Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I effing rule!

The printer has been installed!

Yay me!

It took a massive 1 and 2/3 hours to download the printer software, because I have no idea where the disc is, and I am just too lazy to get my arse off this uncomfortable chair and go look for it.

I wonder what kind of dipshit said that girls can't do these kind of things.

I don't know about the others, but I definitely can. (Even if it did take 2 and a half hours.)

Song of the Day:

"Queen of My Heart - Westlife"

I am going to skin you alive, Yi Ling!

I am crazy

Since my dad is in no position to be hauling around computer hardware, I am going to take up the ambitious task of cabuting the printer from my mom's old relic of a comp, and attempt to connect it to Den's comp without destroying anything.

Wish me luck.

Song of the Day:

"Drowning - The Backstreet Boys"

I finally found the stupid BSB cd. I missed it so much! Hahaha...

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I mean lots of puppies!
Warning: Extreme cuteness ahead!

Yesterday, Ang, Sui Yi and I went to the SPCA to do our not-so-voluntary charity work. The only thing remotely interesting about the SPCA are the puppies! (And Troy!) They are so freaking cute!

If you want a dog, go there and adopt one now. I mean, seriously. I'm not being a animal rights crusader or anything...but these lil doggies are too cute to be put down. =(

*curses Cammie's parallax error*

Putting to SLEEP my foot.

THIS, is sleep.
Euthanasia = death.
Pity that they have no choice but to do so.
You won't let them do that me, would you?

Anyway, the place stank like, well, shit. Sui Yi almost vomited, but she said that she erm, telan balik. o_O

I was pretty grossed out too, though not to the extent of throwing up. I mean, I got SHIT on my hands. Doggie poop! Ang too.

The puppies look cute, but don't be deceived. One of the little buggers actually peed on me! AHHH!!!

Like it's not bad enough we have to clean up their shit.
I am half-smiling for the sake of our folio only. Notice my lip curling in disgust at the foul smell.

Sui Yi before she ter-threw up in her mouth. See how tiny the pups are?
Oh yeah, do you know they like to poop RIGHT after you change their bedding? Yeesh. After cleaning up their puddle of goop, they walk right back in and defecate right before your horrified eyes.


Ang likes small hairy dogs!
Which reminds me of Snowy. =(

I like Rottweilers! Only I don't think this is a rottie. His litter-mates look suspiciously like those furry toy-dogs.

Look at Rottie's bro/sis. No trademark Rottweiler 'eyebrows'!
I want to take him home anyway!

But his owner took him back yesterday. =(

After cleaning out the cages, we had to take out 2 huge garbage bags of doggie crap. Ew.

Candid camera!
Ang made me take another photo for our folio...but she didn't say I couldn't use it on my blog! =P

Too cute to be true.

My favourite puppy!

After finishing up at the SPCA, we realised we only had 2 tugas to write down.
  1. Membersihkan kandang anjing
  2. Memberi anjing air minuman

We needed 4.


3. Erm, me-mandi-kan anjing. (My BM really does suck)

4. Mengeringkan anjing.

My poor, poor Twinkle!

But I still love you! I <3 Twinkle!
(Shit, this photo can't be used! I mean, what kind of twit puts her head on a strange dog right after it takes a bath?)

One last message from your friendly service provider:

Don't leave me here! Adopt me today! =(

Song of the Day:

"From the Heart - Hoobastank"

Go get a dog from the SPCA today!

(Couldn't care less about cats. Not my fault they hump constantly anyway. While making that oh-so-horrible mrreeeeeow noise that gives me nightmares. -_-'')

Sunday, May 28, 2006

I went back to school last night.

I sat down in class, and there was a thick wad of papers on my desk.

I blinked.


I picked up my English paper.


Flipped over the wad of papers to my EST paper.


Tentatively peered at my Maths paper.



Then I said to myself:

"Shit! I'm dreaming!"



Have you ever had a dream that you wished were true? Or wished that you could have slept just a little longer, so that the dream would last?

There was once I had this dream where I was sitting in my room in the dark. I was wondering why I was there...then suddenly the door swung open and light came flooding in.

Sitting in the midst of the glowing light...sat a bowl of ice cream.

Haha. Even in my dreams I'm a glutton.

Anyway, the weird thing was, the ice cream had steam coming out of it. o_O

"Boiled ice cream? Omg I HAVE to try this!"

I produce a spoon out of nowhere, and raise it above my head to sink it into the gloriously creamy ball of boiled vanilla ice cream...

"Wake up! Time for schoo-ool!!!"

You have no idea how much I hated my maid at that moment.

Just think, I could have been the first person to eat boiled ice cream! Warm, steaming ice cream! ...Okla, I know it doesn't really exist. Yet. But still!




I whack my alarm clock silent, and roll over in my bed.

"Shit. Time for school already!"

I couldn't get up. I was too tired to move a limb, literally. I debated...

"Should I go to school or not? Aiya, ponteng can lar!"

I proceed to roll over and go back to sleep. Then...

"DAMN! Got badminton with Sui Yi today! Must go to school!"

