Sunday, May 28, 2006

I went back to school last night.

I sat down in class, and there was a thick wad of papers on my desk.

I blinked.


I picked up my English paper.


Flipped over the wad of papers to my EST paper.


Tentatively peered at my Maths paper.



Then I said to myself:

"Shit! I'm dreaming!"



Have you ever had a dream that you wished were true? Or wished that you could have slept just a little longer, so that the dream would last?

There was once I had this dream where I was sitting in my room in the dark. I was wondering why I was there...then suddenly the door swung open and light came flooding in.

Sitting in the midst of the glowing light...sat a bowl of ice cream.

Haha. Even in my dreams I'm a glutton.

Anyway, the weird thing was, the ice cream had steam coming out of it. o_O

"Boiled ice cream? Omg I HAVE to try this!"

I produce a spoon out of nowhere, and raise it above my head to sink it into the gloriously creamy ball of boiled vanilla ice cream...

"Wake up! Time for schoo-ool!!!"

You have no idea how much I hated my maid at that moment.

Just think, I could have been the first person to eat boiled ice cream! Warm, steaming ice cream! ...Okla, I know it doesn't really exist. Yet. But still!




I whack my alarm clock silent, and roll over in my bed.

"Shit. Time for school already!"

I couldn't get up. I was too tired to move a limb, literally. I debated...

"Should I go to school or not? Aiya, ponteng can lar!"

I proceed to roll over and go back to sleep. Then...

"DAMN! Got badminton with Sui Yi today! Must go to school!"

Rather grudgingly, I drag my leaden limbs out of bed. I switched on the light, put on my contact lens, change into my uniform and got ready to go downstairs.

As I exit the bathroom, the bed beckons to me.

I must sleep. I must sleep. I must sleep...I crawled under the inviting covers and promptly fell asleep.

The moment I fall asleep again...


I sat up. It was all dark.

And the saga started all over again.


I get the most pointless dreams.

Song of the Day:

"Meds - Placebo"

I forgot to take my meds. o_O

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