Aiyoyo, why? My hair that funny meh?

And that sarcasm! It bites! It bites! T.T
(At least they didn't ask me to pin it up or cut it off. Lucky me!)

Why are our teachers so sarcastic?
I thought it was the students' job to act like a smart-aleck.

Today I got my BM paper back, and it said:

Adakah 2 ayat cukup untuk pendahuluan?


Caps. Underlined. Bolded. Punctuated witha full stop. Did I miss out on anything?

And as far as I know, my paper is the only one the had that tone of voice to it.
Others were lucky and got things like:

1 ayat tidak cukup untuk pendahuluan


Pendahuluan terlalu pendek

Lol, what did I do?
Teacher is picking on me!

But I got a kepujian!
For my first essay!

66% for my BM paper, as compared to my previous 45 - lowest in class. =.=
Oh yeah, go me, go me! *does happy dance*

Tied with Sui Yi AGAIN for Physics.
69 marks!
I got like, 40+ the last time. So yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh big improvement!

But Sui is going to claim marks, so she'll probably score higher ==;
I can't dig up a single mark to round up my 69.4 to 70!

Ok. I'm going to play DotA now.
Razor here I come!

Song of the Day:

"Rosa Rubicundior, Lilio Candidior - Divers"

From the Bleach OST. Got episodes 1-40 today!
But the subtitles are LOL-able. Malaysian Engerrish ar!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Oh yeah.

Tonight, I was kidnapped by Suzie, with Jeanette as her accomplice.


And I had my hair...

...tied into pigtails.


Why do girls like to do this to me?

Yeahyeah, smart mouth, I KNOW guys don't normally tie other people's hair.
I mean...whyyyyyyy?
Why do people like to 'do the world a favour and make Stephanie look kiut' ?

And then they go oh you're so cute! Like a baby! Babybabybaby!

I guess it's a change from being asked:

"Don't you wear anything else? (Besides T-shirts and jeans)"

(Well, now I have two skirts added to my wardrobe, so stop complaining.)

Oh man, do you remember this?

Remember that picture, imagine shorter and perkier pigtails, throw in a plait in the middle of my forehead, and NEVER, EVER tell me to keep long hair again.

It's just...wrong.
Wrong wrong wrong!


Song of the Day:

"Complicated - Avril Lavigne"

Yeah. Ew's the word of the day.


Holidays end tomorrow! T.T

I have my moral folio to do!
Pictures yet to be developed!

I can probably finish writing the report tomorrow, but the pictures are another story.

I am going to take pictures of myself - sweeping the floor, mopping it, grooming my dog and wiping the table.

None of which I actually do, except groom my dog occasionally.

Do those count as helping around the house?


Anyway it seems that my iPod is very well loved. ^^

Today I collected my free gift - an Apple radio remote worth RM209!


So now Khaielaash has to shuddup.
Cannot say that iPod is so lame that it cannot receive radio!
=P Ha!

But my Pod is rather laggy, and it's becoming quite a nuisance.
At first I thought it was a temporary thing, maybe it's because of first time use or something.
Then it hanged! (Hung! Whatever.)

...My old iPod used to do that, but I simply cannot accept such behaviour from a brand spanking new gadget! No!

Gotta have it checked out.

And my friends were checking out the pictures I uploaded (ALL the photos stored on my comp, including Yap's camwhore pics, lol! XDDD)

Someone thinks JL is hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwt~

Haha, should fix you two up la.
But I think JL will have none of that nonsense, what with her new friend and all.
Nyeh =P

And IS it so unbelievable that I don't have a boyfriend?
How many times must I say, I don't want one!
Not now!
I'm so busy with my life! (DotA, pokemon, watching anime, wowwee what a life...o_O)

They used to harass me.

"So who's your boyfriend huh?"
"No one."
"Don't lie la~"
"Don't have la!"
"Tell la!"