Rather grudgingly, I drag my leaden limbs out of bed. I switched on the light, put on my contact lens, change into my uniform and got ready to go downstairs.

As I exit the bathroom, the bed beckons to me.

I must sleep. I must sleep. I must sleep...I crawled under the inviting covers and promptly fell asleep.

The moment I fall asleep again...


I sat up. It was all dark.

And the saga started all over again.


I get the most pointless dreams.

Song of the Day:

"Meds - Placebo"

I forgot to take my meds. o_O

Saturday, May 27, 2006

I am going to annoy the pants off everyone

I've never been more bored in my entire life.
Or at least, it feels that way. And the holidays have just started!


-goes off into long annoying rant-

Today, I decided to start playing my GBA again, as I'm learning the Super Mario theme song on the guitar.

Instead of starting up Super Mario Bros however, I was distracted by the oh-so-appealing charm of:

Pokemon Emerald!

Don't you even dare say I'm too old for Pokemon. I have 9 days of 14-ism left, so bugger off.

After leaving my pokemon in the quite-capable hands of Johnathan for months, I decided to capture Rayquaza by myself. Especially after he almost beat Wallace, the 8th and last Gym Leader without me.

Such an ambitious kid.

After an hour of battling a hideous Level 70 pokemon with a team of 6 Lvl 40+ pokemon, the dumbass Rayquaza still eluded capture.

Not because of the incompetence of my team, I tell you. But merely because the sonofabitch kept becoming confused and knocking itself out.


The stupidity of a one-of-a-kind legendary pokemon is astounding indeed. Watch it Rayquaza, knocking yourself out too many times will just result in...wait, what Rayquaza?

I tell you, if I have the game my way, it'll go something like this:

After KO-ing all of Wallace's puny Ice monsters with a mighty flamethrower from my mighty Torchic, I will grab Ralts and make him teleport me and my pokemon to the top of the Sky Pillar, while laughing at all the asses falling through the cracks in the floor with their muddy Mach Bikes.

Then, I shall whip out my Snorunt and give Rayquaza a hefty kick to his/her smelly androgynous arse, thus waking it from it's deep, deep slumber.

Ray rears up in anger and proceeds to fly up into the sky, preparing itself for amighty dive to knock out my puny looking Snorunt.

Right before impact, my Snorunt will unleash a stunningly beautifully crafted blizzard which will freeze Rayquaza, and make it fall to the floor in an utterly undignified manner.
Laughing like the megalomaniac I am, I shall draw a mere Pokeball from my belt and wave it threateningly at the now-meek Rayquaza.

Ray will look up at me with pleading eyes.

"...No! I must fly free! You may not capture me, or I shall wreak eternal chaos for the generations to come until I have my peace!"

"That's the future generation what. Not my problem!"

I take a step closer.

"NONO I beg of you! Use the master ball, please! Spare me the indignity!"

I roll my eyeballs.

"Ok, ok. FINE! An ultraball or even...even a great ball...just, just not a Pokeball, please! I am a legendary pokemon!"

Rayquaza starts to blubber.

Then, inspiration struck, like a bolt of lightning from above.

"Fine you dolt! A ball-less pokemon like yourself doesn't even deserve a ball! You will follow me on foot...or wings, or my very own Pikachu! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!"



I use Rayquaza to kick the Elite Four's butts and we live happily ever after.
...Unfortunately, that is SO not going to happen. =(

So sien already. I'm going hand the headache over to little Johnathan tomorrow.

Speaking of Johnathan, the other Johnathan's (is that his name ar, forgot...-_-'') birthday falls on the same day as mine.

Happy 15th!

(To me also!)

Only 9 days left of 14-year-old-ness. =(

Song of the Day:

"Pokemon Theme Song"

*hums* My boredom has been cured. *hums some more*

Friday, May 26, 2006

Oh Avril, Avril, Avril...

When I heard the announcement on MTV a couple days back, I was like, "You've gotta be kidding me."



o_O Holy. She looks like a Giselle clone. Only maybe 2 feet shorter.

Yes. Much shorter.

I wonder how her 'I-love-Avril-because-she's-so-punk' fans are going to react.

Muahahahaha! =P

I have nothing against the fashion industry, but Avril looked much better 2 years ago than she does now.


Song of the Day:

"He Wasn't - Avril Lavigne"

Best Avril video. Ever.
Pink goo!!


Whee! I'm so happy!

Even though it's only for 2 weeks. =(

I plan to:

  • Go ice-skating
  • Watch The Da Vinci Code in the iMax theatre
  • Go bowling at the new bowling alley in Times Square
  • Go to the SPCA to do kerja amal (compulsory lah...even I'm not that kind-hearted as to pick up doggie crap voluntarily)
  • Watch Howl's Moving Castle
  • Go play badminton
  • Do Yap's layout! (still procrastinating)
  • Finish up my homework (yeah, right)
  • Photoshop! (must steal the Yap's brushes) =P
  • Celebrate my birthday! Yay!
Damn ambitious man. I'll probably get nothing done. xD

As for the first piece of photoshopped material, here ya go:

Super-cliched. But I don't care whether you like or not, at least I do! =P
See Yap? You post your face all over your blog, so I must do so as well lar. (At least I don't have celery-green eyes. o_O)

Ingredients to make a killer poster:
  • Blood (Chant: Less is more. Less is more.)
  • Musical notes - a must!
  • Curly romance-novel-cover font
  • Grunge brushes
  • Yourself
o_O <---------- That's you.
"I'm taking no advice from no n00b!" You say.

