Wednesday, May 12, 2010


If I had to choose a plastic surgery procedure to undergo, it would be rhinoplasty.

Today was the first time I came across the word 'ulzzang.' I discovered it was not pronounced 'oolzang' but 'ohl-jang.'

It means 'perfect face' in Korean. And to them, the perfect face has bug (typo but it stays) eyes, small nose and a small asymmetrical mouth.

This seems to be the look that most Asian girls are going after. I used to call it the 'lala' look, but now it has a name!

So, I decided that by having rhinoplasty, I'd shave down this big lump of a nose down to those cute tiny skislope noses that these Ulzzang seem to desire.

Then I'd have the 'perfect face!'

And after years of fretting about how ugly my tiny lopsided lips are, I now find out that this is exactly what these Ulzzang want to achieve. It makes me feel bad in a way that I've been worrying about something that so many girls wish for.

Eureka moment: OHHHH that's why they always make those silly duck lips and scrunched-up pouty faces when they camwhore!

Now I can be lala just by looking straight into the camera and not making any faces! Yippee!

I spent more than an hour watching videos on Ulzzang makeup and looking at before and after pics of these girls.

And now I am not sure what to make of lala-ism. Some of these girls look amazing and really know what they're doing. But some of them...really cannot make it.

I think to achieve a look, you must possess some of its qualities already. I mean, if you're hideous, it's really hard to act sexy without 3p|c ph4i|ing.

Makeup can only do so much...though I must admit I've seen some miraculous tranformations. o_O

It's not only makeup though...I find that lots of girls hide their noses by pushing up the contrast of the photo so much that they DON'T have noses - only big round eyes and tiny pouty lips on a plain white canvas.

Great for hiding pimples too.

Alternatively, you can hide big/misshapen/ugly noses by doing this:

I'm sure lots of girls already know these beautifying techniques. Camera angle, lighting, makeup, poses...the whole works.

I've heard about them too, but I've never really tried any of them or cared much about them...until tonight.

I've always thought of makeup as faking it...trying to pass yourself off as someone prettier. I wasn't really against it, but I was never all for it either.

But tonight...tonight...I finally see! I see what makeup can do. And I condone it. I mean, if you are so unlucky to be born hideous, but are blessed with the gift of putting on makeup beautifully...why not?

I mean, I don't know about you, but even though she's still not gorgeous, I'd rather look at this girl in the after picture than in the before picture.


I'd rather be all made up and not-that-pretty than straight out plain ugly. Yes, you may say that choosing to go out with a naked face means being 'true' to yourself and 'appreciating' what you have, but I don't see what's wrong in trying to make yourself look better if you can and if you want to.

I mean, I've never bothered to do my hair and face and put on nice clothes, but that doesn't mean I don't want to. I'm just too lazy.

But one fine day, when I have the time (4 hours for facehairnailsclothes) and money for all the thingamajigs and nice clothes, I'd like to play dress up too.

Not necessarily in the Ulzzang/lala style, but you know, dolling up in general.

(And though I now am on the positive side of lala makeup, I am still firmly against lala clothing. They're hideous!)

As for coloured contacts to brighten up and enlarge your eyes, I think it's really important to choose a colour that matches your makeup and skin tone. I still think those translucent ones are creepy and really ugly on the wrong person.

I mean it's one thing to look like this:

(Obviously photoshopped but still looks okay)

And another to look like this:


But anyway, as of now, I'm still too bloody lazy to bother about all these stuff, though I'd dearly like to meddle with makeup someday. So I guess I don't have to worry about making any fashion faux pas yet.

I'm happy with the way I look, though I know I probably should dress myself better - I'm just too lazy in the mornings. It's hard enough dragging myself out of bed as it is! I really don't know how some of these girls can wake up a couple of hours earlier just to do their hair and makeup and pick out their outfit.


Oh, and I watched this cute and pimply but very likeable teenage girl cutting her bangs and had to impulse to give mine a trim too. It grew past my eyes again and were bothering me so I snipped away at the sink.

I am proud to say that I have greatly improved my haircutting practices and did not shear off my entire fringe like I did when I was in kindergarten (and had to wear a headband for more than month until it grew out - kids asked me if I hurt my head and so had to bandage it.)

Hmm...maybe I should dabble more in makeup when I go back to Malaysia. I have all the time in the world then after all - and a fat Aussie dollar paycheck to boot. (HEH HEH HEH.)

I really want to do something about my hair, but I'm too traumatized from past salon disasters and I'm afraid they will murder my hair. Irreparably iron-straight orange hair is...I don't even want to think about it -___-

This is an example of super-straightened hair:

Actually, it's not that bad cause it looks shiny and healthy. I'm more terrified of the ugly, semi-burnt and dry looking hair that most girls have after straightening it at a (presumably cheap/bad) salon. But I'd still like mine to have some bounce and life in it.

Was thinking about investing in a straightener and some heat-protective serum and DIY it at home. At least I can still wash it out if I don't like it :) Might be more ma fan though. But at least I know I'm never going to iron it ramrod straight - I just wanna smoothen out the kinks in my hair. :/

I love hair like this! Don't know who the girl is (looks familiar though) but I want hair like that. :(

Okay, I don't know how I got from me rediscovering the lala look to talking about self-improvement.


Nevermind, I'm just going to end this post with 'I like my bangs' and 'I'm willing to experiment, but I'll never lalafy myself! EVER!'


Anonymous said...

Nice post....
<a href="><b>Rhinoplasty</b></a>Rhinoplasty is usually considered either for medical or for cosmetic reasons. It is one of the most common of all plastic surgery procedures.

Anonymous said...

Nice post....
Rhinoplasty is usually considered either for medical or for cosmetic reasons. It is one of the most common of all plastic surgery procedures.

kenneth said...

Nice post
Rhinoplasty or nose surgery can redefine your nose shape, to look more beautiful.

saii said...

nice information
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