Monday, July 03, 2006

I am not liking penguins right now.

Lately my mom has been talking about her friend Aunty Vivian's (Vivienne?) daughter. The way she talks about her makes me feel smug and jealous at the same time.

"She's so hiao! Like to pose nude and all that, no shame one!"


"But then she's so creative, that Jasmine. Did you know she just got accepted into one of the top art schools? Saint Martin's? (or something like that)"


"But still ah, that girl can pose until her nipples almost showing! I can't believe her mom lets her do that!"


"But still, got brains, got looks, got lucky!"

*dies of jealousy*

Hey, I'm only human. Got brains? I want. Got looks? Sure, gimme some. Got money? *swoon*
Artistic ability? OMG GIVE IT TO ME!

And then...

"Oh, and she also has a blog. That day her mom showed it to me. She's so proud of her daughter...she's an excellent photographer you know?"

"Oohoohoohooh! Showmeshowmeshowme!"

"Okla, I give you the address tomorrow."


I just saw her blog today.
Can I just die of envy now?
Guess who 'Jasmine' is?

None other than Jasiminne the penguin herself!
The poser Jasiminne.
The Jasiminne known for her pictures of sucking on a 'lollipop' (actually a strawberry flavoured condom-esque thingy)
The Jasiminne people criticised yet whose artistic talents cannot be denied.
The Jasiminne who got herself in the newspaper just for having a kick-ass blog.
The Jasiminne whose blog I used to visit until I got fed up of her long-winded-ness, yet still dropped by once in a while to wallow in self-pity while gazing in admiration at her gorgeous photographs.

A semi-famous blogger! My mom knows a semi-famous blogger and she didn't tell me!

Well, not that she'd know to, since she was all like:

"Got meh? Famous ar? Aiyah, you young kids only know all these la. I dunno one."


Well, at least I can admit honestly to myself that I'm not trashy.
...Damn, who am I kidding?

Now everytime I visit my blog, I am overcome with a sense of mediocrity.

Thanks Jasiminne.

Song of the Day:

"Winnetka Exit - Styles of Beyond"

I lame la, I know. Shuddup.


YL said...


like her photograph though...nice stuff

YL said...


snowbunnie said...

-_-'' <--------Rub in the salt, would you?

Posh, Broke, & Bored said...

i'm flattered that you think i'm undeniably talented, but don't think too poorly about yourself!

we all have wells of ability waiting to be uncovered :) i'm sure beneath your 'sense of mediocrisy' you have potential in something that you just have to find.

please, i don't wish to inspire self-pity in others, nor envy...being born with talent (or looks) is nothing to be proud of, but putting it to use and achieving something using talent is.

by the way, tell your mom the penguin poser says hi :)

much love and peace in the east !

YL said...


snowbunnie said...

O_o Oh, hi.


Sorry, I don't normally wallow in self-pity. Must be PMS.

I'll tell mom you said hi. =) And pleeeease don't let anyone (esp mom) find out my blog add. Thanks! ;o)

Anonymous said...

please! she is so trashy if she is my gf, i will kill myself. yucks!

snowbunnie said...

Well, that is obviously not going to happen.

Because one would not take someone they don't like as a gf, then kill themselves for it.

Unless they are suicidal of course.
Then it wouldn't the girl's fault that you're dead anyway.


-shuts up-

Anonymous said...

you are way better than this piece of so called trashy art. so don't be jealous. men like us wouldnt want a gf like her anyway.