Oh well. Who said you had to?

Yi Ling, come show me how to use vector brushes again! Then only I'll do your layout =P

Song of the Day:

"Papercut - Linkin Park"

Oh, and add some injuries to create an, erm, tortured dramatic effect. I have...papercuts on my neck. Nyahahaha! <3>

Thursday, May 25, 2006


*laughs hysterically*

Check out Yi Ling's latest post. It's probably the first time she bitch-posted. Soon she'll be saying 'damn' and 'fuck' and all of that shit.

You are learning well, my young apprentice.

But 'twit' is a total Snarkie word. You are not allowed to use it! Much less twice in a post!
Unless you pay royalty, of course. =P

I charge one chocolate bar per Snarkie-copyrighted word.


I'm feeling a little better now, having pissed at least ONE person off. =D

My guitar teacher is getting more and more frustrated at my lack of practice.
And my refusal to improvise whatsoever.
Much less write my own song.


I think I'll try in private thanks.


Kah Mun messaged me just now, saying that there were rumours that our English paper...well, the highest was 60+.

My piss-my-English-teacher-off plan is not only gonna fail.
It's coming back to bite me in the ass too.

I don't get to piss teacher off, but I still get a C! How fair is that? -_-

Okay. I have nothing else to say, so I'm going to shut up.

Lest I incur the wrath of your-blog-is-boring Yi Ling. Nyahahaha!
You know what that means?
I will never blog ever again! Whee!

-the rest of this post has been withheld due to sensitive material, and extremely foul language-

Song of the Day:

"At The Beginning - Richard marx and Donna Lewis"

I am going to master this song, both on piano and guitar! See if I don't. =P

Things that annoy me.

Pointless questions

Such as:

"How are you today?"

What I'll probably say is:

"Today's fucking horrible thank you, so scram. I don't need idiots like you making it worse."

What you expect:

"I'm fine, thanks."

Don't ask if you expect that answer already. Stupid, pointless people.

People who studied really hard for their exams, but keep saying 'OMG I'm doomed! Save me!'

Get a life, moron. There are some people who really haven't studied, and people who are REALLY doomed. So stop being such an asshole, and stop poking fucking salt in our wounds.

People who go for tuition only to find a boy/girlfriend

You are a disgrace. Get a life, or just hang yourself, like the way it's meant to be.

Girls who keep accepting rides with strange guys, then getting raped, and end up whining to the police about how they were victimised

It's people like you who promote sexism. You project the image that girls are not only weak, but are cretins that are waiting to be sexually violated. Assholism, that's what it is. READ THE GODDAMN NEWSPAPERS! How many bloody times have your parents told you not to talk to strangers, let alone GET INTO A CAR WITH THEM??

You really deserve to get raped.


No, I don't need help finding what CD I want, thanks. I know you have to earn your pay, but hovering over my shoulder will just make me walk out, and then poor underpaid you will get fired.

Weigh the options now. And stay behind the counter like a normal person.


No, I love pacific clams.
Lalas as in Ah Lians. I don't know why they annoy me so much.

Maybe it's because they giggle too much.
Or maybe it's because they are such wannabes.
Or maybe it's because they are so stupid that all that really matters to them is what they look like to their peers.

Dear lalas,
You look like B-list whores. Keep up the slutty appearance and you'll get you publicity soon enough. As a 'victim' in a prostitution ring. Or maybe under the rape/murder section like the idiots mentioned above. Good job!
Your sincerely,

Or maybe it's just their ridiculous hairstyles that make me feel like a supermodel. -blink-
But that actually makes me feel good, so forget I said that.

My EST teacher

I will dedicate one whole post solely on how much she sucks these holidays. Please be patient.


Nobody wants see your face at a thousand different angles, so give it up, already.
But nevermind. I shall print out your photos, desecrate them, and post them up on my blog for all to see. (The few people that actually visit my blog, that is)
I won't even bother to conceal your identity, since it's obviously attention that you want.

The word "Camwhore/Cam'ho"

It's annoying. Period.

The whole petsis/petbro concept

You say that you'll do anything, even DIE for your petsis/bro? Fine, go ahead. Not that that person even cares about a pathetic, clingy suck-up like yourself.

So go cut your wrists to some emo music. And remember, as Maddox says, it's down the highway, not across the street.

OH, and don't be a wimp and accidentally-on-purpose fail to kill yourself, to get people's attention. You're just being a pain in the ass.

Not that you were any better before your suicidal display of lameness.

People who ask "How come you're so tall?"

As if I would know, smartass.

People who ask "How come you're so skinny?"

"Yeah, and how come you're so bloody fat?"

Answer that, and I won't have to reply already.