After numerous rounds of such occasions, that exchange slowly turned into:

"So who's your boyfriend now?"
"Changes everyday."
"Ya, one for each day of the week."
*self-satisfied smirk*

And the harassing ended there.

So today, they asked for pictures.


"Don't have la."
"Why not?"
"I don't have a boyfriend."
[=.=;] "Don't lie la..."
"Don't have dah lah!"
"But you said got!"
"Because because..." [gives up]



*slaps everyone*

Anyway, I bought a skirt today.
Yes, another one.
I haven't even worn the first one yet.

And for the record, this one reaches my kneecaps.
(Though sadly it is too short to cover those knobbly things, heheh)

Mom keeps telling people:

"Oh Stephanie bought a miniskirt today!"
"Whaaaaaat? Where got mini?"
"2 inches above the knee you know!"
"NO LA!"
"Why? Mini skirt good what! I like you wearing mini skirts!"

*grabs new skirt and holds it up against self*

"See? It reaches my knee cap hor?"

*Mom reaches out and pokes flesh, er, bone, below jeans*

"Haih, nevermind. Lost my 'I wanna wear a skirt' mood already." [T.T]

Anyway, I'm finding skirts such an attractive option right now.
I mean, it's so easy to go to the toilet!

Serious! Makes you wonder why ever want to wear jeans and fiddle with the stiff zipper and all that.

I can even see why Scotsmen wear kilts now.
Good thinking ye Scotties!


Anyway, Mom was telling me how clever she was in choosing my birthday present.

"So you like your present right?"
"Yes! Like! Very likeylike!"
"Ya, I was thinking between getting you the iPod and a dog..."
"A dog? DOG!"
"Oh, you wanted the dog ah?"


"Oh nonono! I mean, you said liao I cannot have another dog, and I'm going overseas in a couple of years and I cannot bring it along..."
"OH NOT DOG LA! Dork! I wanted to buy you a dork. You know? D-O-R-K?"
"HUH? Why do you want to buy me a dork? How can you buy me a dork?"
"Why cannot? I thought you wanted, you know, the iPod dork?"

*holds hands two feet apart and waves them up and down vigourously*

"Aiyo mommy! That's a dock la! D-O-C-K! You know what a dork is or not?"
"A geek, a nerd, that kind of people!"
"OH! LOL!"

Yes, my mom really said lol.
She picked that up from me.

LOL! My mommy so very the funny hor? =)

Song of the Day:

"Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down"

Manymanymanymanymany more songs to download! Whee!
(I've only used 8/80 GB so far ^^)

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I don't know whether to laugh or cry...

SOMEONE forgot my birthday.
SOMEONE who was 'too busy pokemoning to remember what day it was.'
SOMEONE who I stayed up till midnight - despite climbing 2.4 kilometers uphill in the shivering cold in THIRTY FREAKING minutes and almost died of an asthma attack - to sms her happy bithday. From CHINA.

Imagine getting an sms at 10 in the morning.

"Oh YAY she finally remembered!"

Only to have her ask:

"How to pass victory road? There's a fat guy blocking... Wanna go league... Hehe..."

Seriously, don't know whether to laugh, or to cry, or to scream until Cameron Highlands came a'tumblin' down because of an avalanche.


I mean, oh my god, even a bunch of PIXELS remembered my birthday, not to mention someone I've known for 6 years!
*strangled scream*

But enough about that, before I work myself up into yet another fit of rage/depression/utter disappointment on my birthday. -.-;;


On a MUCH brighter note, my presents!

From Mommy:


Try to guess, and I will tell you later! ^^
C'mon, it's not that hard! *wheee*

From Den:

A comel traffic light tree! Do any of you have one?
Jealous leh???

Cousin Ivy:

A new bag!
Mommy told her to buy turquoise, because it was 'cheerful.'

Guess now I have to smile, because I'd look stupid carrying that bag around and SCOWLING, no?

Smile! Smile! Smile!
I get it already!

