Sunday, January 22, 2006

It's sick.

The way people are so image-conscious now, it makes me absolutely sick.

Yesterday, I had a dinner party at my house, and among the guests were these two girls. Pre-teens, I'm assuming, since I didn't really ask how old they were.

Anyway, I offered them some chocolate, since I assume EVERYONE loves chocolate. Guess what they said?

"No la, I'm getting fat already!"

I mean, what the hell? They were not fat AT ALL. GEEZ. For this I blame bloody MTV and the stupid magazines. These people are still growing, and they are on diets?? What kind of sick and twisted thing is that?

And no, these two girls are very nice girls. I'm not saying anything bad about them, at all. Oh no.

BUT YOU CAN'T DIET AT THAT AGE!!! It's not right!

It's like this generation is trying to grow old faster. Just today, in Midvalley I saw this girl wearing a halter top, one of those horrible pointy high-heeled shoes in some kind of animal skin I don't want to know about, carrying a clutch and talking into one of those new fangled handphones.

This girl could be 9 at most. Sick. I don't doubt her hair was straightened too. Why so young? 9 is the glorious age where you play Barbie dolls (or Hot Wheels if you're a boy or tomboy) and eat as much candy as you can before you hit puberty!

You people are really, really, I'm sorry to say this (ok, not really), but lame. Why are you doing things that people consider as 'cool' when in fact, it might harm you? This includes: smoking, doing drugs, and dieting. Loathesome.

Can't you people think for yourselves? You just do what everyone deems as 'popular' or 'so in right now' and suck up to the popular people's asses. I'm sorry, but PATHETIC.

And what about being fat? There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with being fat, as long as you're still healthy. In fact, there was this girl I saw in a shopping mall with lovely, chubby rosy cheeks and a great smile. She was fat, I don't deny it.

But you know what? To me, she was ten times more gorgeous than all those fakers around her in their make-up, hideously straightened and bleached hair, and their skinny asses in those too-tight jeans.

I'd rather see a great smile and zits anyday, than a stupid whore's ass shamelessly hanging out her jeans.


Can you not be satisfied with your weight/height/appearance/possessions/[insert trivial subject here]??

So what if you have a zit on your face? Do you think I care? Do you think anyone cares? At this rate, I can confidently say NO.

No one cares about what YOU look like. Do you wanna know why?

Because everyone else is too busy checking THEMSELVES out in mirrors to notice YOU. They're too busy fretting about that zit on their forehead, or their too-small boobs, or the ass that they call 'wide as a bus' but is actually perfectly normal. Who's going to notice YOU anyway?

The thing that I hate is when people say "Oh, you've got a great ass now, but you've REALLY got to put on some weight in that, you know, area" and gestures to my chest. Geez. Do I really care that I don't have boobs the size of California? Do I really want my boobs to enter to room before I do? Ew, no thanks.

Another thing I REALLY don't like is when people say "You know, you should wear more skirts, 'coz people would kill for those legs you know?" Yes, thanks for the compliment. But HELLO. I'm not all legs you know? And why, WHY would people kill for my chopstick-esque legs? Do you NOT see that you have your own beautiful legs? Besides, I hate skirts. Why should I wear something I don't like to please other people? Yuck.

Fat does not equal ugly. Vanity does.

YOU are crazy. YOU are beautiful, but that beauty is lost trying to attain someone else's standard of so-called beauty.

Even guys nowadays are so image-conscious. It's SUCH a big turn-off when you walk past a mirror and see a guy checking himself out in it, and fluffing his overly-gelled hair. Um, may I ask, what is hairgel for? You see, this is what happens:

When guys turn into teenagers, they slather on hair-gel so they can look like a chicken that survived the tsunami. Then, when they grow older, their hair drops. A little more everyday. Then when they hit 60, hello baldness.

So 16 = drowned chicken
Not attractive.
And 30 = pre-maturely thinning hair because of all the hair-gel
Not attractive.
Then 60 = Chrome dome!
You can't do anything at this stage, regardless of what the ads say. Not really attractive.

So guys=never attractive.
Except when they're babies. So CUTE!
So guys, do us girls a favour and drop the hair-gel. It really looks terrible, no matter what the Brylcreem ads claim. How are we gonna play with your hair when it's all gunky anyway?

Anyway, I think I've gone off-topic again. And I don't really want to go in depth into cosmetics again. So girls, you can read this instead.

People, you are GORGEOUS. Do all of us a big favour and STOP KIDDING YOURSELF. Don't go all loser-ish and compare yourselves to those anorexic/airbrushed pics on the billboards. It's not worth it.


Bex said...

Hahaha. Long rant.

I don't know why girls LOVE calling themselves fat either, ESPECIALLY those who are anything but fat. And especially those who straighten their hair. =S

Times are changing I guess. Look at the clothes they sell in the Kids Department nowadays, they're making them wear mini versions of what these adults wear, so how can the kids NOT be like that?

Denise said...

So irritating! You all ah, very skinny you know. Even people skinnier than I am complain they are fat and need to lose weight. Already thin like stick, want to become toothpick is it? :P