People who attack innocent iPod users, when they haven't even tried using an iPod

Where there are Apple evangelists, there is an equal number of Creative snobs. Don't be a jackass and launch a smear campaign against a rival company without getting your facts straight.

Not every Apple user is one off those "OMG Apple rawks and Creative sux!" people.
Not every Apple user walks around with their nose in the air, pointing out how much YOUR mp3 sucks.
Unless they are provoked.

So if you know what is better for your ego, leave me alone.

People who don't fight for what is right, but fight for what they think is easier to fight for

Ok, I'm still pissed off at the idiots who put that answer on the EST paper.

"I KNOW it's a less accurate answer, but it's easier to argue with Sar-kit for marks!"

What, you know it's wrong, but you choose it anyway because it's easier to squeeze marks out of it? Congratulations, you have just managed to sink below the ranks of corrupted lawyers with their contaminated minds.

I didn't even think that was possible. Doing the above is akin to a situation where you get sucker-punched in the face by that huge kid in school, but tell your parents you slipped and fell off the stairs instead.

Because it's just SO much easier to say that, than to report, or even have your parents report the incident straight to the headmaster/mistress and stir up some trouble.

No wonder there are so many assholes in this world.

I would write a much, much longer list. But I have to shower, eat and practise my guitar playing before my teacher arrives.

Have a nice life.

Song of the Day:

"Sick Sad Little World - Incubus"

Yes. Leave me alone in my sick sad little world.
In fact, extend that courtesy to any female that's having PMS.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I'm a failure!

Today, Miss Anusha came into class and said:

"This time swap you know, Puan Sarjit's marking your essays!"

I was like, Sar-kit can't mark our essays! DIE! So I went, "OHMYGAWWWWWWWD!"

Big mistake. I really didn't mean to say that out loud. But I guess sleep deprivation can do funny things to your built-in word filter.

Miss A stared at me with those huge vampiric eyes. (courtesy of some awful grey-brown lenses, but shhh...I didn't just say that =P) Like that-----------------> O_O"

But thankfully, she continued.

"One of the best essays, Stephanie's. Yeah, one of the best I think."

I was like, "Oh shit." In my mind la, just so you know.

I crapped the whole essay, and even threw in some melodramatic words and awful cliches for good measure. Still, teacher likes it! What kind of shit is this? BWAAAAAAA!!!

I fail at trying to fail. How useless. -_-''

No more competitions!
No more English-teacher-loves-Stephanie syndrome!
Not again!
I'm cursed. :'(


Today I went badminton-ing (=P) with Sui Yi, Pui Yee and Wen Jun. In short, I completely humiliated myself in front of everyone. Whenever I serve, I whack my hand instead.

And when the racquet DOES connect with the shuttlecock, it just does a limp jump and skitters across the floor.

-_-'' Pathetic man.

And the worst thing was, a group of teens came in shortly after us, and I'd bet anything they were school players. While they were making nice, solid thwacks, I was hitting splat after splat, and an occasional thwick!


I was playing barefooted some more! I didn't think any more people would come in, so I was jumping around happily with no shoes on. -_-''

But there was one girl that looked really familiar, I think she was from Kuen Cheng. Staring at me like crazy, I think she may have recognised me as well. Or maybe it was because of my ridiculously bedraggled appearance. xD

But it was fun lar. Maybe I'll go again another day, when I'm more prepared.

-must bring water
-must bring towel
-wear slippers!
-must bring handphone (I feel so bad using up Sui Yi's credit =( )
-must borrow rugby outfit to protect me from Wen Jun's hits!
But anyway, there more I played, the more I wish I stuck to football. At least no racquets are involved.

No need for hand-eye coordination also. =P


Song of the Day:
"Walking Contradiction - Green Day"
Yesyes, I fail at failing. What a silly thing.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Exams are over!

And I'm falling asleep at the keyboard. x_x I've been sleeping 3 hour nights for 2 weeks, and I'm exhausted. I'm not even sure whether all the cramming was worth the effort.

I like to cram.
I like to study 8 hours before the exam starts, thank you.
So quit your yapping and stop with the "You should've studied weeks earlier!" and "You should always revise constantly!"

Which is pretty redundant, really.

Today was Add Maths, and if there are going to be any red marks on my report card, it's going under the Add Maths column. =( So sad. I couldn't do ANY questions. Basically, I spent two and a half hours trying to rearrange the numbers and letters in a way that doesn't make me seem like a total idiot.

It's not as easy as it seems, I tell you. Well, either way I'm an Add Maths idiot, whether I appear so or not.

Too bad lar. Add Maths is kinda pointless actually. The only purpose it serves is to make already jittery students hysterical. Poor girls.

EST was bullshit, as usual. EVERYONE finished within 15 minutes. The smarter people were done - checking and all - within 10 minutes, and the stupid ones were asleep by 15.

Free A1, as usual. And I'm not being cocky.


Should I pick up violin? I'm stuck forever at Grade 5 for piano, because I refuse to take any exams. I don't see the point in playing the same three boring songs over and over again, just for a piece of cheap paper (that doesn't even have gold print on it! =( )

I have no idea what grade I'm in for guitar, but I think around Grade 3 or so, since I've had lessons for only a year.