But yes, I like it very much. =)
Reminds my of my younger days. (God I feel old. -.-)

From Sui Yi and *snarl* Yi Ling:

Nice nice anime! I finished watching on the 4th of June however, I couldn't wait until my birthday to open it. =P

The starting was nice, though the ending was a bit disappointing, as I believe they deviated from the manga. But I shall finish reading the manga and find out what REALLY happened!

From JL:

I really like this present!

Though she could really work on her discretion.

Lol! She called me some time before my birthday and asked whether it was ok to buy this. XDBut at least it's something I like! Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu =P

From Jason:

Newly bred and hatched!
So adorable!!! =DDD

From Aunt Betty:

Ok, I bought this myself and charged it to her account, but she would've bought me a photo frame or something otherwise. ^^

And she seemed happy that I got something I like, so all's good.

From Aunt Jeanny:

Shirt and pair of jeans. No photo.
I will wear it during my (and Den's) party!

From Cousin Elaine:

She's buying me the Mika CD from US!

Plus birthday wishes from:

In person:

Cousin Ivy + Peter
Aunty Su + Aunty Kheng Kuan
The Chili's staff (singing super out of tune for the whole restaurant to hear, lol)

MSN msg:

Sui Yi
*Yee Mun


Pui Yee
Jun Yan
Cousin Belinda
Cousin Elaine

Phone call:

Aunt Jeanny
Cousin Ivy
Aunt Betty (At 7 am in the morning -.- She thought I had school so wanted to catch me before I's the thought that counts!)


* - Belated, lol. Just updated list.

Oh yeah, did you guess what it was that mommy bought for me this year yet?

Why, it's the 80GB black iPod that I've always wanted!

I love my mommeeeeeeeeeeee!

=P Jealous yet? =D

Song of the Day:

Back in Black - AC/DC"

My heart still aches with the pain that [name removed] caused.
*dreadful sob*
But I will learn to forgive...and to forget...
Not forget.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Happy birthday to meeeee~

Stupid how I set myself up to be called noooooooooooooooooooob!!!oneoen!! by some Ah Bengs in the last few moments of being 15.

I was lagging ok.
And you can't cast spells or do shit if you have a 3 second delay.

But enough about that!


This marks the second year running that I've managed to guess what my parents bought for my birthday!

Last year, I got a camera, and this year...



Blog about it tomorrow =P

Wanna fiddle with it!

Song of the Day:

"Happy Birthday - Sui Yi"

And you cannot kill me today!
It's my birthday! (Not deathday wahahaha)

Monday, June 04, 2007

I'm busy!

See, the last time I blogged was last Sunday, and now it is Monday 8 days later!

I have ignored my blog T.T

Reasons being:

1. I bought Pokemon Diamond last Sunday

And after not playing that lovely, yes lovely, game for a couple of years, naturally I got hooked on to it. 36 hours after buying the ORIGINAL *grin* game chip, I clocked in a whopping 18 hours of playtime.


That is, every other hour, including sleep time.
Siao, my eyes almost popped out...but I still couldn't stop.

Too freaking addictive.
Ask Yi Ling if you don't believe me.
Poor fella got sesat and couldn't find the 5th gym leader, Fantina.

She emergency sms-ed tonight asking where the heck could she get a headache cure for a group of Psyducks blocking her path.


A headache cure for a group of Psyducks blocking her path.


Doesn't that sound ridiculous, now that I've said it out loud? =.=

But yeah, Pokemon kicks your skinny butt!

I was so sad that I couldn't get a Ralts and Snorunt to fill up my Psychic and Ice slots.
So I replaced them with Kadabra and *drum roll* Weavile!

My Weavile's stats are gay!
It has 100+ plus attack and speed even before level 40.

Slash. Slash.
You're dead.



So my Pokefever went on for 4 days, until I had a Pokeburnout.

My eyes were watering and I didn't really want to finish my game in less than a week. Having paid a whopping 130 ringgit for that piece of plastic and metal, I'd like to milk it out and enjoy my money's worth.

