Friday, May 12, 2006


Yesterday's post was stupid. Viruses probably cause hormone imbalances as well as the obvious effects.

Anyway, my nose leak has been repaired by my loyal, unfailing immune system. Now all I have left is a sore throat and Cyndi Lauper's voice.

So, you can say I feel much better already.

So. =D Yi Ling has found a herself a couple of (ahem)...admirer's from Germany. Nyahahaha. The same person (I presume, since no other foreigners visit my blog =P) visited my blog yesterday.

And I think I made a very good impression, what with wailing about my flu and telling him to get his stupid ass outta here and to not come back.

I'm sociable like that.

People's first impression of me is rarely what you would call...good. My friends keep reminding me about their first impression of me...the stuck-up snob who'd rather read a book than talk to them.


Well, excuse me! Some people find books more interesting than humans sometimes, ok? Besides, I'm not the type of person who jumps in front of total strangers with a smile Barbie would be proud of, going:

"OMG like, hi! My name is Stephanie! Such pleasure to meet you, what's YOUR name??"

...I'd rather stay behind the protective pages of my paperback, thank you. So, while I warm up to your unwelcome presence, why don't you whip up a book so I can find something we can talk about?

Or better, walk up to me and tell me you love Pokemon. I can talk about them 24/7, which people deem as super-nerdy. After all, I'm an almost 15-year-old girl in a girl's school. Shouldn't I be talking about the latest handphone, about how totally awesome Teddy Geiger is, (whoever the hell that is) or when I'm finally going to get a boyfriend?

Guess not.

Funny la man. I remember when my friend B walked up to me that day with a big cheesy grin on his face:

"So, who's your boyfriend?"

O_O !!!

Blinkblinkblink. I can't believe my 13-year-old friend just said that! I'd always counted on the guys to NOT talk about you know, guys.

Anyway, much later, my really, really slow brain realised that all he wanted me to do, was brush off his question in customary Stephanie-style and ask him:

"Hah. So, who's YOUR girlfriend?"

Because he's finally got a girlfriend. And apparently, that was the method he chose to let me know.

And I totally blew it. I just stared at him like he was an alien and walked off muttering about how rude this generation was like a persnickety old granny. Well, not really. Not the latter, anyway.

Miss Insensitivity, I am. I didn't even notice when his (and every other guy friend's) voice broke. Ever since I was 12 or so, I'd been waiting for that to happen so I can tease them about their androgynous voice.

I never even realised the transition until my sister came back from Australia and pointed it out to yours truly. -_-'' I'm SO oblivious. A once-in-a-lifetime chance to tease the heck outta them, and I blow it.

So typical.

So, anyway. I'm not a sociable person, deal with it. Only once I warm up to you, (in about two weeks, give or take a century) then only I'll feel comfortable around you.

Don't try to sit around and make small talk. Because I hate small talk. It's so pointless!

"Hey, I'm xxx what's your name?"


"Oh, how old are you?"

"14. 15 in a month."

"Oh...PMR this year is it?"


"HA? How come?"

"Have you heard of such a thing as PTS? What business is it of yours, anyway?"

*awkward silence*

"Um, ok. I gotta go."

*xxx walks off*

An example of an all-too-likely conversation I'll have with new people.

...Hm. And I still don't know what the point of this post is. Maybe I'm just bored.

So anyway, I don't like new people. Keep that in mind. I think that was the point of the post anyway...I don't really know. Flu after-effects are messing with my neurons, sorry.

...Ok, I'll save you from the awkwardness of this situation and end the post here.

Song of the Day:

"Unconditional - The Bravery"

I miss The Bravery!

1 comment:

YL said...

gosh...i agree wat you said ...

i only talk if the person is like insterested in band or wat...

but i'm not as mean as you la....

but one thing i dont understand is y ppl thinks i'm friendly...

i dont show too much of my evil side i guess....