I want to learn a third instrument. So stupid.

Initially, drums were my first choice (or third, after piano and guitar.) But I'm probably going overseas to study after college, and I'd be a lunatic to lug a whole drum set across the ocean.

Violins are so much more portable.

Not to mention the fact that we have 2 violins at home already, including a 5000 ringgit piece of wood that's been collecting dust for 2 years. Might as well make use of it.

Ok ah, Den? I shall steal your violin! Nyahahahaha! And you can't stop me! =P

Well, technically you can, but...


I shall think about it. ^^


I also want to take up art classes so I can sit for Seni during SPM. Is that too much for me to handle? I think not. =P
I'll just have to stop sleeping 10 hours a day. =(
And stop coming online 5 hours a day. Double- =(=(


But I'll probably end up doing nothing, you know me. xD All talk only. For one thing I have to finish my homework that I haven't touched since March...

But it's gonna be my birthday soon! Birthday girls are not allowed to do homework! (Or so I claim =D ) And holidays are called holidays for a reason, I can't use it to do my homework!


Anyway, I shouldn't look so far into the future.
...First, I must decide what to have for lunch! =P

Blog later. Gotta eat, then watch Amber's precious Julian surfing on MTV, so I can make her drool tomorrow, then I'll sleep. tired can DIE!

Song of the Day:

"Hype - Fort Minor"

Eesh. I'm getting boring-er and boring-er. =( Must be all the studying.
*dunks revision books in toilet bowl and flushes them down with an evil cackle*

Friday, May 19, 2006


Random survey I picked up. I haven't even read it yet, that's how bored I am. This girl who did the survey answered all in song titles. I'll try my best to do the same. ;o)


How does the world see me?:
Cold Hard Bitch - Jet
Kidding. xD

Will I have a happy life?:
Nowhere Fast - Incubus

What do people really think of me?:
Fighter - Christina Aguilera
I flatter myself, lol.

Do people secretly lust after me?:
Fever - PCD
Ok, I am so sucking at this right now. xD

How can I make myself happy?
Holiday - Green Day

What should I do with my life?
I Wanna Rock and Roll All Night - Kiss

Will I ever have children?:
Easier to Run - Linkin Park

What is some good advice for me?
Shut Up! - Simple Plan

What do I think my current theme song is?:
Out of Control - Hoobastank

What does everyone else think my current theme song is?:
Dumb - Nirvana

What song will play at my funeral?
Bittersweet Symphony - Richard Ashcroft/The Verve

What type of men/women do you like?:
Wish I Had An Angel - Nightwish
I wish la.

What is my day going to be like?
California Dreamin' - Benny Benassi

Why am I here?
Time Is Running Out - Muse

What will people remember me for?
Baba O'Reilly - The Who

What song will I get stuck in my head tomorrow?
Lift Me Up - Moby
Thanks a lot, Yap. -_-''

Are there people outside waiting to take me away?
Take It Away - The Used

What will this year be all about?
Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Why was I ever born?
The Pokemon Master Quest Theme

With accompany of which song I was made?
Meds - Placebo

What song will be played on my wedding?
Every Me Every You - Placebo

What would they do if I killed someone?
Get Your Gunn - Marilyn Manson
Ha. Ha.

What is the most precious in my room?
Suicidal Dreams - Silverchair

With what song I'm falling asleep?
Enter Sandman - Metallica

With what song I'm gonna lose/I lost my virginity?
Drag - Grey Daze
Lol. Private joke.

What will be my last thought before I die?
Meant To Live - Switchfoot
I can't die! I was meant to live for so much more!

What is the best song to describe my school mates?
Crazy - Britney Spears

I feel so...
By_Myslf - Linkin Park (Josh Abraham and Mike Shinoda)

Best song to describe my hidden sexuality?
Rock Your Body - Justin Timberlake
o_O? xD

Of what am I afraid?
Fear Of The Dark - Iron Maiden

My favourite quote:
Megalomaniac - Incubus

"Its' unkind but
If I met you in a scissor fight
I'd cut off both your wings on principle alone"

I like to...
Wish You Were Here - Incubus

I wanna ... you
Come As You Are - Nirvana

... me
Rape Me - Nirvana
No. I'm kidding. xD
Live Forever - Oasis

What I wanna do now?
Doesn't Remind Me - Audioslave

What do you actually desire?
Fix You - Coldplay

What would you do to take over the world?
The Fight Song - Marilyn Manson

Your greatest desire?
Breaking The Habit - Linkin Park

I have ... in my pants!
Business - Eminem

Wanna have for X-mas:
Can I Have It Like That - Pharell and Gwen Stefani

I like to lick:
I Don't Wanna Know - New Found Glory

I would say ... to my first love
I'm A Slave 4 U - Britney
Omg lol. xD


I don't understand the last 2 questions, so I deleted them. xD

Well, there ya go. If the lyrics don't fit, the title does, if not, the melody does, if THAT doesn't fit...I just put the first thing that came to mind. =P

Yi Ling has been tagged. You're it! Nyahahaha!
Oh JL, don't think you can escape. Tag! You're it! =P

Song of the Day:

"Ohmygawd Just Pick One From Up There You Dolt"



I've got a boo-boo on my foot! =(

But I'm still laughing. Crazy la. I just realised I haven't smiled (or grin freakishly widely, in this case) in a long, loooooooooong time. I realised this soon after my guitar teacher asked me:

"Wah! You just put on braces ar!"