So 4 days, you say?

What did I do on Thursday, then?

After obsessing with my new Pokemon for so long, I completely ditched DotA.
I missed it!

So I DotAed the whole day. =)
Learning Skeleton King.
Another point-and-shoot hero, but melee oh. ><

So there went my Thursday.

On Friday, I had my primary school reunion.
Yap was surprised that I wanted to go.

I mean, what person would go back to see those people who she didn't particularly like/hated for a whole year, willingly?

But curiousity doesn't kill the cat la, I survived.

I came this close to dying of boredom and hunger though.


Yi Ling was freaking nervous.
I know, because she kept telling me.


And that ginormous nervous grin (that was probably accompanied by sweaty palms) did not make her look any more at ease. (She wasn't)

I'm like hello, you were quite friendly with these people back in the day, so why are you so nervous?

"Self-conscious la."

And why should she be self-conscious? Her hair looked wayyyyyyyyy better now than back then, so what's there to worry about? =P

And I was that gangly awkward girl who had a stinking bad rep and picked fights with most people. Needless to say, I didn't get along well with most people.

-Beat up a boy on Std6 class field trip and made him cry
-Got blamed for folding and throwing paper planes during recess, one of which hit the assistant headperson in the head one storey below
-Picked a fight with some stupid boys and set them up for the blame (After all, girls don't fight with boys one hor? Steph: Yes teacher, they bully me one! *sob*)

And those are only the highlights.

And maybe that's why I rejoiced in their awkwardness.
...I am evil, but what's there to do?

Don't have high expectations, and you won't be disappointed.
So I wasn't.

Whee~ I wonder when's the next reunion? XD


So there went my whole Friday (went to Sungei Wang and Times Square after that.)

And my Saturday, well.

JL called me up on Friday and asked whether I'd like to go see a movie with her friend because her friend happens to be a guy and I have to go with them so it won't look like a date (and so he won't try anything stupid =P)

But if it looks like a date, then hell, who really cares?
People can think what they want, right?

But yeah, I went to keep them company - and do some 'lampposting' as my mom calls it.
We went bowling.

Their bowling alley is SO much smoother than TS's.
And the pins are so easy to topple - I scored around 70~80 points!
Compared to my normal nooby 40 points, that's a freaking huge improvement, almost 100 percent!

Now I don't like the TS pins.

You hit them, they sway back and forth.
Left and right.
Front and back.

Then they straighten back up and deprive you of a long-awaited strike.


Plain evil, I tell you.

Anyway, we watched a French movie - Priceless.

Hors d'something...but not Hors d'oeuvres lah.

It is so freaking funny, everyone must go and watch it!
*jumps around in glee*

If you don't mind subtitles, go GO GO WATCH!
I know Sui won't mind cause she's so used to watching anime with subtitles liao. =)

After that, I went out and came back after 12.

Then it's Sunday already!


Khai and Jonathan came over today, because Khai took my Sneasel home to evolve (to Weavile) and I wanted it back ASAP so I can beat the league before school reopens.

And also they had no transport to Nira's birthday party.

Every person I met at the party mentioned my birthday. =.=

"Aren't you celebrating your birthday?"
"Why? When?"
"When are you going to celebrate then?"

To clear things up:

Yes, I am celebrating my birthday.
It is going to be on the 2nd week of July.
This is because I am waiting for my sister and cousin to come back from Australia and US respectively.

And no, I will not mention anything else I want on my blog, for fear that everyone will buy me the same thing - what will I do with them, then?

If anyone DOES buy me a present, that is.

Oh yeah, that reminds me.

Today is Pui Yee and Ang's birthday(s?)!

Happy 17th birthday you and you!

And that concludes my super-long-to-make-up-for-one-week's-absence-post.

Song of the Day:

"Space Dementia - Muse"

I'm going to defeat the league tomorrow! =D
(Trying to let Ling catch up -.-)