Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ok fine. So they aren't paranoid...

-.-'' I used to laugh at Amber and Sui who insist I take off my nametag whenever we go to Petaling Street or to ccs or whatever.

"Aren't you gonna take off your nametag?"
"Huh, why?"
"You want people to know your name meh?"
"Aiyo. Name only what...what can they do? Lazy la..."
"'d better."
"Hahaha...chill la!"

And I'd dismiss it.
They've stopped asking me to remove it since.

But today aiyo.

I was with Sui, B and Siew hunting for anime DVDs.
I just came out of 7-11 happily gobbling a chocolate ice-cream cone when this guy walking in the opposite direction leaned down and whispered right into my ear:


Wtf invade my personal space can?
His face was practically in my hair, ok?!
Plus, he did the stupid ah-beng pronunciation:


Then he just straightened up and walked off like nothing happened.

Damn freaky ok.

"K. I'm taking off my nametag!"
"...? Okay..."

Abigail didn't notice anything, it happened so fast.
Lol, she must've been wondering how random I was - taking off my nametag also have to inform her. Haha!

But that still does not deter eager chee cheong kai salesmen (or boys = =)


I was just looking around amusedly at the ang moh tourists looking around amusedly at the cheap knockoff Coach bags when I made the mistake of making eye contact with a vendor.

His face broke into a creepy grin.

"Leng lui! Come! Handbags for you!"

He beckoned wildly for me to go over.
Out of pure reflex I shot back a "No!" and scurried off, a bit freaked - after that creepy whispering incident and all.


Aiyerrrr, thinking about it makes my hair stand up, haha. ><


I'm so sick of short boys! Ahhhhh!
Today also, I walked past a group of secondary boys.
They gave me a glance.
Then, after I *just* passed:

"...damn scary."
"So tall ah!"


So mean! I felt like retorting:

"Wah, secondary school boys so short can ah?"

...But then I'd seem like a freak talking to myself, so I didn't.

I just ground my teeth and wished they would be stunted for life.
= = (Ok that was mean but they kinda deserved it! -pout-)

Luckily I managed to change my Air Gear (it now has English subtitles) or I might have gone home with the resolution to never come back to Petaling Street.

But I WILL keep going there until I've gotten my Girl From Hell, Rurouni Kenshin, Ouran High School and xXxholic!

Where else to find cheap DVDs?
You tell me.

Song of the Day:

"From the Inside - Linkin Park"

Come to Malaysia please (ASAP) =D


Denise said...

haha you have an ah beng stalker =P

Khaielaash/Fr3@K said...



Nichelle Tan said...

wa, since when u like rurouni kenshin wan? ><
See, shud hv listen to me bout taking off the nametag.. wahahah.