...after more than a year of lessons. -_-''

*puts on duh-face*

"Er, actually 5 years already!"



Siao ar? You've been teaching me guitar for like, 14 months and you didn't even notice I had braces? <--------- Yes, that's what my teeth look like right now. Blue. Green. Blue. Green. Blue.

HOW CAN YOU NOT NOTICE?! It's like a whole row of freaking neon gummy bears staring you in the face!!!

This just goes to show how NOT observant guys are. I mean, I can tell when one of my guy friends had a haircut, even when their hair is so goddamn short already.

Sore man.

There's this one time, my piano teacher was like:

"WOW! Your toenails are white! Just painted ar?"

"Pedicure was 4 months ago." I say tonelessly.

"Oh. Issit ar? Never notice one! I thought your toenails were black?"

"That was more than a year ago..." And I'd get more and more pissed off.

GAH! No one notices me, so now I am going to grin freakishly like Slappy until I scare everyone off. At least I'd get a bit of attention that way.

Today, I just started grinning for no reason.

"OMG Steph has a boyfriend!"


"Er, no?"

"Or at least a crush! Come on man, you've been in such a good mood lately!"

"Er. Heh. Heh."

Luckily someone asked about the Da Vinci Code and Sabrina hurriedly dropped the subject in favour of her precious book.

Girl's school...all everyone can talk about is guys. -_-'' And then just when I thought I was safe...

"Eh wait! Is he tall?"

ARGH! Why is it that whenever people talk to me about guys, HEIGHT comes into the matter? Freakin' geram man. Makes me gloomy about my future.

"No, he's three inches shorter and makes a nice armrest." I said, just to layan them.

They dropped the matter.


Anyway, I still don't know why I'm so happy. Scary man! Maybe my maid dropped a couple of my dad's painkillers into my drink this morning, because she's so fed up of me not eating my lunch and dinner everyday.

That day, the ex-drug addict who came to school told us about home-made drugs.

"Just take two Paracetamol...Panadol and drink with Coke and we'd all get high!"

Which defeats the purpose of having him come over to talk about drugs, since all teenagers have an innate sense of curiousity, not to mention a cupboard full of Panadols for that time of the month, and a six-pack of Coke in the fridge.

Have you tried Milo and Cetaphil? Hm.


So happy la, dunno what to do.

I feel like drawing pictures of fairies and puppies.
I feel like playing Ballade Pour Adeline on the piano.
I feel like singing along to Britney Spears.
I feel like painting my toenails pink and purple.
Then adding tiny little flowers on my big toenail.
And little stars on the rest.

Damn scary. O_O

Now is exam period no less.

How come I'm not angry and worried and super-uptight like everyone else?

Seems I've inherited some weird genes as well, Den. T_T

Song of the Day:

"You Spin Me Right Round - Dead or Alive"

The lead singer damn trans man. You're in for a treat:

Presenting...Pete Burns: Lead singer of Dead Or Alive. I kid you not.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

0:-) I'm procrastinating.

I read a couple more chapters of Carl Hiaasen's Basket Case (which has the same name as one of my favourite songs, and is also a great book so far). Then I took a 2 hour nap. Not feeling refreshed at all, I proceed to eat my lunch that had been sitting on the table for 5 hours. Then I fiddle around with neopets, did a couple more of the friendster survey thingies, and here I am, blogging.

Because there's Bio tomorrow. I hate studying Bio. I thought studying how the body works was fun, until they made us learn about different types of cells. I mean,
who even cares what kind of cells we have? - as Abi so profoundly put it. We're living, we're breathing...heck, that's good enough for me!

Now, we have to study organelles! Which are little systems that make the cell function, which are little systems that make your body function. -_-'' So wu liao.

Anyway, I think my overconfidence is gaining the upperhand again. I've been fighting to keep it down for years, even to the extent of studying for Literature last year, which now I remember.

"I'd die a pathetic little whore before I feel the need to study English."

Ok, that's it. I'm gonna die a pathetic little whore.

...I should really think before I speak, but that's an inbuilt defect in Stephanie's oh-so-reliable body.

Today, I felt like snorting out loud when I saw the essay choices for English. But that would have been to unladylike for my teacher. I'd hate to be the COD of anyone, much as I hate them.

1. Parents don't spend enough time with their children. What is your opinion on the matter?
2. My Dream Car.
3. Describe a person whom you admire.
4. Write a story which ends with: "...and tears of joy filled his eyes."
5. Memories.

I was like, 'THESE, are our exam choices?' Gee. No wonder people say english is easy.
Everyone can relate to number one, especially with all the emo teenies around going 'Oh parents don't love me, so I'm gonna do drugs, dye my hair purple and start wearing fishnets so they'll pay more attention to me!'

I was really tempted to write number 2, as it's practically a free pass to bullshit all you like, and the examiner can't do a thing about it. However, I didn't want to piss Miss Anusha off with the first english essay of the year, tempting as it may seem.

Number 3...stupid essay we've been trained to write since standard one. -_-'' No further comment.

My first impulse was to take the 4th option. Then I imagined the rest of the class writing stupid, sentimental and cliched love stories and I decided not to contribute to the teacher's headache.

I can just imagine:

Lisa's and John's eyes met.

"Sister, I have finally found you, after all these you remember me?"

"Oh, there's no doubt about that, dearest brother. You face has been etched in my memory ever since we parted; how could I forget you?"

"Oh Lisa, I love you so much!"

"And I you."

They embraced...
and tears of joy filled his eyes.

Feel like projectile vomiting, no? -_-''

Unsurprisingly, both Sabrina and Siew Lei chose this option so that they can write long epic tales of love, life, and death.

Feel like throwing up my mushroom soup already.

So anyway, I took the last option - Memories. One would expect me to break into a long tasteless essay about how I baked my first cake, or built my first sandcastle...but no.

I totally did a blog style post. =P I know I'm risking my English grade here, but seriously, I don't care. I'm so darned cocky.

I figure, after 8 years of perfect As, I can put my ass on the line for a little creative freedom. I dare you to fail me, Miss Anusha. Mwahahaha!

I cracked a few subtle, sick jokes:
Imagine having no memory. Imagine waking up one day, not knowing who you are, not knowing what happened yesterday...or wait, whose bed did you just wake up in?
Ha. Ha. my grammar and punctuation is completely out. But yeah, I hope the weirdness of the whole essay goads my teacher into overlooking those faults. =P

Damn cocky.

But the prize for overconfidence undoubtedly goes to Miss...Yap Yi Ling!

Freaking cocky girl decided to take a nap during the exam - before she finished her paper! What's more, she woke up and finished her summary with loads of time to spare.

Scary or not, I ask? Imagine you falling asleep on your test paper, then waking up to your incredulous teacher asking for your test pad...and finding nothing but a puddle of drool there!


Song of the Day:

"Personal Jesus - Marilyn Manson"

Oh. No reason, no reason.


I'm bored! I'm sitting at the comp (duh) with my Chemistry reference book sitting in front of me. Closed, of course.

But I don't feel guilty at all because there's only English tomorrow. =P I'd die a pathetic little whore before I feel the need to study English. So I'm all clear. ;o)


Something really pisses me off. You know Rihanna's song SOS?
The bloody bitch totally ripped off the background music and some of the vocal melodies too.


From one of my all time favourite songs no less. Soft Cell's Tainted Love. Grrr.
Well, actually it was originally sung by some lady called Gloria Jones, but popularised by Soft Cell.
Not that it's very popular right now, though it probably was back in the 80's.

...but then my mom didn't know about it either.

*SOS plays on the car stereo*

"Grrr. You know, this song is a complete sham! They ripped off Soft Cell's Tainted Love, added on some lame repeated vocals and try to pass it off as a single."

"Tainted Love? Oh, I know that song. It's not by Soft Cell la girl, it's by...whatshisname ar? Aiyo, can't remember la!"

"Nola, it's Soft Cell mom. I like the Marilyn Manson version though, you don't mean him (them)?"


---ten minutes later---

"Oh! Robert Palmer! Yeah, Robert Palmer sang Tainted Love. He's the original singer!"

"NOLA, it's Soft Cell! They sang it back in the 80's! If that Arnold Palmer guy is the original singer, how old is he now?"

"Dunno. But it's definitely Robert Palmer."

"Fine. Argue with Google."


I don't know why mom is so protective over her precious 70's/80's singers.

"Have you heard the song Car Wash by Xtina and Missy? Sounds familiar wei..."

"Yeah! Copycats stole it from an old song la! My time one ah, you see? My time the songs all so nice...not like the crap you get nowadays!"

I'm very, very insulted. >:(


"Hey mom, you like this song? Simple Plan played it during their concert, remember?"

"Yeesh, this song was originally by what was the group's name again...the Herman's Hermits! Why you people nowadays can't write your own songs?"

"...Yer, what kind of name is that?"

What I really wanted to say was that there are such things as covers.

Anyway, I checked. Happy Together was originally recorded by The Turtles, not the Hermit people. My mom's a bit muddled too. =P


I go home to search "Tainted Love", and to my eternal embarassment:

Born on 12 September 1938, in Longview, Texas, U.S.A., Gloria Jones recorded the 1964 northern soul classic "Tainted Love", later a hit for the UK synth-pop duo Soft Cell and, later, Marilyn Manson.

Well, 2 out of 3 isn't bad.

Meanwhile, I conduct a search on "Robert Palmer":

Tainted Love my foot. Robert Palmer is best-known (if known at all) for singing 'Addicted To Love.'



Also, as I was enjoying my spaghetti just now, I found myself growing to like a song. From a local band.

*Update: Apparently SingleTrackMind is a single artist, sorry.

I was like, wow! We're finally making progress!

My happiness was short-lived though. As the song progressed, I recognized more and more riffs, and most importantly, the melody of the chorus.

Bloody SingleTrackMind ripped off Motley Crue's Home Sweet Home!

Oh. My. God.

Just when I start to open my mind to local bands. Gee. Why not trying to write your own tunes for once, you pathetic little wannabes?

I mean, if you want to cover a song, go ahead and do it. But don't take an awesome song, cut it into little pieces, make an ill-fated attempt to stick it back together with cheap factory glue, rename it, then have the cheek to release it as a single.

So useless. -_-''

I mean, Limp Bizkit completely murdered two of my favourite songs, Home Sweet Home and Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve.

But at least the title is still "Home Sweet Home/Bittersweet Symphony"

They didn't make a lame attempt to pass it off as their own work. (Though they should be fully credited for butchering both the songs)

Yes, I've heard of new bands having certain influences, but it pisses me off that you turn into a carbon copy of your heroes, and then try to pass yourselves off as the new Motley Crue, Linkin Park or SOAD.

It's just not going to work, Mr. Wise Guys. *frowns*

To avoid people accusing me of not supporting our local music scene and yaddayaddayadda, I like Pop Shuvit's 'Journey,' ok? So there.


Am I becoming to self-absorbed? Heeheehee.

Shan and Sash:

"Hey I like your jeans la!"


"Thanks! I like them too!"

So gedik la, haha. Must control myself. =)

Song of the Day:

"Home Sweet Home - Motley Crue and Chester Bennington"

What else will do? =P

Monday, May 15, 2006

Yap says blog.

And so I blog. Even though I can't think of anything to blog about. But don't worry, it'll come.

I think.




...request pending...




||||||||||||||Brain 100% Loaded||||||||||||||

Ok. Today was the first time I sat for a BM paper with the new format. And it seriously sucked. A half hour into the exam, I was already thinking that I had never worked harder in my life.

Which just goes to show what a spoilt brat I am.

But yeah, today I wrote for a whopping total of 4 and half hours! I was starting to think that my hand would be cramped forever into THIS position...

o_O My hand looks really freakish. Something's wrong. I just can't put my finger on it. (Puns are FOC)

I don't know why people call tapered fingers musician's finger, or artist's fingers. It's so weird. I mean, artists and musicians don't always have long fingers, and vice versa.

The world is weird.

I am beginning to think I should end this post here before I embarass myself by writing one of those long and nonsensical posts leaving readers going:

"...and your point is?"

The point is, there is no point. o_O I like being random.


Today I found this quiz thing in KinkyBlueFairy's blog.

Stephanie Yeong --


An immortal

*smirk* I'm immortal. Beat that! =P

Snarkie --


Smelling like turnips at all times

*smirk abruptedly disappears*

I do NOT smell like a turnip! I mean, I like turnips...but YEUCH!

Ok, since I'm so bored, I'll do some more! I'm gonna do those with pics I can get hold if I have a pic of you...

*Note: Beware of recycled pics!

*laughs evilly*

Denise Yeong --


A dance involving little to no clothing

No Comment.

Yi Ling --


A person of questionable sanity who starts their own cult

*convulses* OMG you have a cult? Can I join, pretty pretty please? =D
*psst* I stole your pic! Muhahahaha!



Similar to butter in texture and appearance

I shall laugh at this forever.

Sashwiny --


Tastes like fried chicken

Finger lickin' good!

Shan Shan --


A lewd street performer

The sheer accuracy of these things amaze me sometimes. Like now.

Brandon --


Sexually stunning

HOLY FU...*dissolves into fits of laughter* Then again, the accuracy of these things can be doubted. Seriously.
Or maybe I don't take nice pics. xD

Rohan --


A deadly strain of projectile vomit

Awww...he doesn't look that deadly now, does he?

Jun Yan --


A real life terminator

Waaah! I'm so scared! *sniffles*

*hears Shan Shan snort derisively*

Oh well.

Sabrina --


Full of bees

Yi Ling's one should have said this!!!

Lyana --


Extremely flatulent

OMGROFL! No wonder she has that...look on her face!

Siew Lei --


An alien

Er, obviously.

...searches for more pictures...

||||||||||||||More pictures found|||||||||||||||

Be warned. They are of poor quality. But you're getting bored now, so it's just as well that I'm ending this post.

Khaielaash --


Fuzzy to the touch

I seriously don't wanna find out. I mean, look at that demented glint in his eyes...HE should be the terminator, not Jun Yan!

Joshua --


A person who laughs at anything (even this entry)

Yes. Laugh at your own irreparable picture, nyahahaha!

...he SO should swap with Den!

Christopher --


A poltergeist sent back in time to change the course of history forever

Oh my god. So true.

Ian --


A hermit living in the big city

!!! No wonder he looks so happy! =P

...Ok. I've finally run out of pics. *hears sighs of relief from all around*

But I'll be back with Cammie! I'll get your picture, I will! NYAHAHAHA!!!

What does YOUR name mean?

Song of the Day:

"Ironic - Alanis Morissette"

=O Isn't it ironic?